The Mind Of OverlordTomala

So old that it’s free: Adobe CS2 Suite

If you can’t pirate afford CS6 you can now download CS2 legally.

CS2 was what I worked with before jumping to CS5. Photoshop and Premiere Pro are still great to use under CS2, the only downside is the lack of current codecs for Premiere Pro. So if you’re interested in trying out either Video editing, audio mixing, photoshop, or anything else that tickles your fancy, you can give it a fair try. 🙂

Word to the wise though if you use Premiere: Save frequently. Adobe likes to crash constantly.

So, women are at fault for the MRA declaring violent video games an evil.

Taken from Manboobz.

The most important reason why LaPierre is wrong is because what he is doing is feminist. Video games are an activity predominately enjoyed by men. So are guns. Both activities are under attack from feminists (just like other predominately male activities like science fiction are) because men are interested in them and women are mostly not interested in them. LaPierre is shooting himself in the foot (pun intended) by alienating allies among the video game community and helping out feminists in their war on male activities.

This makes me laugh. I mean… look at how much I hate violent video games. My Steam profile speaks for itself in how much I hate games like CS:GO, TF2 etc. Hell even viewing my YouTube channel while I play said games will chop a guys balls clear off.

Oh of course… I’m clearly doing it to be an attention whore core. Yeah… I’m the enemy. 😀

Gypsy Rose

One of my findings awhile back was some good ol Gypsy Rose. I love the flavor of it, but it does leave me feeling thirsty for more.

I do love gypsy tea though. I have many tins of it in different kinds. It has a nice combination of aromatherapy and flavoring. Definitely a bit much for one mug. Best to make it in an entire pot (which I do with all my tea). Many people know that I’m a POT addict.

Next to do list.

Well I got some feedback. It seems tapatalk isn’t working properly although it says it’s installed at my end. So here’s my new to do list for Tuesday (since I have work later today).

Ship gifts (assuming I get them prepped after I get home tomorrow night)
Reinstall Tapatalk
Start working on new laptop.
Try to go to the bank to make a deposit.

At least the list shrunk a bit. 🙂

So much to do.

Well, I overslept. So by the time I woke up it was dark and cold outside. Don’t feel like going to the bank ATM in that so I’ll save it for another day. Oh well, doing my bedding instead. I also upgraded the forums to the latest phpBB, installed AutoMod and TapaTalk. I don’t have a smartphone, so if anyone could give me some feedback to see if it’s properly working I would appreciate it.

Next comes wrapping gifts. Not sure if I’ll work on the laptop or save that for Tuesday when I have my next day off.


Somehow my selection of Christmas wraps have vanished without a trace. I’ll have to see if there are any left tomorrow at work. You can tell how well I traditionally celebrate Christmas these days…

They must really like their facebook time.


The mother and father of a 16-year-old girl in Rocklin, California, were in the habit of shutting off the home internet at 10pm. In order to get round the curfew, their daughter and a 15-year-old friend offered to pick up shakes from a fast-food restaurant, which they then allegedly drugged.

This is something I would never even consider doing. Drugging your own family to get what you want? What would happen if they were rich and wanted to inherit a fortune? Or take your parents car? Drug em! Drug em like no tomorrow!

But holy fuck… I could never, ever think of doing something like this. What could take place in someones life that would lead to a decision like drugging milkshakes to get what they want? The parents only had a little sip and were out cold not long after. What if they drank the entire thing?

Makes you wonder not only about the kid, but the parenting as well.

Sunday Morning Open Thread

Started the day sleeping past the alarm. Still made it to work on time though. Nice and quiet night of work. 8)

Now to put together my to do list for tomorrow’s day off.

Install Windows 7 and Ubuntu onto new laptop drives (they arrived!)
Box gifts for various friends in and out of country
Upgrade Forum to latest version of phpBB (One version behind, hopefully nothing breaks)
Install AutoMod
Install Plugin so that people can read the forum via a smartphone.
Go to bank to make a deposit
Fuck off the rest of the night.

It’s going to be a nerdy day. 🙂

Women don’t get harrassed online.

Found an interesting read tonight. I have no doubt this is done quite a bit. Putting together tutorials on how to target girl gamers in particular.

He released an “apology” video.

In the video he makes it clear he’s not very happy with Kotaku, and as punishment for poking at his fun he is going to go out of his way to torture more girl gamers. Because I guess that’s what manly men do? Boys will be boys and that sort of thing, right? Nothing like being a tough guy in mum’s basement.

I wonder if he plays any other games, or if he’s strictly into that game only. Would be fun if I met up with him. I’d clearly bring FRAPS for one of my own “tutorials”. 😉 But then I don’t know if he’d pick a fight with me. Since he has based his selections on the amount of cleavage he finds, and the closest I can get to cleavage is this:

They are nice melons, though.

A rude awakening

So apparently I had to be to work a bit earlier today, and everyone but me knew… lovely.

The rest of the day was alright. Although I’m a bit pissed that the wifi at work still won’t work properly. I’m starting to take it personally…

Ended up playing some offline TF2 and Serious Sam during my lunch. At least there’s that. 🙂