The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Porn! Now for the 3DS!

Well… Homemade anyway.

“He said that he didn’t take these pictures so I went over to these pictures and I see two people in a bed. I told my dad and I said dad this has porn on it and he got up and went right to the phone,” Bryton Giles said.

Mark Giles said there were nine graphic images on the device that his boys saw.

Nothing like starting them off young. 😉

Miniskirts = Rapebait

Today’s dose of stupid is brought to you by this article at manboobz.

Yes, they actually banned miniskirts due to them being “rape provoking”.

Anyways, if you wear a miniskirt you’re obviously a slut. Why else would they exist? Hell even children wear miniskirts these days! Might as well sell T-Shirts for little girls with “Sperm Dumpster” on them!

Here’s a thought. Since men don’t need women but women need men, and the female form is completely at fault and not some guy with a lack of self control, lets eliminate all women entirely until there is no scary vagina looking substance that remains. Then they can celebrate being the one true better gender and kindly enjoy their eternal sausage-fest like the faggots they are. Or make a rule that forces women to wear a burqa indoors and outdoors at all times to prevent rape. The less they reveal the less likely they’ll be turned on.

[H]ardOn Forum

I read [H]ardForum all the time for reviews and opinions on the best tech you can get. Thanks to them in fact I went with things such as the Logitech G500 and the ATH-AD700 headset. When it comes to hardware these guys know their stuff. Then occasionally these threads take place.

They’re discussing this article about “making room for women in gaming” and whenever these articles take place they begin to think with their heads… not their heads.

In their mind, women are treated equally in gaming and are never ever targeted any differently. Plus women are just pansies because they demand equality with more benefits. Here’s an example:

Part of the problem is the GIFT (Greater Internet F-ckwad Theory)–some people are exceptionally nasty online and express themselves in ways that resonate very negatively with females. That is, what passes for normal trash-talk among males, e.g. “Imma rape you with this BFG9000 and shove it up your ass,” isn’t received the same way by female gamers.

I don’t think that’s the rape ladies are bothered with… rather I think they’re bothered with the ones that yell something along the lines of “they’ll come find where they live”, or instantly turn it into an open sex chat because after all… all women are whores. But that’s ok, using the logic in the thread I’m sure guys like to have voice chat sex in game all the time too.

Oh well. Good thing women don’t read [H]ardForum. 🙂

The zombies brought forth their forsaken gifts.

Today we had a gigantic line of people returning at least a quarter of what we sold within the last month… I had to get returns every 25 to 30 minutes, consistently. Unfortunately I couldn’t finish the last one. I’ll probably have to take care of it tomorrow morning. When I left we insanely busy. Gotta love Geriatric Tuesday. 🙂

Post Christmas Open Thread

Hope everyone had a nice calm Christmas. Mine was a refreshing one. Quiet, stayed in and slept, and made one of my 1 TB drives dedicated to Steam. I was inspired by the latest sale, and what friends gave me. 😉

I can go to work today and dread all of the returned gifts that people weren’t satisfied and rejoice in the fact that I don’t have to worry about this season for another year.