The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Do you ever feel guilty about all the time you spend online? I don’t.

I was asked recently by one of my elder co-workers how much time I spend online a day. One or two hours they guessed? Hah! I honestly couldn’t tell them (nor would I want to).

It’s kind of difficult to explain to some people that a computer is for more than just gaming or surfing social networking sites. You can easily look at my Steam stats and see what games/apps I’ve been playing and how much time I spend in them. But that’s not all that I do when I’m on here. I do a lot of things that can’t be done in just “one or two hours”.

If you couldn’t tell by reading my blog I follow a lot of things. Sometimes technical, political or whatever stupid thing happens to be taking place (making fun of Facebook like every other day). I have a lot of interests. I follow a lot of sites (RSS or not). I enjoy playing with HTML when I’m in the mood (phpBB would even fall under this category), I also like making movies in Source Filmmaker and Adobe products. I can easily spend several hours doing those alone! That and of course gaming. But even then that can be divided up too. Since I like looking at things from the gamers perspective and the server side perspective depending on the game. For example I like playing with and putting together servers because 1, it’s fun and 2, it’s a learning experience.

I also like looking at modifications and addons. One of the reasons why I liked doing You Can’t Do That On XBox was because I enjoy looking at what people create. Be it good or bad. People are always reviewing new games that are coming out or what game or DLC the companies will be releasing next, which is fine and good. But you don’t really get to see what people mod for PC games (although platforms like Steam have been doing a good job showing these things off in their own right). I’ve shown an interest in this stuff since the early days of DOOM. I still have some old custom WAD files on Floppy discs somewhere around here.

I can do all of this and still manage to go to work, go out partying, or any other real life obligations. So I’m pretty sure my digital polymath antics are not getting in the way of anything. Find your balance.

The First Bookless Public Library… In Texas!

The library of the future. Based in the nads of the United States.

It sounds like an oxymoron, but come the fall of 2013, San Antonio’s Bexar County is going to be home to the BiblioTech, the country’s first book-less public library. Of course, there will be books — just e-books, not physical books.

I get it. So THAT’S what the book burnings were for. Making room for e-books. 😀

Watch what you say. It might come back to haunt you.

10:58 PM – mais4u humps wilddobo13
10:58 PM – wildlobo13: oh god
10:58 PM – mais4u: i know rite
10:58 PM – mais4u: welcome
10:58 PM – mais4u: ;p
10:58 PM – OverlordTomala: lol
10:58 PM – wildlobo13 beats mais with a stick
11:00 PM – wildlobo13: i must have knocked him out
11:00 PM – mais4u: 🙁
11:01 PM – OverlordTomala: You[‘re beating him off with your stick? Well, to each their own 11:02 PM – wildlobo13: omg wats wrong with u pervs 11:03 PM – mais4u: ^^ 11:03 PM – OverlordTomala: Hey you said it not me 11:03 PM – mais4u: im lucky it wasnt hard rite 11:05 PM – wildlobo13 storms out the room 11:11 PM – wildlobo13 peeks back inside

Stupid Facebook news of the day.

Nothing says put me in jail like stealing tons of jewels then posting about it on facebook…

Investigators combed CCTV footage, which allegedly revealed that Rodriguez had followed the man prior to the attack. Investigators also searched telecommunications and social media, which indicated he left the U.K. with a false passport for a vacation to Rio de Janeiro, then headed to Colombia, investigators said.

Police said his Facebook page was “littered with pictures” of his trip to Rio.


Dead Island’s bust is a bust.

So, who would like to own their very own ripped apart female torso wearing a bikini of the British flag?

Needless to say I’m not surprised. It’s disturbing without a doubt, but to each their own. My only question is why no male zombified torso? I mean you know… Equality and all.

Oh, there’s also this interesting find.

Last night on the Steam forums, a Dead Island player revealed that he’d discovered a shockingly offensive skill name when digging through the game’s code.

The ability, titled “FeministWh*rePurna” was discovered uncensored in the Data0.pakDatadefault_player_setup.scr file. It is believed to have been an early name for the Gender Wars skill, which gives female character Purna extra damage against male opponents.

Oddly enough, Dead Island was one of the titles I got during the last Steam sale. I haven’t gotten around to playing it yet. But might have to play as that character specifically. :P

Oh how one bit of code can make a difference. :lol:

Have you heard about the sex bots being outlawed in Canada?

No? Well you and Canada have something in common. Mens Rights Activists are worried about these imaginary sex bots being outlawed in Canada. They made it up so it must be true. :O

You may wonder: Why didn’t I read anything in the papers about this Human-Robot Personal Relationship Act? Why haven’t I heard about this Ministry of Robots and Artificial Intelligence?

Well, you guessed it. Because neither of them exist.

Why can’t these people be pissed off at something that isn’t imaginary?

Before blogging about this I showed it to Yutram who happens to live in Canada. This new “act” hasn’t changed anything for us. The Microsoft USB dildo is just too pricy…


Watson has been a naughty computer

IBM’s American super computer “Watson” discovered Urban Dictionary recently. As a result he had to be censored.

According to Eric Brown, an IBM research assistant and the “brains” behind Watson, he and his 35-person team wanted to get IBM’s supercomputer to sound more like a real human. In Brown’s mind, what better way to learn the intricacies of informal human communication and conversation than having Watson memorize the Urban Dictionary?

Such actions have their consequences.

Watson may have learned the Urban Dictionary, but it never learned the all-important axiom, “There’s a time and a place for everything.” Watson simply couldn’t distinguish polite discourse from profanity.

Just like a true American. 😀

The strangest things come out of Microsoft

It seems Microsoft dildos may not be that far off.

The products on sale on the site include erotic lingerie, lubricants, creams, literature, accessories and so on. has tied up with several global brands to exclusively sell their products in India.

Does that come with tech support? 😀

Meanwhile, Gabe Newell who also used to work at Microsoft, is swimming nude in money generated by nothing but TF2 hats purchased by 12 year olds the world over.