Stewie likes getting up there to steal things. Mainly my chopsticks… Unfortunately for him I haven’t used them in awhile, but this doesn’t seem to stop him from staking out his territory in the kitchen.
Early Morning Open Thread
Got my Christmas package from princess barbie. 😀 Good, now I know she hasn’t moved yet. I can send her presents (and other peoples) on my next day off. Christmas seems to be dragging on a bit longer than usual, as I awoke today to even more gifts…
My 2012 statistics
Since wordpress is a dick and won’t let me display the link publicly, here is my 2012 awesomeness.
In 2012, there were 453 new posts, growing the total archive of this blog to 701 posts. Because you know, there is a lot to say.
The busiest day of the year was July 18th with 329 views. The most popular post that day was Need a mashed potato dispenser here!.
Attractions in 2012
These are the posts that got the most views in 2012.
- 1 So I heard something about some guy named George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina 4 comments May 2012
- 2 O SHIT!!!!! SUMTING WRANG IN UH PORN MAGUHZEEN!!!!!11111111 0 comments May 2012
- 3 Need a mashed potato dispenser here! 3 comments July 2012
- 4 >Fun with strangers. 2 comments September 2010
- 5 The rise, fall, and rise again of George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina 0 comments May 2012
How was I found? Oddly enough, it was mostly by people looking for porn or George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina. Which goes to show that even the biggest assholes can still be useful for something. 🙂
The top referring sites in 2012 were:
And finally the top posters, with me being in 2nd place.
- 1
oboe 89 comments
- 2
The One And Only Detective Space Pope Sensei Super Ultra Mega Commander Jedi Samurai ElPresidente Officer Undertaker Doctor GuildMaster Timelord Grand Poobah EmperoressEmperor Shogun Honorary Greeter Divine Saint Pharaoh Comrade Overlord Tomala of th 22 comments
- 3
edders 7 comments
- 4
semplerfi 6 comments
- 5
DreamingGirl 6 comments
So for the blog 2012 was a good year. 🙂 Here’s to more fun nonsense and stories to come! 😀
Yutram reads us some skifree fanfic weirdness
Remember that old game from back in the old old old old win 3.1 days known as Skifree? Well, apparently people have made fanfiction around this simplistic game.
A word to the wise, this contains language and… eroticness? I say that in an ironic tone because the story itself doesn’t make much sense. Anyway, you’ve been warned.
My thoughts on dishonored.
I decided to crack into some gaming tonight (being my day off and having that lazy itch) and what better than to play a few of my new Christmas presents. One of them being Dishonored, thanks to one of my good friends. 🙂
Upon starting the game I already knew there was going to be some trouble. I get annoyed whenever I see a “When this symbol appears it means it’s saving your game data. Do not shut the computer off at this time” screen. Why do they even leave it in on these games? It seems like a rather retarded thing to do doesn’t it? “ZOMG a purdee symbull! I mus shut off da computeer b4 it brakes mah sheet!”.
But anyways, I finally get to the menu screen and get ready to customize things. Such as screen resolution and other oddball things. I was quite disappointed by the lack of visual options. Everything seemed rather basic and dumbed down. I mean, it’s pretty bad when games like BioShock and Duke Nukem Forever give you more visual options. Hell even Half Life 2 and Portal are far more versatile in graphics, and by today’s computing standards they are both older than dirt. I mean come on… Dishonored was released back in October of this year. 🙁
The gameplay however was rather nice and easy to grasp. I like the idea of carrying a sword in one hand and a pistol in the other. Plus it’s fun flanking assholes minus licking the sword clean. 😆
The story is an interesting one too. You’re framed for the murder of the empress and the abduction of her daughter. You end up escaping and causing the people who framed you some epic trouble.
So overall it is a fun game, but if you do get it at least wait for a sale.
Blog stats for 2012
With the year almost coming to a close, WordPress likes to send am annual report on my blog details. Here they are for your viewing pleasure.
I would personally like to thank George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina, and all my readers. 🙂
So, I went for a walk…
Nothing eventful happened. Made a deposit at the bank finally. Made sure to avoid dumbass drivers who like to wait in crosswalks to get onto the street because they’re FAR more important than anyone else… Then I get back home and find that one of my friends gifted me Saints Row The Third. Seems like whenever I’m not looking you guys take the time to sneak gifts to me. 😛
ZOMG a gurl gamer speekz
A couple days ago I blogged about [H]ardForum’s outlook on women and the manly men that are proud to beat their chests (among other things) making it their stance clear. Women play Angry Birds and nothing else. Because you know… Bitches are all crazy about that shit. 🙄
Well, someone must have been really bored. That and they probably have more balls than the troglodytes themselves.
I am a female “gamer”. I will say that online…males are generally assholes when they find out another player is female, either they are asking you how fat and ugly you are or they are asking you for noodz.
This should be interesting. I wonder how many girls will step forth and have fun in this virtual sausagefest. 😀