I can’t wait to mount this baby to my desk.
Got it for a real steal!
Got my laptop prepped for work tomorrow. 🙂 Maybe I’ll have some fun killing time.
A guy I used to blog about in the past (a creepy old asshat who kept trying to woo me with valentines/christmas presents or money) has returned to my radar. He gave one of my coworkers a card to give to me and claimed he has been a friend of the family for 3 years (and did an excellent job fucking up my name). So now he’s fantasizing about being friends with my family… Now I know he’s insane. Work itself was fine tonight though.
Didn’t do much else, although I did do an experiment I’ll have to film sometime. How many pumpkins does it take to defeat an eyeball monster? Click to see.
Yesterday everyone at work loved my costume. I decided to wear my red kimono and some black and red Chinese pants. They said I looked pretty snazzy. So I must have done something right.
Felt sorry for the trick or treaters though, it was bad storm weather. I saw one girl braving 30 mph winds in pouring rain with no jacket to keep warm. Only a costume… Plus there were a group of girls walking to the store that got completely drenched. They didn’t look prepared for the storm at all.
My version of trick or treating was awesome tonight though. Still winning lots of halloween gifts in TF2!
I’ve been gathering all kinds of cursed items, costume pieces and hats. Hell I even got a regular hat to drop for the pyro! I also decided to run some server experiments tonight, added some new stuff that you can see on my Steam friend wall. That was the grand majority of my day off was just playing and goofing around. I even got ninja gifted a game by Bongmaster.
I will get you back for this…
Man, I am just LOVING this years TF2 event! Laughed my ass off on a server where we tried to defeat Merasmus. Of course there were some trolls there, plus people were being total assholes to 12 year olds who were actually being polite (surprisingly), needless to say I didn’t use my mic. I wanted some good loot. Btw I’m digging how they did gifts this year. Instead of a bunch of people hunting for one gift or greifing them out of a gift, each person is randomly selected to find it themselves. I managed to get a bunch of spells and cursed items. By the end of the night I even crafted a zombie soldier and sniper. Love the dialogue with them by the way.
Not much to report. Work was calm compared to yesterday. Yesterday it was an absolute mess due to a sale we had. I feel much more wordy this evening. Which by the way had nothing to do with work or even videos, in fact videos have been a fun escape if anything. I actually find it therapeutic to create something and unleash it upon the world to see. In a strange psychotic way I see it as a form of story art. And I am a person that has always liked the idea of taking my dreams and making them real.
I won’t say why I had the words knocked out of me, and hopefully the cause of it won’t happen again. If it does… Lets just say I’m going to party like it’s 2004 all over again. Only it won’t be a party.
Server updates…
Sourcemod and metamod updates for TF2… Newest ones didn’t work, then I saw the new dev branch, that seems to work ok.
Work was busy but not too hectic, and I mostly just relaxed the rest of the night. I think the next video I’ll be doing will be that vlog I keep putting off.