Just got up from my sleep pattern altering nap. Got an early day of work today and tomorrow. So have to get my biological clock in order. Think I’ll start off the day with a nice spiced sweetened pot of black lemon tea.
Spice up Steam a bit.
Ever since the 2010 update I’ve been pretty much running Vanilla. But after seeing a Steam friend’s screenshots I decided to customize a bit. After all I have a large collection of Win 7 and XP themes. So why not? Give people options I say!
There were a couple I couldn’t get working, and some of them work but have the “BIG PICTURE MODE” button missing, but overall a refreshing change.
Looks like we might be moving this Spring
For the last couple years water has been seeping through the windows downstairs whenever it rains. We thought it had to do with how the windows were sealed or maybe the water was just coming through the baseboard upon the wall. But it turns out the entire left side of the house is rotting away.
I’m dreading moving but, what can you do?
Open Thread
Work itself was quiet tonight. However things still got pretty interesting. To give you an idea of how bad the storm was, part of our building got flooded. It wasn’t anything too horrible but we did have to close off the entire area. 3 guys tried to push the water out but it kept coming back in as it was entirely level.
I believe it mostly has something to do with the repaving of the driveway. They did a shitty job of it. Now there’s lots of little pools for water to collect in, that and the trenches don’t work properly either. Oh! Also the roof upstairs is leaking. Fabulous.
Participating in Black Friday? You might want to read this.
Granted, I work in retail. And I hate seeing people buy shit just to use it for one weekend. But this takes it a little too far, especially for legitimate returns.
“Your personal information is entered into a huge database and like a credit score, they tabulate how many returns you do and if you go over the limit, you are denied returns,” he said. “The worst part is that they won’t just deny returns to Home Depot, but to any retailer that participates in The Retail Equation.”
I don’t have to worry at least. I shop online. I’m fucking afraid of Black Fridays.
The world is coming to an end.
And we will be pierced by Justin Bieber’s Nipples. I’m just gonna go into the corner and curl up into a ball now.
Server/Forum downtime.
The servers and forum will be down for awhile due to stormy weather on the coast. I’ll post when they’re back up again.