The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Saturday Morning Open Thread

Everything was cool last night. Work went well, there was Chinese takeout when I got home, I made raspberry custard for dessert, and I kicked ass in TF2. I also picked out all of the clothes for the week. I think I might have to cut back on my food consumption though, some things I haven’t worn in a long time have gotten tighter than they should be, it isn’t much but I can notice it. It shouldn’t be that hard to curb, after all I’ve done it before. I just need to plan my snacks and lunches better. Maybe even start bringing brewed tea to work again which I’ve been meaning to anyway.

I’ve already been trying to walk more on my days off when the weather is actually nice (rare these days). And since my new line of work isn’t nearly as strenuous as my previous jobs I may have to look into a personal exercise plan. I’ve been meaning to buy a new bike all year but the weather just hasn’t been good enough ride in as constantly as I used to.

Facebook vs Sex

I read this over at HardForum and busted a gut.

The No. 1 desire reported was eating, followed by sleeping, and drinking non-alcoholic drinks. In fourth place was using some form of media, which made up 8.1 percent of all desires reported. The most commonly reported media activities were watching TV and surfing the internet. More specifically, in the “surfing the internet” category, 71 percent of participants had the urge to check their e-mail and 65 percent had the desire to use Facebook, Twitter or other social media. Having was sex a distant ninth.

Well, time to make FuckFaceBook, or FaceFuck (or FuckFace?). It could even be a double meaning! One that I might probably get behind…

Practically bedridden the last two days.

Well my first day off was pretty calm, but from Wednesday Afternoon till this evening I was pretty much out of it. I feel a lot better now, but the majority of my days off were spent in bed huddled in a ball trying not to throw up.

Of course the red eyes are gone now. Plus I still have legs.

I just got out of some TF2. Had some cool people join up tonight who played rather well, they were also on our team which was awesome. One of them even happens to be a fellow Oregonian. 🙂

Early Moring Open Thread

So work was MUCH better yesterday. I even had some TF2 for lunch. I connected to my server with a nice ping of 86 (not bad) although it said I was from a distant planet. Proving that the workplace is in it’s own solar system…

I just got out of TF2 again and was lucky enough to get a lollichop! It was my lucky drop for the evening. Now I’ll have something to go with my rainblower and special flaregun. w00tage.

Oh, and I even got to try a new tea before hitting the hay. Carmel Apple made with roobios. It’s one of those Gypsy Teas. Real good.

Survived another day.

I managed to survive yet another clusterfuck in the bakery. It seems I wasn’t the only one suffering today. My department suffered due to a sick call, and they couldn’t get me to help them since I was helping the bakery (if you want to call it help since I have no idea what the fuck I’m doing). The entire grocery department vanished (more sick calls and people going to lunch) I went to lunch in bakery and no one covered it (since they want one person and only one person over there during evenings. And last but not least a poor young girl who pushes carts had to push carts with a 104 degree fever because others were either too sick to come in or had other plans… This company just becomes more and more awesome…

I’ll be going back to my regular job tomorrow, with extra hours! I’ll be bringing the laptop with me, I’ll have an entire hour to kill. If the internet connection doesn’t suck at work I may do some TF2.

Saving all my fun for later.

Short evening for me tonight since I have company showing up a couple hours before work. I decided to download some more games into my inventory tonight since I’ve made some space thanks to the new feature through steam. Yes, Steam (in beta right now) allows you to install any of your steamapps to any hard drive or folder. I moved my SFM install to my apps drive for Win 7 and free’d up a ton of space (since like garrysmod I plan to use a bunch of assets). So I’m going crazy on downloading more stuff to play.

Work was ok tonight, I don’t have much to report. Other than I got back at Mrs Waxpaper, by DOING MY JOB.