Not much to write tonight. Work was uneventful. Although I did talk to one of my coworkers who is interested in purchasing a laptop. That got me to thinking about upgrading too. Don’t get me wrong I love my laptop, but wouldn’t mind going Core 2 Quad or i5. Of course it isn’t too much of a priority since it still does a lot of what I need when I’m away from home.
Playing with the blog again
I’ve been noticing that whenever someone comments it leaves a fake url (or a regular one) at the bottom of the post instead of within the persons name. So I’m experimenting with another template. This one looks similar but has even more custom options. Let me know if anyone is having issues with it.
Apple has patented “page turning”. All libraries will be sued.
First the rounded corners get claimed by apple, then this happens:
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office this week granted a rather noteworthy design patent for the digital equivalent of the page turn (PDF), that time-honored tradition of flipping pages while looking through a book, a magazine, or other stack of bound paper.
If they keep it up I might have to get in on this patent whoring trend. I’ll patent circles. That way I’ll physically own earth and the other planets (as well as the stars).
This is what I came home to.
Our cat Stewie decided he wanted to hang out by the alcohol glasses. I decided to snap a pic with my camera and then get him down afterwards.
Needed something cute to look at anyway, had an ok day at work… other than this weird guy who remembered me from one of my old jobs when I worked outside (yet I didn’t remember him). He spent over 2 hours shopping for “the perfect coat”. Sorry, REAL men don’t do that. They look and if they don’t see anything they go home (that’s what I do too). Anyway he seemed to be more interested in me than coats. He even tried to play 20 questions with me, asking me things like “What keeps you here in town?” “Do you still live with your parents or by yourself?” “Are you single or did you marry?”, “wanna go to a movie with me?” “would you be interested in moving to Modesto California?” (where he’s from or so he said). It didn’t help that I was in charge of the Men’s clothes today… I ended up having to go off somewhere else long enough for him to leave.
On the bright side I got extra hours today, which equals more money for me!
Twitter: Now you can email tweets!
Well, people like me who avoid social networks like the plague are screwed. Have a twitter account but your friends don’t participate because they have better things to do? Well, now you can email your tweets to your friends! Because you know, that’s completely different from actual email. right? because with actual email there is no 140 character limit. But with twitter emails there is! Better right?
Bro tips over Pro tips.
Awhile back I blogged about Valve’s new series CS:GO Pro tips for beginners. Which I’ve been following for my own personal information. But shit really hit the fan with the latest installment of it because ZOMG a girl is giving MEN (and women who play CS:GO… but who cares about them.) tips on how to kill people.
As usual there are some real negative comments. Allow me to do some nutpicking.
You guys worship a man who gives tips.
But when its a woman, you guys turn into instant literal faggots.
These tips aren’t for pros. They’re for beginners.
Jesus Christ you people are idiots.
Normally I’d tell them to not insult the gay people. But seeing as the average male gamer tends to only want to play with other dudes… yeah.
WTF why is a girl giving me tips on how to play a video game?
Because Valve asked her to?
CS:GO Hello Kitty Edition!
lol, that’s actually a mod I wouldn’t mind seeing.
i love how she moves so carefuly and after a wile i see thats she is the only one in the server…
I know right? Just like the ones DONE BY GUYS.
Guys, shut up and go make her a sammich
I will say though that compared to other things I’ve seen recently at least there has been some equality within the comments. As opposed to that one documentary that had mostly hate comments.
What I’ve been up to lately.
Had the last few days off. Been starving off some cabin fever with lots of chai, regular tea and gaming. One of the things I did yesterday was fix the Garrysmod server. It’s been segfaulting under fedora for the last few weeks, but Update 13 managed to fix it. Sadly Sourcemod and Metamod don’t work with it at this time though, not that it’s a big deal or anything. I can still rcon my way in if need be.
Also did some more fiddling around with my Team Fortress 2 server. If you’ve been following some of my screenshots on Steam you’ll know I’ve been having fun with that. I decided to play with some cvars yesterday. Now anyone can open up a menu and choose whatever size they desire.
Also I did the tedious task of cleaning my bedding, then painted my nails with a nice baby blue and sparkles.
And as I’m writing this a new CS:GO update was just pushed. Looks like I have another thing to mess with. Better get some tea and get at it.
Time Magazine Publishes top 100 games of all time.
Even Myst is on there! Sadly no Portal 2 or TF2. 🙁