The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Ruining It For Everyone Else Since 2004
The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Ever have strange dreams that somehow relate to the day you’re going to have?

I just woke from an odd one. I woke up (in my dream) to get ready for work. Got my shirt on and got my slacks. Then for some reason my hands put jeans on instead of the slacks. Then I looked over at the clock and started to realize I was getting pressed for time. Then I took the jeans off and for some reason I put a skirt on. Not sure why…  then I got the slacks on but the skirt was still on over them. I finally get ready to shut off the computer, but no matter what I do the computer does it’s best to either distract me or turn itself back on. Even shutting off the APC it was attached to didn’t help because it still powered back on. As for distractions steam wouldn’t close at all and windows was being even more of a dick than usual (trying to turn itself into an XBox) which lead me to trying and defend it. But then I looked at the clock AGAIN and noticed I was late. I started unplugging every device from my computer and FINALLY shut the computer down… As it was at the shutdown screen it said “Motherboard is loose. Please replace” which made me go WTF?!?!?

Having given up on that I get ready to go out the door . But then one of my aunts comes to visit and tries to show me things on he very same computer that’s doing it’s best to make sure I don’t go. FINALLY I make it outside to the car but then I notice that for some random reason I was wearing jeans again. So I run back upstairs and look for the slacks I was wearing, but no work clothes were anywhere in sight.  Eventually I woke u from it and DID get ready for work. But then I got a call asking if I wanted to work a longer shift after hours. Which yes I did go for. Kinda puts a damper on my evening, but I’ll have more money for it and a bit of a longer rest.

Perhaps it was a warning NOT to take the regular shift… lol

Early Morning Open Thread

Well, I didn’t get the job… But it went to someone who has a wife and children. They still made a good choice and I wish him well over there. On another note I did some more animating and video capturing tonight for one of the future episodes. It’ll eventually be revealed what drove my character to becoming a sphere.

I’m actually about ready to knock off for now. I’m up past my bedtime today.

And now I wait.

Well, I did my interview! Not sure if I’ll get the job. I’ll have to wait for a call either today or find out sometime tomorrow during work. But I did fairly well during the interview and answered all the questions accordingly.

After the interview though that weird old guy that keeps trying to give me stuff was following me around from afar. He even tried to start a convo with me but I kept it to a bare minimum. That guy has some serious issues.

I was thinking about going back to sleep, but now I don’t really feel like it. Think I’ll burn off this energy somehow by maybe working on a project, reading or maybe a game.