The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Another Early Morning Open Thread

Well, I managed to play some L4D with the new mouse. I feel a lot more accurate when picking out Special Infected. I also played a new map for a review I’ll be doing (still collecting footage). So far everything I have planned to review so far has been either funny or awesome… with just one ridiculous one.

I also played some Lara Croft and the guardian of light. The game is fun, but I always seem to have issues with some of the buttons. I feel like it would be less awkward to use a joystick or some kind of controller. Whenever I go to play I forget what certain buttons are, or I’ll always confuse alt and space… which makes jumping from one place to another rather interesting.

Early Morning Open Thread

So far the Logitech G500 has been working out for me. I played some TF2 tonight with and without the weights. The reviews I read by people said they were difficult to insert into the mouse, of course I didn’t have a problem. Proving that most people are total morons. Anywho I played as a heavy tonight and felt immersed. I even spawned pumpkins out of it. :3

Won’t be bringing my laptop to work tomorrow as I won’t be getting a lunch. It’ll be a short shift due to an excessive cut of hours… Lovely stuff.

Steam’s Big Picture Mode: Aka AntiMetro

In case you haven’t heard (and you probably have) steam has a “big picture mode” for people using TV’s to game on.

So far it’s been very easy to understand. Unlike metro, it isn’t shoved in your face upon launch. Also the interface is pretty straight forward even for a beta. You can even type to your friends using a controller!

Not something I would use everyday (I game on a regular large monitor) but still a very nice option.

Overdue Open Tech Thread

So I’ve kinda been slacking off with my blogging because 1: Last night when I was in the mood I was drinking and got distracted, 2: Portal 2, 3: I had nothing to post about.

But today I do! I’ve been playing with my new Logitech G500 gaming mouse.

I’ve been playing with it a bit. Feels very comfortable. It has weights you can add to it but so far the mouse feels fine without the weights. I’m thinking of playing with the profiles later (make it so I can spawn supertanks with the press of a button.

The scrolling on the G500 is nice. You can go between smooth and classic “click in place” for web surfing. All in all I’ve been enjoying it.

On one final note, I completely topped out the RAM in my laptop. Now my portable gaming machine is fully maxed out.

Saturday Morning Open Thread

Today at work I managed to get plugged into power during my lunch break, so I was able to stick around a little longer. I chatted with one of my friends in mumble for awhile and even did some slight BSing on Steam.

Did some TF2 tonight but wasn’t really feeling up to it. I’ve been coming home exhausted just about everynight. Nothing to complain about, I put in a hard days night. It was extremely busy due to weekend traffic and women destroying fitting rooms.

Fun shit.

So the wireless connection at work is active!

Otherwise I wouldn’t be posting this from my laptop. 😛 It’s a bit slow but not nearly as bad as I thought it would be.

I’m enjoying a nice chicken sandvich. So far the battery has been tolerable. It lasts for about an hour (long enough for my lunch break) just surfing the web. I even updated the wordpress version! Thankfully nothing royally fucked up.

But anyway… Back to surfing. 😉

Early Morning Open Thread.

Well, it was nice to have a 3 day weekend right after my vacation. I didn’t even have to go in on Geriatric Tuesday! On another note I have taken note that on Sunny days during my days off I constantly wake up at 4:20pm…

One of the things I did last night out of insane boredom was reorganize some of my clothes so I can have an easier time picking things for work or for leisure days. Oddly enough I have more leisure stuff and slightly less work stuff. Still, it’s plenty and with that said. I don’t think I’ll be buying tops or pants for a loooong while.

One of the nerd projects I gave myself today was setting up MOTD’s for the L4D1 and L4D2 servers, followed by even more fucking around with the Steam Community interface.

And finally I have my lunchbox and laptop ready for tomorrow (later today). Maybe if I’m lucky I can get a good wifi reception from the cafe (or pirate off of someone else).

Some changes to my fanclub.

Forums have been added.

I’ll also be syndicating some of my blog posts over there as well as some other stuff (as you can see by the forum titles).

The Overlord has spoken!

Oh, and SNews has some new discussion areas as well.

Also too.