The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Communication just became easier.

With the new Steam community having been rolled out. I have decided to polish up the SNews usergroup a bit with some forums. Each show will get their own section, official authors will get their own section. We even have one for the community called Community Contributions. Details can be found in this thread.

As stated in the thread this IS a public group, anyone can join and post contributions.

Hope everyone had a good Labor Day

I slept for 11 hours. After last night at work I was royally exhausted. Good thing I have a 3 day weekend!!!

Came home last night and watched Black Dynamite The Movie. If you haven’t seen it, WATCH IT!!! It’s fucking hilarious. I love the cartoon too. It took everything from the 70’s and just went overboard with blaxploitation and Kung Fu. I was actually expecting it to be just a half hour special but nope! Full length feature film, camera work was well done too. I couldn’t find one single thing wrong. The clothing, cars and filmwork were spot on.

Survived the first day back.

Well first day back and everything was extremely swamped. Labor Day Weekend and last minute school shoppers messing up dressing rooms…. ugh! I bet tomorrow will be absolute hell… Good thing it’s Friday already.

I just got done watching Bleach (have to get my weekly fix), and finished a taco salad. Having some raspberry earl gray tea to wash it all down.

I’m debating if I should get a shower out of the way or take a bath… Hmmmm. I haven’t had much tea to drink yet, so perhaps a bath…

Saturday Morning Open Thread

Well, I have all my shit together for tomorrow afternoon. Now I can start my new job again with a clear head. I don”t seem to have anything to take to work for lunch unfortunately. Well wait… I think I have some sandvich supplies.

On another note my exotic tea arrived today. I have some peach ginger, raspberry earl, coconut chai, gypsy rose, dry desert lime, and red velvet chocolate. Odd assortment I know, and I have an assload of tea as it is, but I  really go through the stuff like no tomorrow. Like right now I’m on the 3rd brewing of my green jasmine flowering tea. Tis very nom.

Final Day Of Vacation

It’s been a nice rest. But like many good things they need to come to an end. I may not have gone anywhere special, but at least I got to kick back and enjoy myself. Last night I went out with my mother to the local sushi place for some miso soup, sushi rolls and miso soup. The choyo (plum wine) was good too.

My laptop is ready for work! I ran some tests tonight and decided to overclock it. I crashed that twice beforehand but only due to heating (and possibly lack of RAM, still waiting for that in the mail) but overall performed perfectly. Since it has dual NVidia’s in it though I had to do the directX91 cvar so that it wouldn’t glitch the fuck out. CS:GO, the L4D’s and Serious Sam functioned perfectly though.

Early Morning Open Thread

My 2 500GB HD’s for my laptop arrived today and are functioning nicely. All setup in RAID 0 and everything! Got win 7 ultimate installed on it with important updates. All I need to do is install programs on it and it’ll be ready to haul around with me. I already figured out which games I want to put on it. CS:GO, Portal 2, Serious Sams, L4D’s, TF2 (no question) and maybe a few others. The ladies are gonna learn to fear me.

Open Thread

Well, today I got to try out the new steam UI along with everyone else! I can see where there might be some room for improvement, but overall I like the new features. I like looking at the friends list and seeing all the content, and looking at gaming hubs to see what everyone’s up to. Then there’s the usergroups. I played around a bit with some of them. Now the slackers group has a listing of most of what we specialize in multiplayer-wise. Then there’s the forums and subforums. I’ll use them for SNews but not so much for the regular Slackers group (since we have our own).