The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Sunday Morning Open Thread

Today was my final day. All my former co workers said they will miss my total randomness. Now I get to terrorize the ladies. Mwahahahaha.

Been working on an SFM animated project. Not sure if I’ll be able to release it though, every time I try to render it the audio turns to suck. Then I try to sync the audio up in adobe, but no matter what the audio is always off by a few seconds (while in premiere it looks perfect). Grrrr… I tried rendering it without the audio as a TGA sequence but that reduces the amount of time in the video, and that’s with or without the audio enabled.

Super Early Open Thread

Immediately started my day on a good foot. Went out for a walk and made an appointment to get my hair recolored on the 23rd. Then I came home and decided to clean off the top of my dresser so I could actually see everything (plus light some incense, was feeling peaceful today). Reorganized some cosmetic supplies and laid out my work uniform for later today. So I’m of sound mind.

Also helped guide a friend through building their own linux dedicated TF2 server. They must have done something right because the moment they put it up people connected… lol.

Also relived some of my childhood with some Animaniacs episodes with Yutram who never really fully watched them before. Those cartoons never get old for me.

Damn, forgot to make something for lunch later today… I guess I’ll wing it again.

Sunday Morning Open Thread

Had an early start on work today. Went in a couple hours early and actually had a pretty good day. Tonight and last night I’ve been doing some after shopping. Why? I have a bunch of stuff falling a part and it’s time to get rid of my worn out pants, shirts, and other things. I still need to do some replacement sneaker shopping too.

Need to get to bed earlier tonight, got an earlier workday to prepare for (for the rest of the week actually). Already have my work stuff laid out for me. Didn’t have much time to prepare a lunch, but I think I can wing it.

“Hey you lookin fresh! Hit me up on facebook!”

That was the epic pickup line of the evening. This highschooler looking dude said that. I think he was a highschooler anyway. I think I have more hair on my body than he does…

If you have to use facebook to impress people you seriously have issues…

Early Morning Open Thread

Lovely day yesterday, sun was out so I whipped off a quick shave and painted my nails red n blue. Now  onto something that’s actually interesting. Our cat Stewie went on an adventure apparently… Our neighbor and his dog got into his truck and took off. The dog kept growling and the guy kept telling him to shutup. He finally pulled over and noticed that our cat Stewie was inside the truck enjoying the ride… So he gets Stewie and puts him inside the truck with him (leaving the dog in the 4×4) and drives back. Opens up the window, Stewie jumps off his shoulder and out the window… What a crazy cat.

Proven. I am suspicious.

Those who read my blog know that I’m not a big fan of social media (facebook, twitter etc). I’ve always said that I have a blog and that’s good enough for me, but apparently not for everyone else…

Yes, if you don’t have a facebook you are instantly suspicious. I mean, for all you know I could be a mass murderer infant rapist who steals marshmallows and hand grenades. All because I don’t have a facebook.

“You can’t get away from it. It’s everything. It’s everywhere,” she told the Washington Post. “The moment we’re in now is about trying to deal with all this technology rather than rejecting it, because obviously we can’t reject it entirely.”

Well, you can, but it might lead to your being rejected down the line too.

I’m sorry. How is not being a part of facebook rejecting technology? All facebook is for people is a networked blog with groups and games. So if you leave facebook or don’t participate at all that is not abandoning technology. That’s abandoning facebook. Facebook is not technology. It RUNS or can be ACCESSED on technology… Anyone who suggests otherwise is a fucking moron.

I have a blog, I have a webforum, I have multiple websites, I have a Youtube, Steam and I even have an XFire! I also have that thing called email. Which one of my relatives doesn’t care for because unlike the awesomeness that is facebook, you don’t see a picture next to a name… I sincerely doubt I need a facebook…

Don’t even begin to tell me that I’m running from technology. I think I’m further into it than most facebook users.