The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Onto the rest of my weekend.

Yesterday another Geriatric Tuesday passed. It was full of mean elderly folk who threw tantrums (knocking things over if they didn’t get what they wanted as of 5 seconds before asking) and people who are unaware of their surroundings (elderly and young). I had one old lady ram my ass with her cart, then demanded yogurt. She got short with me when I told her I wasn’t sure (she was asking me something that I didn’t know, wasn’t my department) so I offered to help her find someone from that department and she just stamped off. I followed anyway just to see if there was anyone around. One of my co workers was stocking something and she asked her, he didn’t know either but offered the same thing that I did. THIS time she was polite (probably because he was a young guy but I digress).

Then there was this one dude that comes in from time to time. He pushes his little cart like he’s going to die tomorrow, and almost hits customers whenever he’s in the store. I had to help him find cookies that he said we didn’t have because he was too busy tweaking out to stop and READ THE FUCKING DISPLAY OF THEM.

If I ever get like that in my old age I hope someone has the right mind to drag me out into the street and beat me with a sack of hammers.

Early Morning Open Thread

To celebrate keeping the mumble server up, I decided to dedicate the entire day to goofing off and playing a combo of TF2 and Serious Sam. I even got to ban an asshat from the TF2 server! He just kept talking random nonsense. I didn’t mind that. Then he started banging against me and spouting even more nonsense. I told him I didn’t speak dumbass and he told me he didn’t speak 12 year old… I threatened to ban him, he said he didn’t give a shit. So I kicked him. He came back sarcastically begging not to ban him from THIS particular server, because there are no other servers as awesome as this one, and that there are sooo few bots on it and then while he was spouting all of that drivel I pressed the ban button. You can find his profile here.

He has 12 games! One for each year he’s been alive!!!


Solved a problem I’ve been having with the murmur voice chat server. It kept shutting off every two hours (turns out it was my webhost for reasons I can’t explain). I’ve been tinkering with scripts and even wrote one up in vi. Had problems making it into a cron job due to some stupid reason. I figured it out but it took being a total smartass to try it. Now if the server shuts off it will auto restart in about a minute or less. If it detects that it’s already running it will terminate the process and come back one minute later.

Good, now I can go to work or out for a walk and not have to worry about the server comitting sepuku.

Bluehost is awesome.

Phew… Everything is still here.

I upgraded my service so that it now has a dedicated IP address as opposed to a shared one (for future plans) and somehow got locked out of my sites. But that’s all fixed now in a matter of minutes!

If anyone is looking for a good place to buy a domain I recommend bluehost. I had two questions that got answered all within the early morning. 🙂

Good news everyone! (I say in Professor Farnsworth voice)

Today San meddled in my job situation at work by accident. She asked her boss some questions regarding wages. Her boss asked her why and told her about how I’m getting ready to leave work. At that moment she took things into her own hands. Then when I woke up today, San wanted to talk to me. She told me about it and wanted to know if it was ok. I get a little bit of a raise and can work up to more later on, so this will work for me.

I guess I don’t need to leave just yet. I mean, I keep trying to but they keep finding reasons for me to stay! Still going to look into college courses though.