The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Bluehost is awesome.

Phew… Everything is still here.

I upgraded my service so that it now has a dedicated IP address as opposed to a shared one (for future plans) and somehow got locked out of my sites. But that’s all fixed now in a matter of minutes!

If anyone is looking for a good place to buy a domain I recommend bluehost. I had two questions that got answered all within the early morning. 🙂

Good news everyone! (I say in Professor Farnsworth voice)

Today San meddled in my job situation at work by accident. She asked her boss some questions regarding wages. Her boss asked her why and told her about how I’m getting ready to leave work. At that moment she took things into her own hands. Then when I woke up today, San wanted to talk to me. She told me about it and wanted to know if it was ok. I get a little bit of a raise and can work up to more later on, so this will work for me.

I guess I don’t need to leave just yet. I mean, I keep trying to but they keep finding reasons for me to stay! Still going to look into college courses though.

Welcome to the 2012 Summer Olympics in London with Chariots of Fire and Mr. Bean Tram!

Welcome to the Drunken Gaming Corner’s coverage of the 2012 Summer Olympics in London!  I am very excited and honored to bring it to you!

I’m looking forward to an interesting Olympiad, complete with a runner with artificial legs, and a female shooter that is eight months pregnant!  A blind Olympian has broken the world record in Archery, with a score of 699 out of 700.  Amazing!

Hoi Bradley Wiggins, winner of the Tour de France!  Great to see you!  Yes indeed, the Isle is full of noises tram!

The Ceremonies start with a pastoral scene, then transitions to the Industrial Revolution, with the sod, fencing, and such removed and smoke stacks rising from the floor.  Lights resembling molten metal flow to form an Olympic Ring, then four more rings float in to form the complete Olympic Rings, with shooting fireworks!  Wheeees!!!!

Queen Elizabeth has arrived via “jumping” out of the helicopter with James Bond, and here she doesn’t look all that happy about the international celebration unfolding before her:


Hallos Nurses!  Hallo JK Rawlings!  Hoi Queen of Hearts!  Hello Mary Poppins!

LOL!  Matt Laurer can’t decide if the big plastic baby in the middle of the stadium is cute or creepy – LOL!

Chariots of Fire Tram!  There is Mr. Bean ‘playing’ along as he ‘checks’ his cell phone – LOL!

Honestly, I’m glad that I have a great sense of humors here because I could easily get offended here since I have a high school record in cross-country running, and Chariots of Fire was one of the things that got us athletes through, along with Eye of the Tiger – LOL!  So Thank You, Jolly Ole England for the Chariots of Fire Tram!!!

Put that gadget down now tram – LOL!  Hello Kinks Tram!!!  Hello Beatles!!!  Yes indeed Led Zeppelin, I would love to talk about love, ohhhh!!!!  That song is actually about a car, but whatever – LOL!

This is the real life tram by Queen Tram!   Hallos, Frankie Goes to Hollywood!  Relax, don’t do it tram!!

Eurothmics are great!  Sweet Dreams are made of this!  Whoo-hoo!  Ahhhs, world wide web for everyone tram!

Here comes the Olympic torch with David Beckham, up the Thames River in a speed boat!  He grew up in the area the Olympics are being held.

 Hoi Greece Tram!  Hello Afghani Team!  Albania, perhaps you can win this year!

Wow, I am encouraged!  There is a trap shooter in his 60’s from Andorra, small country between France and Spain!  You go trap shooter go!

Hoi Canada tram!! Nee how, Chinese Peeps!  I see you, looking all about the stadium, youthful lady athlete!  I wish you much luck and prosperity because you will need it in China!  So much competition!

Awwws, I love you toos, three Independent athletes!  You go!

Great to see you Iraqi ladies!  I will cheer for you toos!

The Olympic Stadium is starting to fill up with athletes from around the world!  Cause if I had the chance I would ask the world to dance tram!

I am encouraged in seeing more Arab women participating in the Games, such as the flag bearer for Qatar.  Go ladies Go!  Saudi Arabia has two female athletes marching today tram!  Yays!

I love your uniforms Togo!  Bright Green patterns!  Awesome!

Vanuatu has amazing outfits tram!  Yays!  Hoi Zambia!  I am hoping for your future too! 

 Then we saw the Olympic flame brought in and given to the kids to light the flame!  Wheeees!

What a great Opening Ceremony!  So great to see everyone!  Good luck and have fun!




Windows 8 killed my dog..

I seen Windows 8 with my own eyes, it looked like arse, hid all my stuff, took my car keys then used it to tear up my lawn. killed my dog and ate a baby right n front of my very eyes.

and this was before it got to the so called thing it has as an “interface” now :/


Now that was worse! ugly blocks taking up most of the space, no desktop, and when u do find the desktop, or whats left of its still suffering carcass u find its been stripped also of its manhood..

sorry but windows cant get its startmenu up anymore, its been eaten by Harpies.

So back to its supposed default interface (hell no it sucks!), I think they call it “mosaic” or “random strewn beermats by a pisshead” or “here because we think your stupid we did this”, it has a tiled wall of thing that are no longer icons. each one screaming out for its life to be ended, and one or two telling u to worship Satan (its true).


also here is a report from the BBC about what Gabe out of Steam strip clubs says about it.


All in all its safe to say I fucking hate Win8 and hope it dies a painful death more than Vista did.

And no doubt im gonna be fixing peoples PC’s to put them back to win7 when they find out the hard way :S

To these people the words love, care, and empathy have no place in a dictionary (not that they would bother reading one).

So I’m sure quite a few of you heard about the shooting in Colorado. One of the things that happened during the shootings was brave men giving their lives to save their wives or girlfriends. As tragic as it is, it was also very noble, honorable and heroic of them, and they will be remembered for it. This asshole of the century on the other hand has a different perspective.

So… These men lost their lives and these women lost the men they loved, and James Taranto is hoping they’re worthy of anything? What the hell is wrong with these people? I’ll bet this chicken shit would run out of the theater screaming like a little bitch.

I hope that one of these days that these women hopefully visit him to show him how “worthy” they are. Jesus Christ, of all the people that deserve to be drug out into the street and beaten with a salty glass covered club… People like him have no love or care in their heart.

Shutting Down Descent

Relating to the Myst Movie post I did earlier. it seems both the website and the thread at the MOUL forums have been removed. Link to Chogon’s post.

I’m removing this thread because I was requested by both sides of this issue to do so. At least until they have worked things out. And it is not because of what any of the fans have posted.

I would like to also ask that y’all please do not post copies or links to copies of what was posted in this thread or in reference to this thread or deleted blogs about this thread… Ok, that is a worded a little strange but you get the idea. Please let them work things out.


Edited for grammar.

Nothing like silencing a thread to get more people to speak. I wonder if anyone will follow suit.

The Myst Movie aka “The Great Shaft”

When it comes to making movies based on games, Hollywood seems to have no issues with sacrifice. Sacrificing people or even storyline just to make a quick buck.

In this case, two fellows by the name of Patrick A. McIntire & Adrian Vanderbosch started a project to make Myst into a big movie deal.

In October of 2009, Mysteria Film Group was approached by Roserock Films (headed by Hunt Lowry) to discuss a partnership.  A meeting in December of 2009 sealed a partnership not only with Roserock, but also with Gran Via Productions (headed by Mark Johnson).  The three companies have been working together to further develop the property in preparation for pitching to studios.

Well, they would be anyway. If they didn’t resign from the project. An announcement was made over at the MystOnline forums, posted by Isaac Testerman.

I don’t think this is the time or place to get into the details, but Cyan ultimately came to the decision that the best thing for the property was to have Adrian step down as MFG’s lead producer, and have me step into those shoes.

Their own idea that they presented to Cyan Worlds, and they end up not only changing the original story but they also end up getting rid of the people who originally spent years working with them on it?

This has generated quite a mixed set of emotions in what’s left of the Myst fanbase. Some fans who have been dedicated to Cyan Worlds are now questioning them, accusing them of throwing Adrian and Patrick under the bus just so they can make a profit, some fans don’t know what to think, then there are the fans that still back Cyan 100% no matter what, and then there are some who don’t blame Cyan, but rather Hollywood as an influence.

We may only have two posts to go on regarding what happened. But from either side it seems that two dedicated fans that wanted to see something come to life, met their own version of “The Great Shaft” as quite a few others in the Myst/Uru community have met in the past.


You can now sign a petition to support Adrian and Patrick here.