So far I’m liking the custom options on this template. If the header looks a tad empty don’t worry. I’ll be adding onto it in the future. I think I’ll add my characters from other games too. Perhaps even the me with a greeter shirt? Who knows…
On the lookout for a new blog theme.
WordPress updated their comments so that you can sign in via your wordpress account or some other social medium to post. It doesn’t seem to be compatible with this template unfortunately… Which is sad since I kinda like this one. Then again it’s been awhile since I’ve looked into templates. Might find another fun one to mod. 🙂
So if you see weird happenings I’m just futzing around.
In case you didn’t notice the shiny new button…
First of all, thank you to those of you on the site that actually got motivated enough to make posts without me having to get the whip out. 🙂 That said, we’re always looking for people to write articles, make videos or anything else they wish to add to the site. After all, it’s refreshing to hear from different viewpoints. So feel free to read our new “would you like to contribute?” page. Then we can REALLY have fun. Muhahahahahahhaa.
Just an FYI
If you haven’t checked out SNews yet I’ve finally gotten people off their arses and actually posting shit.
See the world through the eyes of your favorite TF2 class via your smartphone.
Now, I don’t have any kind of tablet or smartphone or even a regular cell phone. But I saw this pop up in my Steam News link and thought this was pretty funny.
This app is called Cam Fortress. You can’t really do much with it. But you CAN live out your fantasies as your favorite TF2 class! Always wanted to sneak up behind your boss with a spy knife? Want to pour into that unsuspecting SOB with Heavy’s minigun? Too lazy to do any of your own green screen work? Now you can!!! Also if you unlock a certain easter egg you’ll be able to play as a secret class.
And just like the game it’s based on, you can download the app for free. Sadly there are no hats…
EU BreakUp Party Ideas Tram!
Wow, sorry to be away from the SNews for so long, but I have been distracted with watching debris from Japan wash up onto shore, and with watching the European Union possibly breaking apart! A bold experiment may be coming to a bankrupt end! Grab yer popcorn and fav beverage and prepare to watch what comes next tram! Or perhaps throw an EU BreakUp Party featuring Crostini and Chianti, Champagne and Fromage, or Tapas and Tempranillo and invite all your friends over to watch BBC and CNN! Yes, bring us the hard-hitting facts, Wolf Blitzer tram! Show us your best blow-dried hair and snazzy suit to bring us up-to-the-minute reporting from all over the Continent tram! Yes, the EuroTour with Wolf Tram sounds epic!
So get your EU BreakUp Party on until the next edition of the Drunken Gaming Corner!!! Party On Meh Hearties Trams!!!!
Early Morning Open Thread
It’s nice being able to render a 10 minute video in 12 minutes… That is all.
realMyst for iPad
So, Kaelis here with a review of Cyan Worlds’ latest iOS release: “realMyst for iPad”. You can grab it from the Apple App Store here. I’d recommend reading this review first, however.
My first experience with Myst was playing a friend’s copy of realMyst for pc, so realMyst has a certain nostalgia value, and well, to be honest, Cyan’s iOS port of this beloved game disappoints.
On loading it up, I was feeling rather positive, the opening was good, the new loading screens really added a nice feeling of how disorienting linking must be, I really, really like them. Its not a flyby, but having been in Uru for quite a while, it works,and it’s a huge improvement on those screens.
Ok, all looks cool, the water looks pretty decent, I thought as I wandered along the dock, I turned and walked into the imager room… And what’s this? A small loading bar as I wandered into the room. It yanked me right out of the world of Myst, and right back into my hotel room in Sydney. I thought to myself, surely they could’ve managed to at least have parity with the engine they had so many years ago – at least, I’d hoped, their new realMyst could page in content at least as well as plasma 1 did for the original realMyst
It was then that I wandered up to check out the library, and the observatory… More loading bars. I went ok… Let’s have a look at the books in the library… Well, yeah. The book pages were incredibly low-resolution, and grainy. They are actualy barely readable.
I went back over Myst Island and noticed more and more low-resolution textures, bad seams on the animated textured objects used as ripples in the water around the mast of the ship.
I haven’t mentioned this yet, but in general, the whole game is rather laggy, on a iPad3, and the control scheme is slow, clunky, and counterintuitive… You touch to move, any movement in that touch is interpreted as a swipe, and will turn you instead and you also touch to interact. I would’ve much preferred dual thumb/joystick style spots on the screen, and then touch objects to interact.
At this point, I realised that the “Epic Citadel” tech demo, that supports the first generation iPad had better performance (even on the aforementioned 1st gen iPad), looked significantly better, sounded better, and controlled better. The epic citadel demo had roughly the same amount to render, as Myst Island, if not more, infact.
As much as realMyst had a great deal of nostalgia value for me, that was about when I closed it in disgust. What exactly had Cyan been spending their time on? I know that the engine they used supports day-night cycles… Yet they removed the lovely ones from realMyst. I later tried to reopen it, only to be met with a massively long loading screen, it was about that point that I decided that this was no longer worth my time.
All in all a massive disappointment, I’d really recommend people steer clear of this one.
Once in a great while they play the epic guessing game. Am I a guy or a girl?
4:07 AM – Richard Payton Dovahkiin: hey Doc this may or may not offend you but are you a guy or girl becuase your in alot of girl gamer groups or are you just llok for girls
4:08 AM – DoctorTomala: The answer is yes
4:08 AM – DoctorTomala: I am one of those
4:08 AM – Richard Payton Dovahkiin: that helps
4:08 AM – Richard Payton Dovahkiin: but which one?
4:08 AM – DoctorTomala: The one with the parts
4:08 AM – Richard Payton Dovahkiin: that narrows that down to 2
4:09 AM – DoctorTomala: Indeed
4:09 AM – Richard Payton Dovahkiin: so is it a B or G
4:09 AM – DoctorTomala: X
4:09 AM – DoctorTomala: X marks the spot
4:10 AM – Richard Payton Dovahkiin: i’m just hoping its a B and G combined
4:10 AM – DoctorTomala: lol always a 50/50 chance :O
4:10 AM – Richard Payton Dovahkiin: 🙂
4:11 AM – Richard Payton Dovahkiin: well if you heard AC/DC playing down one way of a hall and 1 direction down the other which way would you go
4:11 AM – DoctorTomala: To the concert :O
4:12 AM – Richard Payton Dovahkiin: of which one
4:12 AM – DoctorTomala: I only see ACDC.
4:12 AM – DoctorTomala: Never heard of 1 direction
4:13 AM – Richard Payton Dovahkiin: then increases the chance your a G by about 99%
4:13 AM – Richard Payton Dovahkiin: b*
4:13 AM – Richard Payton Dovahkiin: B*
4:13 AM – Richard Payton Dovahkiin: B*
That’s right folks! If you listen to ACDC you’re probably a dude…