Happy Zombie Jesus Day
I spent mine at work wearing bunny ears. For we wear our bunny ears to summon super mecha death christ to rise from his military base… I think.
Some choose not to evolve.
At work today a pregnant woman collapsed in severe pain. We all rushed to help her and even got her a wheelchair. What really pissed me off was that customers saw she was in pain but still had no qualm about stepping around her or over her while she was on the ground. Some of them were even of the opinion that “how dare she be in OUR way”. Well fuck you and the horses you rode in on. She needed medical attention and all you people were worried about were getting your fucking coffee supplies. God forbid someone be on the ground in severe pain RIGHT where you needed to go…
There is way too much of this “me me me” mentality in the US. I think people like that drive me insane the most because they have no empathy whatsoever. Can’t even begin to think what life might be like for someone who is not them. May karma come along and give them a swift kick in the ass.
Early Morning Open Thread
After about a week of getting my shit together I finally put together next week’s episode for SNews. Now I just have to make sure I can stay ahead of schedule.
Lets see… On another note I went for a walk today. Went to the bank and went to schedule a hair appointment. Next thing on the list will be seeing the eye doctor hopefully. Nothing serious, but years ago I broke my glasses and never got new ones. My left eye has a slight blur to it. Plus since I spend a good amount of my time in front of a monitor either playing games, writing emails, blogging, script writing etc it would help me quite a bit. Plus I’ve been told I look dashing with glasses on. Somehow I can pull off the nerd look and have the talk to back it up.
YCDTOXB Season 1 Episode 2
This is the first “official” goof off episode I ever made. Still in early learning about adobe after effects. These episodes would later on be my favorites. Random nonsense and easy editing… you just can’t go wrong.
Open Thread
I think I spent most of my day plugging at that animation stuff. Even sat out of a TF2 match to finish it up. After lots of work I can finally assemble everything (I posted further details of it over at the SNews blog) which I’ll get back to tomorrow.
Now to get a little bed rest. Got work later today.
It looks like it’ll be next Friday for sure.
Still been cramming at production. Got all the animation done for the episode I’m currently working on. Plus script writing and waiting on a voice actor or two.
On another note I may be posting a different kind of SNews video in a few days. Relating to the Maxim Girl Gamer Contest.
Also in the works is another podcast. This time with a special picture for the series, designed by our very own Yutram. 🙂
Too tired to write much. But I’ll try anyway.
Firstly, work sucked… Too many old people running into each other. Second, our internet has been consistently dying at around midnight PDT. Third I played some TF2 tonight despite issues (nice having your own in house server and family to play with). And of course I got some filming and animating done. I’ll plug back into that later on after I’ve had my rest.
To make up for the short post after a bit of an absence, here is sexy sax guy: