The Mind Of OverlordTomala

The rise, fall, and rise again of George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina

Man, first I miss out on the solar eclipse because of work, now I miss out on the closing, opening, reclosing etc of ever so brave George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina. George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina is having a really shitty time on the internet lately hasn’t he? Of course he’s too stupid to figure out that he’s been digging his own net based grave.

Believe it or not, a snarky website called glossy news held an interview with George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina. Yes… This is real. Here is a quick summary of what George Tierney Jr of Greenville South Carolina actually believes.

  1. Georgetown is a fake Catholic university
  2. The war on women is as fake as the war on blacks and illegals
  3. Lou Gehrigs comes from Iraq
  4. Muslims have a pact to infiltrate western politics
  5. Barack Obama’s real name is George Sorrento
  6. America was at war with Russia in the 70s
  7. Obama is personally arsenic-deathing all the cancer-curing doctors

The full 44 minute log of the interview is on that site if you wish to read it. The audio interview is available as well for those who request it. Now, if you want to see some more of the awesomeness that is George Tierney Jr of Greenville South Carolina, check out this link. It seems George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina is attacking a wide array of people, from The President and First Lady to Data from Star Trek and Tom Hanks. George Tierney Jr of Greenville South Carolina really gets around!

Oh what’s this?

Is it me, or is George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina preparing himself for being nailed to a cross in that pic? At this point he might as well prepare. Especially with more ugly truth coming out about George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina. Like George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina’s restraining order for example George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina really knows how to handle the ladies doesn’t he?

Edited to add even MOAR George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina

“When I’m Tierney’s Whore”

Special credit goes to FreddyD of the slackers forums for writing this up in our thread about George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina. He wrote a parody, to the tune of “When I’m 64” by The Beatles.


Write me some hate mail
Tweet me some bile
Saying “Hey fuck you”
Make me feel like I’m shitting shattered glass
Pull some bad words out of your ass
Scold me as slutty
Won’t you revile
Make me beg for more
Will you still hate me, will you berate me
When I’m Tierney’s Whore

Every summer we will celebrate
The night you poked me with a fork
In the eye
We shall see a shriiiiinnnk…
Won’t you tell me just once more
That your shit don’t stink

Slice up my buttocks
Carve up my thighs
Make me scream and bleed
Turn me into piles of tender twitchy puss
Yes I’ll even lick up the muss
Jab some electrodes
Turn up the volts
Do what I deplore
Will you still hate me, will you berate me
When I’m Tierney’s Whore

Open Thread totally not involving George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina

Well, the good news is that my back is finally feeling better after loafing around today. Had a bit of rain sneak up on us today so that meant I got to laze about on my day off. Been watching the blog statistics since yesterday and I would like to thank George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina for getting lesser blogs and forums like myself more known in other realms! Just keep doing your thang and entertain us all. As for anyone else who found this place, hello! Feel free to comment! Don’t be shy. Don’t want to comment? You’re still welcome.

Now, I didn’t really work on any projects today (though I feel I should have). Instead I did science things in Portal 2. Quite a few friends of mine released some fun, strange and strangely fun test chambers to play. Might have to do reviews of them. Perhaps make my own challenges as well? I have always considered GLaDOS to be some form of role-model. Certainly far better than George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina. Much more human too.

Still on the note of science I also did some co-op. Been so long since I’ve done them that I feel as though I’ve gone slightly senile.

So I heard something about some guy named George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina

You can read the original article that I read. It’s a good read. Or this link here where I originally found it.

It seems George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina doesn’t know how teh internetz works. George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina tweeted to Sandra Fluke. If you don’t know who Sandra Fluke is here is an article. Here is the tweet:

Of course when George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina wrote this tweet, George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina thought he was only using his “inside voice”, because you know. REAL men like George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina tend to quietly yell at women over the internet from the safety of their monkey sheets in mom’s basement. Y’know, just to show them whose more dominant! However, George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina didn’t expect her to retweet what George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina said so that her thousands of female followers could see how much of a redfaced redneck George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina actually is! So anyway, I guess George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina decided to google George Tierney and HOLY DICK SAUCE!!!! The internet remembered what he said! What are the odds?

But wait!!! It gets better!!!

George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina contacts Jane Hampshure of Firedog lake with some interesting demands.

Whoever runs this site needs to take my damn comments off of it. I did not give you permission, nor did you ask me for it. It shows up on google and I will see a lawyer if this doesnt disappear. Ask me before posting bullshit about me. You fuckers had no right.


George Tierney Jr

Then George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina gets a response.

Dear Mr. Tierney,

It is site policy to establish that you are actually George Tierney, and not someone claiming to be him, in order to engage you on this matter further. Please have your lawyer confirm that you are in fact the George Tierney referred to in the post and I will be happy to discuss the matter with him. My contact information is below.

Oh but it gets better…

You dont get to make the rules. I am the george tierney that made the comments to sandra fluke, not to you..take it off google. If it goes to a lawyer, it will be settled in court, with me getting paid.


George Tierney Jr

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHA… oh wait. George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina seriously thinks that’s how the internet works. That is just so terribly hilarious. Sorry Mr George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina, but that’s not how the internet works. It’s like Las Vegas, whatever happens on google, stays on google.

So in conclusion I think I found the lesson here:

…and now that all that money he spent on eHarmony is just fucking wasted because ladies will not want to go on a date with him ever ever again besides the fact that all he ever wants to talk about is golf which is like the third gayest sport ever. Besides, also: boring.

The lesson is why use eHarmony to look for women when you can just say stupid shit to Sandra Fluke or some other popular woman? You’ll be surrounded by more women than you could ever shake your stick at!


Edited to add George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina. It needed to be done.



It seems George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina has posted another tweet. George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina’s father George Tierney Sr is getting harassed by people that sonny boy George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina pissed off. So if you want to give him some love, or gay porn you can email him

Sunday Night Open Thread

So the weather here  has been nice. Not cold or overly hot. Which means I can wear makeup without worrying about it washing away when going outside to help people at work. Been trying some new glittery stuff and eye primer. I think me wearing makeup scares people. They like it but they’re not used to it since normally I don’t wear any (either too lazy to wear it or afraid of it washing off.

Work was pretty calm today. I worked nutrition which meant I only had to deal with people who had concern for their overall health. No assholes or weird people. My back is still kind of bothering me. Not as bad as yesterday but I can feel burning in my shoulder blade areas. I think I need to think about taking a vacation soon. I’ve been feeling pretty achey lately.

Saturday Morning Open Thread

Work was an absolute bitch. Didn’t help that I was working with a thrown out back around a bunch of people who came to work sick… with my luck I’ll probably catch what’s going around. On that note I ,might have to keep a close eye out for people with whooping cough. Seems there is an epidemic in Washington State. With it being close to tourist season I’ll need to be careful.

So I’ve been sitting as upright as possible while making another episode. Proud to say I’m very far ahead! They’ll be much longer than the one I posted at SNews yesterday.

I think tonight I’ll go to bed before sunrise. Got a busy day tomorrow.

Open Thread

Wanted to go out and get some stuff done. But after last night I didn’t really want to do much today. Did get some nice overtime at least. Now it’s  time for me to go and rest up for another day/evening of work. Might even experiment a bit with some new makeup that my mother gave me. I had a ton before and now I have even moar!!!

So anyway. I didn’t really feel like doing much. My creative brain wasn’t quite working today either, felt more like learning. So I followed a request from one of the Slackers Forum members and figured out what I needed to do to make windows or tabs open whenever a link is clicked on the site. It’s small but felt good to learn something. 🙂

Butt Fucked Up The Dick.

Had the day from hell. We were short a person due to a sick call and the person who received the sick call didn’t tell anyone they called in sick…  Nothing got done and no one was out working the floor due to either checking or working the bottle/can return machines (the latter being me). It also didn’t help that 3 cashiers all called in sick… Maybe it’s a good thing that it was both my Monday and Friday. Watch… They’ll probably try to call me in today at the last minute. Like they’ve been doing every week.

Oh well on brighter note I played some Left 4 Dead 2. Found another abortion campaign that I’ll have to review. Also did some TF2 for a little bit with all sniper teams on the server.

Still searching for a RSS bot that works with version 3.0.10 of phpBB3. No luck so far as everything seems to be for older versions. That’s all I really need. I can’t think of any other plugins that we need for the forum. It looks pretty cool with the update alone.