The Mind Of OverlordTomala

An easier way for 12 year olds to get money into Steam.

Ever have that random 12 year old come in from any part of the world asking for you to have mercy on them and buy them a cheap game that is soooo cheap that they can’t afford it? Well, in the United States there is a new way to get money into their wallets!

So now American 12 year olds just need to get enough money from mommy and daddy so they can buy garrysmod for example. If you can’t get mom or dad to cough up $9.99 for a game then you’re just not trying hard enough! Oh well, there’s always selling yourself on the street I guess.

NOTE: This seems to only work for US Gamestops. 12 year olds from other countries may vary.

Not much to say.

I’ve been at a loos for words since the other night. Not really sure what to post about. Something happened recently but I’d rather not talk about it. The good news is that more and more slacker friends are playing TF2, which is really awesome. I even played some Portal 2 coop tonight with my father and got the professor portal achievement. I do plan on reviewing fan test chambers in the future as soon as I figure out how I want to go about that.

I also did another round of animating and filming for another episode. Can’t say much else.

Early Morning Open Thread

I should be asleep but the warm weather is keeping me up. I’m actually going off after posting this though.

Really sunny here today, bit windy though. Mostly did some tweaking to the forum again. Posted about it at SNews, along with another episode. Did more line recording tonight…If the latest episode wasn’t weird enough it’s going to get weirder.

Early Morning Open Thread

So last night San and I went out to the local bar to finally celebrate my birthday from weeks ago. The drinks there were AWESOME. I had 3 total, two were strawberry lemon drops and the house special drink which I can’t remember. I didn’t really eat much beforehand so I came home pretty well lit. People who were around that time in mumble could tell you I was pretty out of it.

Now onto sober business. I’m getting closer to solving the TF2 replay issue. It uploads the replay data from the client but when it tries to download back to the client it fails everytime. So that’s something I’ll still need to sort. I also added to SNews and this blog the Slackers forum RSS. To make it for asshats and curious people to watch.

Mewston we have a problem…


So i try this game someone linked me.. Kerbal Space Program.. Will get to what it is later, link will tell u, I cant be arsed covering it, click link it saves me the trouble..

Anyway, i add this mod/add-on that gives u the Apollo 13 mission, rocket, sounds and all. wootage :3, mebe <.<


So there my rocket is on the pad (I’ll note now that you activate each separation and stage with the space key.) ready to go, I press space to start things rolling. It begins with grand going into space music (probably from the movie of the same name).

While its doing its musical score I prep ready to launch. We’re going to the moon boys!. as the music gets grandier and sounds like its going all “LAAA LAA BAAW AMERICAAAA!!” i hit space to launch…








Bye Jebadiah D:


The whole thing became a fireball on the launchpad, and a damn good one at that Harry :I

Epic boom at the counterpoint of the “ooh fuck yea America” song.. no launch tho.. <.<


yea seems releasing the anchoring clamps at the base of the rocket would have been a good idea eh Dr Soren  >.>

so in a second attempt at more expense to the taxpayers “we love u. give us more” and an educated guess that G releases the clamps, we have lift off.. blah blah blah into space blah toward the moon (or Mun as its called)..


so as we approach the moon things seem ok til the moon is missed and the mission kind heads slowly into deep space.. meh. release another stage or 2, since we no longer need the lander  <.<;

The lunar lump gets ever smaller to the sound of  “Huston, we have a problem..” :I no shit Bob..


but yea so i had to reconfigure my bread the other day since one or 2 slices got a little growth on them. all was well after. and defragged it.

I’m done here.