The Mind Of OverlordTomala

And now I wait.

Well, I did my interview! Not sure if I’ll get the job. I’ll have to wait for a call either today or find out sometime tomorrow during work. But I did fairly well during the interview and answered all the questions accordingly.

After the interview though that weird old guy that keeps trying to give me stuff was following me around from afar. He even tried to start a convo with me but I kept it to a bare minimum. That guy has some serious issues.

I was thinking about going back to sleep, but now I don’t really feel like it. Think I’ll burn off this energy somehow by maybe working on a project, reading or maybe a game.

Creature of the night.

It seems they need someone to work a graveyard shift tonight. They don’t even know what they want me to work either. I love being needed and knowing what I’ll be doing just as much as the people making me come in do… I even asked how long approx (since the store will be closed and I won’t be able to buy anything) and they told me they weren’t sure. They thought it was strange of me to ask these questions. Considering I’m giving up one of my days off to work for their already understaffed group I think it would be nice to have a small idea of what I’d be doing.

At least the store will be closed…

Some choose not to evolve.

At work today a pregnant woman collapsed in severe pain. We all rushed to help her and even got her a wheelchair. What really pissed me off was that customers saw she was in pain but still had no qualm about stepping around her or over her while she was on the ground. Some of them were even of the opinion that “how dare she be in OUR way”. Well fuck you and the horses you rode in on. She needed medical attention and all you people were worried about were getting your fucking coffee supplies. God forbid someone be on the ground in severe pain RIGHT where you needed to go…

There is way too much of this “me me me” mentality in the US. I think people like that drive me insane the most because they have no empathy whatsoever. Can’t even begin to think what life might be like for someone who is not them. May karma come along and give them a swift kick in the ass.