Got most of the audio and lip sync work done today for one of the upcoming episodes. Still a bit of a blur as to when I’ll have it completed, again it will either be this Friday or the next. I still have to animate everything then edit and compile it until it’s right. Time to snooze in the meantime.
Progress Update Post… thing.
Finally recorded some lines tonight for one of the upcoming reviews. Things and stuff are still happening!
Stay tuned.
Forum Status
The forums are currently down due to a severe storm outside. I’m posting this here because it makes more sense.
Lack of maturity in the workplace.
Tonight I was reminded about the real winners I happen to work with. After helping a Jamaican man this evening one of the guys I work with offhandedly commented to me that “when” he has children he will make it clear to them that if they date anyone of another race he would disown them. This floored me, this really floored me. I asked him why, he just felt it was completely wrong for races to mix with each other. He followed it with “You must think I’m a bad person”. Uhhh, yeah. I’m not thinking it. I KNOW it. Would have been funny if one of my bosses were working tonight. The Mexican one who happens to be married to a white lady.
Then one of the other guys who was also working is a sexist fuck. Talking about his ex girlfriend tonight, was explaining to us all that it was entirely her fault that she got pregnant. I’m not saying he’s entirely at fault either. However it does take two to tango. I know both of them well enough to know they’re equally nucking futz.
I didn’t report them. If they’re not bothering customers with this hate talk then I have no ground to say anything, despite how uncomfortable it is.
And they wonder why I don’t talk more about my personal life…
From the past: 7 Hours Later (L4D1)
I can’t promise what will be released next. But I’m looking to release something either next week or the week after.
In the meantime, let me reflect back on the first episode ever:
This was what one would call a “pilot” episode. My character colors were reversed, the intro was kinda n00bish, but I managed to learn things, such as after effects, editing in premiere pro (more so than in the past) and audio mixing to some degree. There was a L4D2 version done of it. I may revisit it at some point.
Current Status!
Still moving along and getting my ducks in a row for the upcoming episodes. More games are going to be showcased. I’m currently in a nostalgic mood for what I’ve currently recorded, HL2DM, DMC and a few others for example.
I will keep posting status updates among other things and stuff for the time being.
Open Thread
Recorded some more small footage tonight. I’m putting together quite the medly of things and stuff for one of the next episodes. I also decided to play some Deus Ex HR for about an hour. Despite the console based graphics it’s still a pretty good game. So far it has a gripping storyline and kinda reminds me of MGS in gameplay. I’ll need to get back to it soon.
A hard days night.
Around Christmas time I blogged about this strange old man that keeps trying to give me presents, he eventually did get the gifts back and that was the end of it… Until last week.
He came up to me and apologized for causing me any discomfort, he just views me as a puzzle that he wants to solve. Since then he’s been coming in everyday/night hunting me out to make small talk. Tonight really got strange when he said “So I hear you’re on the shift that you prefer working”. This indicates that he’s been talking about me with other people in the store… I wouldn’t put it past him to try searching for me online. Good luck finding me though.
Then we had some guy complaining that an old dark Asian woman was buying $100 worth of darts. DARTS!!! She wasn’t shoplifting them either. She was just buying darts. Of course the guy looked like he was on something.
Got a full night of work though! That was pretty nice. Came home, had some pot roast and relaxed in Serious Sam 3 and Killing Floor. Good stuff.
Early Morning Open Thread
After some dusting I decided to reward myself with some TF2 and Serious Sam BFE. Having this new power at my fingertips is just awesome.
Tomorrow’s objective will be the bathroom and the floors.
This weather sucks.
It’s been pouring down outside nonstop since I went to lay down this morning. I still didn’t want to wake up. Forcing myself out of bed though. Think I’ll make two things of tea (one flowering and one chai) and activate spring cleaning mode.