The Mind Of OverlordTomala

My shit is still there!!! Sorta.

I’ve got some good news. I recovered everything important from the hard drives! Some of my raw footage for reviews were ruined though, so I’ll have to do another film session. But pictures, audio and compiled videos are all safe, sound, and backed up onto other drives and computers. I can still do stuff! Which I’ll need to soon because this downtime has caused me to fall somewhat behind on projects.

Finally up yet again on windows 7. Tomorrow I’ll tear into XP yet again… This time I’m not touching the microsoft administrative tools to format the drives. Mini partition tool will do the trick. I use that anyway for on the fly drive resizing.

Anyway, the next three days I’ll be ordering bread. Time to go back to that nap trick I did last time so I won’t go completely insane.

Just when I saw a light at the end of the tunnel, a boulder rolls into view.

Had a bit of a setback last night while formatting one of the new 1 TB drives. For whatever reason the drive controller didn’t like it when I tried to format 2 things at a time. Which is strange because under XP and 7 there is usually no issue, it’ll just do it. Not in this case…

For whatever reason it tore apart the RAID I had. I lost everything but the two operating system drives. Things like my games and video footage/completed episodes might be gone. I say might because right now I’m running Disk Internals RAID recovery. I’m using that and have managed to possibly recover my Steam drive. Most of the files seem to be there. I opened up one folder to export the contents and the program seems to be taking it’s sweet ass time opening it. I’m going to guess it’s the one folder that had half a million files in it… Just my luck.

This means I’m going to be down even longer than anticipated. My drive tables are completely fucked. I’ll have to redo everything as soon as I try to recover all of the important files.

Almost finished up

Built my RAID configuration tonight and got most of XP done. Aside from having to tweak XP and 7 I’m pretty much ready to go to town. At this point in time I’m formatting one of my hard drives for the first time. It’s taking forever…

Decided while I had downtime that I’d spend some time cooking tonight. Made some nice spicy fried rice and tomato flower soup. Very colorful and warming on a very cold evening.

Now to read up on what I’ve missed while doing some personal engineering.

My Triumphant Return To Teh Internetz

I’m finally up on the new system. So far it’s been working beautifully. Installed Windows XP in less than ten minutes. The Win 7 side took a bit longer, but that’s to be expected as it has more stuff and things.

I’m almost done configuring the Win 7 side. I’m going to pop over to the XP side and get as much of that done as I can so I can start moving things about.

On another note I don’t have to cashier after all. Talked to my boss and he talked to the store director. I don’t have to check after all. Celebrated last night by having 5 straight shots. Would have posted last night, but you know… Tomala + 5

Sometimes things just go right.

It ain’t everyday that you wake up and get asked to work from ten to one in the am. But I figured why not?Get a few hours in and come home, do some stuff then sleep in until work tomorrow afternoon. Nice part about working night shift is not wearing a uniform and being able to bring your own mp3 player. Basically kept to myself stocking the shelves, no customers around at all… It was almost heavenly.

I think tomorrow night I’ll get some more filing in, maybe even compile another episode.

Open Thread

Did some voice recording tonight. My own lines and another friend for one of the upcoming episodes. I think tomorrow I’ll assemble another episode since I have the day off. had today off too, but that went to screwing off script writing and voice recording. Did get a little bit of TF2 in though, which was nice.

Rebel with a cause.

Unfortunately I didn’t get to talk to my boss regarding the cashiering situation. However, I do believe I’ve caused a little chaos already. Had one of my bosses and a couple of my fellow co-workers come up to me today basically saying “Well, you’re going to be checking.” and I pretty much said “No, I’m not…” They tried to pressure me into it… “Everyone is going to be cashier trained, you’re making a big mistake!” Yeah I’m friggin scared too. Worst case scenario I’ll be stuck with a same pay job or better. Give me a fucking break. I know a lot of shit around that store. They’ll have to replace me with a complete n00b that won’t have the same experience. He may have the same or better after some time… But that stuff takes awhile to learn. Funny thing is, my Boss said “Well you’d better talk to Mark (main one in charge).” and I told him flat out “I was going to, but noticed he wasn’t in today… But we will talk”

If I wanted to be a cashier I would have signed up to be one from the very start. I do not. If they fail to see something that simplistic then it’s time to move on.

Pleasent distractions.

Got my mind off of work a bit tonight. Went for a walk through town today and visited a couple thrift stores. Bought some nice belts and a rose pattern silk scarf. Played some TF2 tonight and won a few oddball items. Among them was a hat for the spy worth $12.99 known as the Cosa Nostra Cap. So I guess tonight wasn’t entirely bad. Plus for what it’s worth I made some coconut rice pudding with banana, plus did some filming in Uru for my next upcoming SNews project. It’ll be along the lines of short and funny.

Speaking of SNews, following the RSS link on the right side of the blog will take you to my latest review of a campaign for L4D1.