The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Rebel with a cause.

Unfortunately I didn’t get to talk to my boss regarding the cashiering situation. However, I do believe I’ve caused a little chaos already. Had one of my bosses and a couple of my fellow co-workers come up to me today basically saying “Well, you’re going to be checking.” and I pretty much said “No, I’m not…” They tried to pressure me into it… “Everyone is going to be cashier trained, you’re making a big mistake!” Yeah I’m friggin scared too. Worst case scenario I’ll be stuck with a same pay job or better. Give me a fucking break. I know a lot of shit around that store. They’ll have to replace me with a complete n00b that won’t have the same experience. He may have the same or better after some time… But that stuff takes awhile to learn. Funny thing is, my Boss said “Well you’d better talk to Mark (main one in charge).” and I told him flat out “I was going to, but noticed he wasn’t in today… But we will talk”

If I wanted to be a cashier I would have signed up to be one from the very start. I do not. If they fail to see something that simplistic then it’s time to move on.

Pleasent distractions.

Got my mind off of work a bit tonight. Went for a walk through town today and visited a couple thrift stores. Bought some nice belts and a rose pattern silk scarf. Played some TF2 tonight and won a few oddball items. Among them was a hat for the spy worth $12.99 known as the Cosa Nostra Cap. So I guess tonight wasn’t entirely bad. Plus for what it’s worth I made some coconut rice pudding with banana, plus did some filming in Uru for my next upcoming SNews project. It’ll be along the lines of short and funny.

Speaking of SNews, following the RSS link on the right side of the blog will take you to my latest review of a campaign for L4D1.

The Overlord is on the warpath.

Despite getting up early today I still had a good work day. That was until I looked at the schedule two weeks ahead and saw that they want to train me to do yet another thing. To work a cash register. This is where I draw the line.

For the last couple years we have been getting deliberately understaffed in almost every single department. Instead of keeping or hiring more cashiers they have been grabbing people from all over the store to come down and check for them. Which makes it real fun trying to get ANY work done whatsoever. Now they’re making it mandatory for every single person in the entire store. What’s funny is that a friend of ours that moved to another store in Oregon told us that they don’t follow the same rules. This is all taking place at the local level. Doesn’t seem so mandatory after all, does it?

So now I’ve once again been thrust into something that I don’t want to do, and I only know because I read the schedule. As usual my employers are failures at communicating information like this to me or anyone else. You would think after working there for almost five years I would get a little more respect than that. But then again they have made it clear that the only way I’ll be getting a raise of any kind would be if state minimum wages go up… It’s time to move on. As it is I’ve been looking at the new store opening up, plus jobs are opening up elsewhere in town. I think I can do far better elsewhere.

They have trained me to order and work bread without even consulting me, they have trained me to work bakery without consulting me, they have trained me to work the nutrition center (that one they did give me a heads up about though, and I really didn’t mind), and other odd things. I would rather push fucking carts and clean toilets than use a cash register. I’m sorry… It’s not that I don’t trust myself around money, it’s that I trust no one else. Not to mention that lately it seems like I haven’t been able to get any work done between being called away from what I’m doing constantly and not getting any coverage from other people because they’re either off doing what I’m doing or out filling in for a cashier. It’s pretty bad when one of our guys spends 5 hours of his 9 hour shift cashiering and not doing his job with the rest of us. If I get trained to cashier I already know even less work will get done. You can stretch a rubberband only so far until it snaps, which I’m about to.

And again, they don’t pay me enough to give a damn. Real cashiers get paid more than me, and they want me to get trained so they can call me out there at any given moment for minimum wage? Fuck that noise… If this is the new standard then I’ll put in my two weeks notice and go elsewhere. I’m fine on money right now, I’ve tucked enough away to keep myself safe while job hunting.

I have a good rep and a great track record. I’ll have no problem finding a new job. Plus I’ve stated before that if prompted to cashier train I would give my notice. They told me they thought I was bluffing, it’s time to prove them wrong.

Open Thread

I haven’t really had much to blog about lately due to lack of things to talk about, that and most of the people who read this blog have been doing a great job of finding me. Haven’t worked on much lately, been actually on a bit of a TF2 vacation and work has been consuming most of my time as of late.

Gonna call it an early night. I have work early in the morning.

Open Thread

Been so hell bent on finishing a project that I neglected to post for the last couple days. I’ve been having fun in Adobe Premiere CS5. Handles ALOT better than CS4. Has fewer bugs and it hasn’t crashed once so far, which is always good when working on a project. Also took some time to make chicken and rice noodle soup and a thai omelet with the pepper sauce I made the other day. omnomnomnomnom.

Early Morning Open Thread

New mp3 player arrived today. It’s a Sony Walkman with 8 gigs. It didn’t seem to like the front USB port but runs on all the others just fine. Been stress testing it and making sure it works so I can leave good feedback. So far it does everything I want. 🙂 It even has a built in speaker! Finally a new way to annoy people during break time…


I inserted a smiley face into this post? I must be tired…