The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Evening Open Thread

Really sunny warm day today! Great way to start my weekend. Although work decided to try calling me in to help with pan ups in their bakery, which I shrugged off. I like how he waited for my first day off to tell me that I was needed instead of telling me before hand, as it is the bakery area is deliberately understaffed.

As it was I already had plans to run errands today. I can cross off sending packages and cleaning the mold off of the window sil. At least I’ll be able to breathe now. I discovered it the other night when I went to close the window, a nice black liquid on my hands. Then saying to myself yeah… That’ll have to go on my next day off. Thanks to the mold I had a difficult time sleeping last night. Another reason why I didn’t go in today. Blood shot eyes and a scratchy throat. Bleh.

Just finished having some nice pizza

Planning my weekend

Looks like I have a long one this week. From Thursday to Sunday (subject to change) I’ll have to come up with things to do. I already have a list:

Install Win 7 on main system
Tidy the room a bit
Film for upcoming reviews
Work on podcast
Ship some packages to friends
Cook kitchen science experiments
Look forward to company visiting on Saturday
Running to the bank

Yet something feels like it’s missing from this to do list I’ve made for myself. Tonight I worked on some more title cards for upcoming episodes.

Some assembly required.

Since I got the animating and filming out of the way last night, it wasn’t much trouble for me to spend some time in premiere pro assembling two episodes. Now I have enough for the entire run of next month and a little going into March. I’m actually at the point where I can start doing more filming. Feels pretty good. In the meantime I have plans for the “finale”.

Yet another day off where I dedicated my entire time to working on film and animation

I felt much better today. So after making some fried rice to eat I tore right into SourceSDK and garrysmod. Needless to say I’m glad I did put this off for awhile. Relistening to some of the audio I decided to omit and rearrange a few things in the review dialogues for the various episodes I’m working on. I have one last round of filming for the morning and then I think I’ll turn in.

Oh wait there was one other thing I did. The moment I logged into steam today one of the people on my friends list did a mass invite to a map he’s creating for TF2. It’s in a very early stage (no shadows or skybox) but it’s definitely different, even offering a different kind of gameplay. I think I’ll keep it a surprise, may be in a future review if the map is completed.