Well, it’s the afternoon and my body is telling me to take a nap. I wonder how long I can prevent myself from passing out. I can’t concentrate on gaming. I’d like to work on one of my projects but don’t feel mentally up for it. Tidying up shop requires too much effort right now. Seems all I feel like doing is reading, blogging and listening to music. It’s cold and raining outside so I don’t exactly feel like going for a walk. Plus this is the part of the day where nothing really exciting happens. Damn, maybe I should take a nap after all.
New Tomb Raider game for 2012. Looks interesting.
I see that once again that her look has been slightly altered though not by much. Will be keeping an eye out for this.
Early Morning Open Thread
Well, the sleep experiment was a success. Of course everyone at work thought I was mad for doing that to stay alert. I ended up sleeping a couple hours after arriving home, then eating and showering, followed by a little more sleep. Woke up at about 2am and decided to socialize for a bit. Now I’m counting down the minutes before work. While getting my ducks in a row for another set of reviews. If I make these, I may make a teaser trailer… I already have a poster. Why not a trailer?
Here on the Oregon coast it is currently below freezing. There is snow outside the house… Very strange.
I didn’t do much yesterday. I slept, ate, took a nap, woke back up a couple hours ago and have to be to work at 7am. So far I seem to be holding up.
Think today will be the day I wear the Portal 2 swag as my after work disguise.
Open Thread
Found out I have two days next week where I’ll be working mornings. So I’ll probably be gone from everywhere but here Sunday and Monday.
Maybe I’ll try a sleep experiment where I sleep as much as I can, then get up early before work and enjoy myself. What have I to lose aside from what little sanity I have left?
I think I’ll take a break from working on projects tonight. I’m not really in the mood.
“I AM A MAAN *punch*”
Did more rendering/animating tonight, then I wrote another script for my next project. One more and I’ll have the entire month of February covered episode-wise.
Aside from that I took breaks to do my traditional round of reading and came across this
The group he’s talking about have been the talk of the internet the last couple of days. Basically a group of HE-MEN have their own forum who are either fed up with women, swearing off of them completely due to one scorn after another, or insert homosexual joke here. In fact to be quite honest I thought I found the official Log Cabin Republican website. I wish that were a joke too, but what can one think when you see a bunch of dudes talking about how evil women are. Plus talking about liberal agendas and a thread or two about Ron Paul or Romney? But I digress.
Am I mad? Not really no. If anything it was a good laugh. What they’re doing is really no different from women who are anti men completely (the feminists that take it waaaaaay too far). As someone who has had my fair share in dealing with the public and having to shovel shit from both sides of the gender coin. I can tell you that stupidity and cruelty knows no gender.Both sides can be knuckle dragging neanderthals whenever they want to. But of course it’s easier to live with eyes closed. Should I hate all men because one grabbed me and shook me or slammed a door in my face and laughed? Of course! it makes perfect sense! 😉
Another thing I found funny reading that forum, women are the ones that want to get pregnant? Never the guy? Really? Then why is it that every other month I have some old guy getting mad at me whenever I tell them no I don’t have any children or no I have no interest in getting married. Is that really something for people to concern them self with? I suppose next they’ll use the argument that it’s the woman’s fault that she gets raped because she’s beautiful and makes guys aroused just by being in the same room not doing anything. Same argument, different era.
But then they do say they are done with women, right? Hmmmmm are those the guys I want to date or should I just continue doing my own thing? Tough call man, tough call…
Yesterday was a good day.
It was nice and sunny. I sent a package, letters, and played around in photoshop (as you can see by my last post) plus played a little TF2 and did some audio mixing. Now it’s time to set some things aside for later today and start anew.
Just checking in.
Been busy with work, adobe, and a little more TF2.
Hope all is well with everyone else.
Got far enough along on episode one of season 2 to start working on the script for episode 2. Took my whole day off but I had fun. 🙂 Should be releasing videos sometime in early or mid Feb.