The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Festivus Open Thread

Today was a nice and relaxing day. Woke up to sunset to make myself a cheese omelet with red and green salsa on top, opening presents from friends and giving some to my brother through digital distribution. After all a family that slays together stays together.

I hope everyone else is having a good holiday.

The holidays bring out the stupid in people.

So today we had a woman who was pissed off because of her soggy ice cream. Nevermind the fact that she picked it up first while shopping for everything else. Somehow this was our fault…

For me the happiest part of Christmas will be these people leaving me the fuck alone.

Certain old men can’t die out soon enough.

I’m not sure what it is but it seems like elderly men want to know if I’m married or have children. I shit you not. I’ve had 3 or 4 in the last year ask me if I’m either married or demand why I haven’t given birth to any children yet.  What makes this even stranger is that every single time this happens I don’t know them at all but they sure as hell have seen me for quite some time. Tonight I had my 4th encounter.

It started off normally enough. I was in the middle of looking at one of our shelves to see if anything needed to be stocked when he came up to me. He looked normal. Tall, gray hair and mustache. Said that he has moved into town permanently, seems to remember me from a couple other trips he’s paid up this way (seeing me push carts) and seemed happy to see that I’m inside out of the rain and cold. Then he asked me if I was married. When he found out I wasn’t he practically had a heart attack. He seemed flabbergasted that I wasn’t married and how dare I not have any children! I made it clear that I wasn’t exactly looking and that seemed to annoy him even more. Then he said that him and I could get married and tell everyone… Yeahhhh at that point I told him to have a nice day and I got the hell away from him. He followed me though and said from a distance that he was joking. Needless to say my bosses know what to watch out for.

Still this is something that while it’s infrequent, when it does happen it’s annoying. Why do these old farts show interest in my potential marital status or what pops out of my vagina? It’s always old men. Old women or even younger women tend to not give a shit. Young guys either ask me out or don’t care (or if they do they’re discreet) about it one way or another. It’s always single old anal retentive looking men who probably never scored because of strange questions like that.

I don’t go around asking questions like that, they shouldn’t either. End of argument.

Also too, I won Dota2. Will have to give that a try sometime.

Tonight’s lesson: Noding TF2 maps.

Well, tonight I learned how to node maps in TF2 so that bots will fight properly instead of standing around. Interesting thing, they don’t work properly on payload race maps. They’ll fight but the red team won’t push their bomb. Aside from a few small glitches on the other maps I noded everything seems  to be in order though. Having said that I’ll be downloading more custom maps and noding those as well for the server.

Learn something new everyday…

Found out tonight I’m one of the people lucky enough to work with a zen conspiracy theorist. While talking about chi and how everything in life has energy and spirit (rocks, trees, people etc) he also told me about a conspiracy called chemtrails. Surprisingly I never heard of this and he told me to look it up.

Taken from wikipedia:


The chemtrail conspiracy theory holds that some trails left by aircraft are actually chemical or biological agents deliberately sprayed at high altitudes for purposes undisclosed to the general public in clandestine programs directed by government officials.[1] This theory is not accepted by the scientific community, which states that they are just normal contrails, and that there is no scientific evidence supporting the chemtrail theory.

After reading this and finding youtube videos regarding the subject I collapsed into a state of lulz. Seriously! Out of all the conspiracy theories that I have ever heard this has to be right up there with crazy sprinkler lady. If you don’t know what that is look it up on YouTube. I guarantee you’ll have a laugh.

There are more important things in this world to be afraid of. Chemtrails have to be at the lowest on my list of things to worry about. If you want to talk about something really scary lets talk about the holy 1% and the economy. Or how High Fructose Corn Syrup and other additives are pumped into almost every single edible substance.

Nucking futz man… nucking futz.