The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Aperture Science Repulsion Chowder

Best way to describe what we had for dinner tonight. The abalone had the texture of shoe leather. If you dropped apiece on the table it would bounce like a rubber ball.

Decided to play some TF2 tonight. Australian Santa was kind to me and gave me a few things to turn into metal PLUS a naughty winter crate. Not sure what I’ll do with that yet. Think in the meantime I’ll lay down. I’m not feeling right. I feel like I pulled a muscle tonight on my left side and I’m not entirely sure how.

Oh this is too good.

Taken from Kotaku:

In Manhattan’s Greenwich Village neighborhood sits Alamo, a giant cube sculpture by Tony Rosenthal which dates back to 1967. The artwork, a.ka. the Cube, lives not far from New York University, The New School, and few other landmarks. It’s been in music videos by Cypress Hill and other groups and has been the subject of a few pranks, including one that turned it into a giant Rubik’s Cube.

This morning, the latest stunt involving Alamo turned it into the Weighted Companion Cube from Valve’s popular Portal games. Oversized swaths of fabric covered one of the city’s most famous sculptures in the beloved inanimate object’s signature hearts-and-squares. A note from the Caltech Prank Club claims responsibility in the distinctive language of Portal’s Aperture Science corporation. Sadly, there wasn’t any cake to celebrate the occasion.

That is just all levels of awesome.

Late Night Open Thread

I had off today. Made up for what I was missing in sleep but still woke up looking slightly dead. So I mostly played around with website stuff and photoshop. I purchased a windscreen to attach to my mic for future recording just to see how the quality is. Still don’t have enough footage yet to return to working on You Can’t Do That On XBox, but I still have lots of podcast material I can work through in the meantime.

Now I’m not tired but need to get to bed. Oh well. All next week it’ll be swingshift so I can’t complain too much.

It needed to be said.

Taken from this thread.

Lord Chaos:

A long time ago, in a different world, there was a man with some peculiar skills. He liked music. He liked telling stories. He was something of a closet showman. He came to Uru, where one thing and another happened that allowed this man to express his musical delight in a new way.

It was a small event, and he thought it might still work if written larger. He tried teaming up with some existing larger groups but that didn’t work out very well; the existing groups had existing ideas, and the man’s preferred way of working didn’t fit very well with them.

This man wasn’t really a quitter. He kept trying things. Yes, he was frustrated, but fighting was precluded by his preference for healing. He kept nosing along the trail, looking for space. After about six months he did find a space. He told people about it, and some came to join him in this space for a party, and everyone had so much fun they decided to do it again. A few weeks later one of the people who came suggested that the party be started earlier, to accommodate those in other time zones.

“I can, but only if I have some help,” the man replied. By this time there were some regular partygoers who’d been having fun and wanted to help. It could hardly be called “joining,” but they did form a loose group that came together every two weeks… and they all enjoyed it and contributed their own spirit to the goings-on.

It was all quite silly, in a rather serious way, and people still talk about it. In a good way, with good memories.

Outsiders cannot run a guild…

Remember that LC and you’ll go far in the online world.

I guess I’ve been eating light lately…

Yesterday I only had dinner (and a couple of snacks throughout the day. Had one margarita and felt fine for awhile. But I guess I didn’t eat enough because 4 hours later I found myself sitting next to the toilet for a few minutes. Needless to say I didn’t get much sleep either because I felt dehydrated. I just couldn’t squeeze in my usual amount of tea to my busy schedule.

So today I had lunch and dinner and am making a pot of tea for bed. I need to retire early tonight because that guy I fixed the laptop for will be coming by tomorrow. Then it’s off to work for a full 8 hours. Think I’ll be bringing the monster laptop for my own amusement. That way if I can’t get away with a half hour lunch I’ll surf the internet or blow something up (whichever comes first).

Played with my youtube account tonight. I made some playlists (even one for the first season of YCDTOXB!) on the channel. Still in progress of making the 2nd season. I’m still trying to get some filming out of the way. But have been enjoying too much TF2. Such is life… heh.