My new review is up here:
Weekend I arrive.
The last two days have been absolute hell, been keeping busy with work, work more work and work. Hardly any slacking at all even at home. I even finished my review for Friday. I spent a good few hours getting it ready and another hour rendering it, at least I can feel good kicking back tomorrow. It’ll feel like vacation.
Wow… I completely lost track of the time. Last night I got home at around 1:30am and pigged out on some spaghetti followed by passing out for the night. Didn’t even feel like turning on the computer either.
Today was a double whammy. Geriatric Tuesday plus first of the month. We got shopped quite a bit by the elderly and the cheap. I managed to survive though, with enough energy to start the rest of my night.
Well, so much for having halloween off.
I switched with someone today who needed it more than I did. It’s a nice tradeoff though. I can go in and work from 5pm to 2am (or 1:30 if I take half an hour) and then I’ll have Friday and Saturday off. So in the end it works out, now what to wear tomorrow… I was going to be a Left 4 Dead 2 survivor again. Maybe this year I’ll aim for the TF2 universe. I have the essentials to be a sniper.
The sober ramblings of an overlord.
Still recovering from the cold. Played a bit of TF2 and won some halloween/full moon items. I also learned how to register my server so that it’ll get special gift drops during events like the Halloween one. Have to say the new boss this year is pretty funny, and it’s cool to see on some servers two teams fighting with each other to kill it. Then going back to killing each other. Though there were a couple cases tonight where I saw asshats killing people before they could get the achievements. Those asshats got kicked by the admin.
Oh, and I did something else today too. But you’ll have to dig for that.
Without thinking about it I wandered off the face of the earth for the last couple of days. I caught a real bad cold a few days ago at work. It actually started when this old woman walked passed me. The perfume that she had been bathing in for an entire 24 hours got into my lungs and it all went down hill from there. I even had to call into work for the first time since transferring to the food dept. I had to work the bakery that day and didn’t feel proper about being around food items while coughing and spreading germs. The 15 hour sleep I had made me feel a little better though. I did work today but I am feeling better (or I wouldn’t even have energy to write this) however now the rest of my family is now sick from the same cold. Hopefully it blows over quickly like mine is. In fact I’ll probably call it another early night and sleep for as long as I can. I have the next 2 days off… maybe… if I don’t get called in.
I guess it could be worse. There is another one going around that’s even worse. Some people have been vomiting from both ends it seems.
Aside from being ill, here is the latest YCDTOXB:
I’m currently working on the next episode… Lets just say I’m going to be back on the toilet due to the next one.
Open Thread
I don’t have much to report. Work was ok today, and I’ve been working on the next YCDTOXB. I finally have my external hard drive online and have been pumping it with FRAPS footage ever since. My goal is to collect all kinds of project footage and stuff my external HD and dedicated AV Stripe with it. Kinda my version of storing nuts for a harsh winter, and believe me. Some of the campaigns I’ve played through are pretty nuts…
Perfect Day Off
We’re finally getting some nice summer weather. I went out today for a walk and an iced tea. Whole day was nice and peaceful. I even blew up some zombies with Yutram, and plan to do some TF2 in a few before bed.
Gday mate.
Instead of tea I’m starting off the day with some raspberry yerba mate for the first time. Tastes pretty good actually.I don’t have time to drink an entire pot today like I have been the last couple.
See everyone tonight.