My vacation begins today…
Early Morning Open Thread
I spent my sleeping time mostly tossing and turning like a Tasmanian devil. Getting home from work just to make dinner and go straight to bed without having much time to relax just plain sucks…
But it will be worth it since Friday is the start of my vacation.
Ever feel like you’re watching a rerun of a bad show? (Yes I’ve been reading the MOUL forums again)
Yes, the 902 update was a fluke sorta speak. A group had used an exploit in MOUL to send a covert message to people playing the game that told their computer to download a program from an outside server and execute it and run in the background, hidden. In other words, a virus. This exploit/virus was traced back to top level individuals of GoW.
I firmly believe that people should be given the chance to correct their mistakes and make the situation better – which this group did by providing a patch to close the exploit. Which I am very thankful for.
However, this incident only confirmed Cyan Worlds management’s mistrust of GoW.
So, back to the question at hand… Yes. I have received lots of emails from lots of people asking about how to submit patches to Cyan for inclusion into MOUL. I’m sorry, I was waiting until I had an actual answer but things went crazy (unrelated things).Because and crew already have a business relationship with Cyan Worlds, the best place and most likely place to get patches into MOUL is through (which does include code reviews!)
Shorter Chogon: If you’re not part of OpenUru or can’t work with OpenUru then don’t even bother.
The hacks were later on explained:
I understand that most of you will not get anything from a wiki article, so I’ll explain why the GoW “top members” would be writing a “virus.” This incident happened around the opening of the fun house. Branan had earlier stated that no one could slip a virus onto another explorer’s computer using MOULa. I was pretty certain that it he was wrong, so I spent a couple of minutes looking through the python and found a glaring remote code exploit vulnerability. So, I wrote a simple script to pop up a message box saying “YOU GOT HAXXED” and sent that to branan. From there, we wrote a program that would run silently in the background and some code to launch it. We needed something that was slightly more real world than “YOU GOT HAXXED” after all (opening a dialog box is fairly trivial).
So we had our proof of concept program, a script to launch it, but no way to automate sending it. I took care of that part. It was designed to send the “attack” when anyone on the buddies list of a certain avatar came online. I put mine and a few other “top level” KI numbers in the buddy list–we did not want to send even an innocent PoC toy to an unsuspecting Uru user (that would make us look even worse, after all). Once we proved the vulnerability was quite easily exploitable, I removed our KI numbers from the buddy list.
At the same time as all this, we were also compiling a list of Cyan avatars’ KI numbers. I mistakenly added those KI numbers to the proof of concept avatar’s buddy list, which was empty–I thought it was another avatar. After that, I closed all everything down and chillaxed. We had our Cyan KI numbers and we weren’t being sent exploits when we login to MOULa. It wasn’t until Chogon contacted us about our proof of concept getting to Cyan that I looked at the buddy list again and saw my colossal blunder.
TL;DR: We were testing the client’s security, found a hole, and by a huge mistake of my own doing sent our proof of concept exploit to Cyan. To make up for it, we patched the hole for Cyan. We absolutely were not attempting to be malicious. Whether Cyan chooses to believe or disbelieve that is up to them.
It was only a matter of time before yet another person from the GOW decided that it was time to stick a fork in the thought of working with Cyan and calling it done: Link
You have no idea how nostalgic this makes me feel. I remember that there was one place in ye olden UU shard daze where you were supposed to post code. If you were from the wrong group or very unpopular you most likely would have been ignored while they copy your code and use it themselves or even try to change one thing about it and say that they did it and have people praise them (this actually happened). If you were from the more popular groups not only would they tell you that you did an excellent job, they would actually help you fix a problem within the code if they saw something wrong! This was basically why we stopped talking to the H’uru Project Shard regarding code and kept any refined or new ideas to ourselves. I only bring this up as some of the old guard are part of the OpenUru project (big surprise).
But of course it is easier to go with one group submitting everything to you since Uru is no longer the bread and butter project. An idea like accepting code fixes from anyone in the community is best left to companies that know what they’re doing.
Open Thread
All work, no play, get home from work, make dinner, wash up, bed…
I’ll have more tomorrow.
We’re not dead. NoIP is just being a dickwit…
For some reason noIP isn’t redirecting to our forum properly. So as an Overlord service I am required by protocol to give you information on how to login to the forum whilst waiting for NoIP to get their shit together.
Go to:
Enter your name and password and as you’re logging in click on one of the top menu items (like inbox for example). You’ll be able to post.
I did my good deed for the day. Now go away.
Seems to have been fixed.
Takin’ charge.
After 2 days off in a row I feel refreshed. Even better I go back in at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon so I’ll be able to sleep in before going.
Won some new items in TF2. I got 2 Axestinguishers and a direct hit! Did some crafting too… just metals.
I also worked on the next YCDTOXB. It’s going to be another short one but it’ll still be very funny. I recorded the lines last night, selected my clips and animated my character. Now I just have to film my character and piece the clips together in premiere and it’ll be done!
Well, just wanted to post something since it feels like I’ve been neglecting my blog. Gonna hit the sack nao.
Two days off in a row
After a calm workday I get to relax for a couple more days. Looks like I’m back to working evenings again. About friggin time.
So now I’m just sitting here reading while drinking PG tips with some cream, sugar and some tea biscuits. Contemplating how to blow up the internet tonight. Earlier I played some HL2DM and Serious Sam HD. I wonder what I’ll go onto next…
To those who saw me die online (again) tonight I’m sorry I didn’t come back. I picked that time to do shit like get ready for bed and eat dinner and whatnot… Will be on tomorrow if the internet isn’t a total prick.
God bless American clothing made in Asia.
The local trend around here is a bunch of elderly people wearing proud American T Shirts day in and day out. I guess if you watch YGOTAS it’s like living in a town with Bandit Keith’s grandparents. I never really noticed this until 2010. I don’t consider this to be wrong or anything, just strange. Hell maybe that’s why people in town think I’m a foreigner… I never wear a patriotic T Shirt. How anti American of me…