If you go on over to SNews right now you’ll not only see the latest YCDTOXB, you’ll see the first episode of The Engine Room!
Evening Open Thread
Well, with a bunch of time cramming and dealing with a bunch of crashes (in premiere pro) I finished the episode. I’ll encode it tomorrow after work and it’ll be released on time. Guess I need to have more faith in myself.
Time for me to power down for the night. It’s fucking hot tonight! It’s 77 degrees outside which feels great. Makes me wish I wasn’t going to lay down early. I hate sleeping when it’s warm. Hope everyone else had a good day, and if not… Sorry.
Oh, and before I head off. Just remember that if you own any flotation devices, keep them away from pedos:
HAMILTON – A repeat public indecency offender has been arrested for allegedly engaging in “sexual activity” with a pink inflatable swimming pool raft, according to Hamilton police.
Edwin Charles Tobergta, 32, was arrested at his Harmon Avenue home early Sunday after he was spotted in the act in an alley in the 1800 block of Howell Avenue behind a residence, a police report shows.
Up the river awhile.
The weather outside is warm, my computer is making things warmer… Time to head up river and see if I can dominate an intertube.
Open Thread
Last night I made a nice tuna tomato pasta (which is a recurring favorite of mine for being equally tasty and easy) and I did some more zombie killing. Over the last few days I’ve gotten so much footage to the point that I clogged my FRAPS drive completely! And it’s a 500 gig drive, so I’ll have plenty of footage to work through while waiting for my other days off so I can socialize.
Having said that I’m not sure if I’ll be able to release the new YCDTOXB on time. It’ll either be tomorrow or sometime around the weekend.
Open Thread
Just got back from work for the evening. Slaved in the bakery today trying to remember everything they taught me… -_- Now to figure out what I’m having for dinner. I’m thinking something Italian.
Learn something new everyday.
So I’ve been planning on making some shirt decals for ironing on my stuff and remembered hey! I have an old bubblejet printer collecting dust. I kept cleaning the printer head over and over again and eventually went to plug it into my system to do a test print only to find that where the port goes on this motherboard is actually a vent for the northbridge…
Good thing there is a print server in the living room I can plug it into. As it is the printer itself is 16 years old, so if I can use the last of the ink for it I can just continue to use the HP printer in the living room via the network, or just invest in my own USB powered printer. I hear they’re pretty cheap for a good one.
Yes… Our evil take over is almost complete.
http://uruobsession.com/forum/index.php … d-funding/
It seems Denny is offering either donations or the database for someone to run on their webspace. Phase one will be Slackers purchasing it and turning it into Slackers Obsession (dedicated to My Little Pony and Cornography). After taking over we can focus on the MystOnline forums. Then finally we can replace each and every one of the forum members with mindless bots and THEN we can… wait a minute. That is the Uru community in a nutshell. I’m going to have to go back to the drawing board on this one.
And then the fail continues.
It seems today my job was to be three people at the same time… I didn’t do TOO badly, but I was still annoyed. In fact I came pretty close to having a cigarette… It just sounded really good. Which is strange because I only smoke once or twice a year.
On a brighter note I am taking some time off from work (about a week) later on in September. I think I owe myself a little break since I’ve been going nonstop balls to the wall insane. And even better they want me to do bread yet again all next week. So basically I’ve been what, a temp for the bread for the last 3 months?
Failures to communicate
It seems tomorrow I will be working someone else’s job for the first time and they didn’t even have the common decency to tell me (yet again). On the bright side it’s a full day, but I wish they could take the time to fucking tell me that they need me, or hell… even ask me if I’m available! If I didn’t look at the schedule before leaving today I wouldn’t have known about the change and I would have gotten in trouble due to their lack of communication skills…
You know, I’m able to be put on my mothers insurance this year without any extra cost to her. I think it might be time to go find another job because I’m finding this shit harder and harder to tolerate. Now the problem is actually finding something else to do in town. If an office job opens up I’d love to jump in on that.