The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Sunday Open Thread

Ever have one of those days where you wake up feeling dead stiff? I didn’t but my feet and legs were killing me. I don’t think I’ll be doing much today.

On another note I’ve been following the news in Norway. It saddens me to hear about so many children dying because of some pompous ass wanting to cleanse what he deems impure.

Saturday Open Thread

Lived to see another day. Went to a baby shower after work to congratulate a friend of the family becoming a grandmother. Went home and tried to rest but wasn’t tired enough (hint: too much sugar). Since I couldn’t sleep I decided to get random footage required for my review. I need to film one more thing, then all I’ll need to do is record my voice.

Open Thread

Once again I survived another day of tending to the masses. One of my bosses wanted to see if I could wake up, work a 4 hour shift from 7 am to 11 am, then leave and come back to work from 4 to 9 to work in the bakery. Considering they want me to do this on my Friday that won’t work out. This was one of the rare times I actually had to put my foot down. If they need help as badly as they keep claiming then they should hire another person over there instead of using people like me like a spare tire whenever something comes up. Now don’t get me wrong, I have no problem working over there now. But what they’re asking me to do is not nearly worth what I’m making.

I’m just gonna kick back and read now…

What usually takes me a couple hours to write is turning to days.

This review I’m writing… Oh god, this is going to be huge. It’s like reviewing a fucking movie. It is a goldmine of awesomeness. But being the slacker that I am I ended up having to take a break from it, in TF2… Didn’t win anything but damn was it fun to get some silliness out of the way before bed. Which unfortunately it’s come to that…