The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Out and about

I just came back from a nice walk. The weather is in the 80’s so I figured I’d absorb a little vitamin D. So I walked in the local forests, down the old stomping grounds where I grew up, went to look at the beach and a short walk through town. While I was there I saw construction going on in front of my local bank. I don’t think it’s related to the bank itself, but I did notice this deep deep hole. If I pass by there and there are no construction people around I may take a picture.

But it was nice to get back to nature. Even better that my allergies didn’t act up either.

Open Thread

Well, I did some drunken gaming last night. I figured if this was the only day off I’ll have until next Wednesday I should party hardy. The internet will probably see very little of me until then. I keep trying to get on and say hi but I’m either really tired or have something else going on. Such is life…

On another note, my review is completely done and will be released sometime on Friday here at this blog and at the new SNews blog site thingamagicwhatchamacallit.

Think I’ll go freshen up now.

“No Women Allowed”

So I was going through my Really Stupid Shit Feed and found something really stupid. Not by the author (I do agree with them). Rather what’s being discussed in the post.

Their blog post.

Then I started to read further into this over at Kotaku.

“Nothing ruins a good LAN party like uncomfortable guests or lots of tension, both of which can result from mixing immature, misogynistic male-gamers with female counterparts,”

As I read these articles I couldn’t help but be reminded of the fuckwits on the right that single out Islam for how badly they treat women, and here they are banning people from a fucking Texas LAN party for having a vagina? Why don’t you just slap a fucking burqa on them then, at least everyone will be wearing robes…

“We actively discourage gamers from being the kind of mysogynistic jackwagons seen in the Reddit post, and such behavior should not be tolerated. Frankly, we don’t like that kind of player either. And to punish them we shall ban all women from the event. That’ll really show those guys whose in charge! So far as this event goes, it is an special event designed specifically for male gamers. Further, it is meant as a getaway designed to help said male contingent become better men both for themselves and for those who love us.”

Fixed for accuracy. Any women who love guys like these have to be suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.

It’s just sad that certain guys can’t accept reality. Then again this is taking place in Texas so…

Sunday Open Thread

Ever have one of those days where you wake up feeling dead stiff? I didn’t but my feet and legs were killing me. I don’t think I’ll be doing much today.

On another note I’ve been following the news in Norway. It saddens me to hear about so many children dying because of some pompous ass wanting to cleanse what he deems impure.

Saturday Open Thread

Lived to see another day. Went to a baby shower after work to congratulate a friend of the family becoming a grandmother. Went home and tried to rest but wasn’t tired enough (hint: too much sugar). Since I couldn’t sleep I decided to get random footage required for my review. I need to film one more thing, then all I’ll need to do is record my voice.