The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Early Morning Open Thread (yes another open thread)

Last night’s rest was like an on and off switch. Randomly woke up, went back to sleep etc etc… At least I don’t feel very groggy. Didn’t really dream about anything though. Between these hour adjustments and warm nights (despite the rain and fog outside) I’ve been finding it hard to sleep properly.

Whelp. Time to go to the hole…

Why do I even bother…

Worked 8 hours straight, no lunch. Just two ten minute breaks (one 2 hours after getting there and the other one hour before getting off). It was too busy to take one and since we like to work. Understaffed as usual, I did as much as I could with my job and still couldn’t get it all done, had to help another person with their job because they were even further behind, and it didn’t help that I wasn’t feeling well nor could I get away to buy any advil to feel better until an hour before I had to leave. What happened today wasn’t anywhere near legal, but has to be put up with because it’s practically the only place around here that has any kind of benefits.

Again, it’s lovely working a non union job… Now if you excuse me I’m going to go sharpen a pencil and shove it in my eyesocket.


I was thinking about playing something today. Then I started feeling ill so I did the next best thing. Fuck around in AECS4. If work is going to make me have this downtime I may as well learn some new tricks…

I’ve gotta say, adobe has come a long way with their products since the start. I still have After Effects 5.5 and that was practically useless for me. This whole production package has been fun to play with.

They still don’t pay me enough.

So I was walking to go help some people when I had these 2 ladies walking in my direction. I tried to get around them but was completely blocked from doing so, leaving me standing completely still. Lady to my right bumped right into me then gave me a dirty look because you know, it was totally my fault that I was standing there waiting for her to get out of the way…

I looked at my schedule for next week. Still nothing but working at the crack of dawn. So possibly no video releases.

I must be getting popular

I awoke today to 2 random comments to moderate that both had elaborate ways of pimping their sites. One telling me my blog runs too slow so check out their site on how to host a blog (which was a URL that didn’t exist), and another that says they absolutely adore my blog and like finding blogs JUST like mine. That in itself set off alarm bells.