The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Geriatric Tuesday Open Thread

Good god work was busy today. it didn’t help that one of the guys we had working with us was being a total asshat. I asked him to get something for a customer because I was being bombarded with orders and other customers and ended up having to do what I asked him to do because he decided he’d rather have a thumb up his ass. Not only that but apparently two customers were waiting around for 20 minutes for something he was supposed to get them. Christedy Christ Christ Christ what a fuckwit.

Currently at work on this weeks episode of YCDTOXB. It’ll be much longer than the last couple I released. I may even release a Vlog within a few days.

This day couldn’t get any better

I was walking to my next task at work tonight only to be confronted by these 2 smartasses. One acted like he was going to sucker punch me. So I backed up, blocked my stomach with one arm and had my other arm at the ready just in case. They backed off. I guess they felt bad too, they tried to give me a pink teddy bear. I told them not to worry about it (thank god because pink teddy bears are gay) and that when I was younger my father and I always sucker punched each other. Plus I took kickboxing and judo, well known for flipping guys that are larger than me. One of the guys was like “Dude! You almost got in trouble with a fighter!”.

And wouldn’t you know it the sun eventually did come out. Might explode some shit later.

Last but not least I finally won the snorkels for portal 2! Here they are:

4th Of Jew lie open thread

Another gray 4th that I’ll be working during. Enjoy a nice cuppa then be off to the dangerzone. Then come home tonight and try to get a 3rd ticket for snorkels.

Oh, and if you think I’ve been absent on Steam friends lately. I’ve been busy between work, guild of slackers business and SNews stuff. Oh, and snoozing. 😛

Sunday Open Thread

Allergy season was late getting here this year, and I’m among the people suffering over it. I’ve been taking 2 tablets of benadryl every second evening. I don’t take them during the day because I’ll get drowzy. Hell taking them at night is bad enough because I wake up even later than I usually do.

I had plans to scare the neighbors by wearing a pink skirt. But instead I have decided to go with pink capris. Why? I don’t know… I rarely ever wear pink. But on the brightside I am wearing a red top.

How much stupid can one encounter? Let me count the ways…

Where to begin… Today was real busy. A customer stole a cart of mine that I was collecting cardboard in from the yogurt boxes… and when I went to find my cart I noticed a lady put milk in it and took it away. She saw me ready to put garbage in it. “I can just go get another cart” I told her, she gave me back the garbage I had already put in there… How thoughtful. Now put down the fucking cheeseburger and walk to the fucking entrance. Your thunder thighs will thank you.

The store has been major busy the last few days. It looks like I’ll probably be held over till late tomorrow too.

Open Thread

Today was sunny and windy, I guess it’s better than snowing and raining.

Didn’t really do much today. Plan on having a few tonight and pwning at some TF2 and L4D1. After midnight sometime I’ll be releasing YCDTOXB: The Woods. It’ll be short and not very sweet. Well, maybe a tad bit at the end.

2 of the 3 skirts I ordered have arrived, both are perfect fits. I’ll wear one of them next week hopefully.

Still drinking some nice cool Green jasmine and looking for a remote HTTP server. One place I was looking at only has one with 10 gigs of space on it. That’s not good because I have a lot of shit. I’m thinking somewhere in the 40’s or higher.