Started a ventrilo server. Yet another thhing for me to manage. 😛
Only in Japan…
If you are easily offended I don’t recommend watching this clip. If you aren’t easily offended you’ll probably lol yourself to death. XD
Must be a full moon out.
In the bakery we hand out free cookies to children 12 and younger. For some reason adults wanted to give it a go today… One of them even wanted me to prove that we only gave children free cookies, so all I had to do was point at the fucking sign…
Also I served two women today that were on a diet I guess. Obviously because one of them said “we’re not buying anything. We need to stick to our diet” the other one who obviously needed the diet the most said “Uhh what’s in these eclairs?” So I explained what each one had. “I’ll buy 3 of them” the other one kept insisting that no they weren’t, but the other woman kept repeating over and over “I’ll buy 3 of them” as she kept looking at them. It was as though they hypnotized her. I ended up getting them for her and the other woman didn’t look too happy/ Then they wanted me to cut them up… I don’t know why. Then as I placed them in the box they wanted me to add 4 chocolate dipped strawberries.
I guess if you’re going to fly off your diet plans that’s the way to go.
Open Thread
I’ve been around. I’ve just taken a little break from blogging.
Today I won a new HD Cam, so expect some real life HD video. I mostly got it so I wouldn’t have to scale down my green screen videos. The DCR-HC52 I have is real nice, but it isn’t HD.
Been plowing through my tea collection. Emptied at least 5 boxes. I’ve also been enjoying my Logitech G510. I might actually put that up on youtube.
One more day of work and I can finally be myself. This bakery stuff has really been making me apathetic about a lot of shit lately. On the brightside I came home tonight to steak and lobster.
So… I guess I’ve been spreading rumors around.
This requires a bit of a backstory. My old boss gave me a pin to wear at work that says “My Dad…” then there’s a blank place under it where you include a name, or even a picture. Me? I decided to write “likes pie”. Everyone thought it was clever. Unless you read the words differently.
This dumb broad at work decided to tell people that I wrote “likes pot” on the button. Even customers have been hearing the rumor and have been complaining about it. Oh right that makes sense! Why not just write “I wanna get fucking fired” on a sign and put it on my back? Anyway other people who I’ve shown the button to beforehand have been correcting those who have heard the rumor…
She doesn’t even work in the same area as me let alone the same floor. What a petty twat.
Wake and bake.
Survived another day of feeding fat people tons of baked goods and cakes.
Now to focus on dinner plans…
New Theme Time
I wanted to go for something wider. I’m getting sick of seeing cropped templates that don’t look right on my high res monitor.
I’ll add a new banner soon too.
Open Thread
Work went surprisingly well tonight. I managed to get everything done in bakery. On another note my new Logitech G510 arrived today. Works nicely. It on the desk a lot better plus you can also customize the colors of the keys. It has all the options of the G15 including the mini display. I’m satisfied.
Tomorrow morning is our employee rally. Haven’t decided if I’m going to show though.