The Mind Of OverlordTomala

SNews has launched!

SNews (pronounced “snooze”) is a satirical video game reporting service. It’s meant to cover a large array of games, from action-adventure and RPG to “virtual world” online social games such as Second Life and There. Our media includes in-game reports, fake documentaries (mockumentaries), commentaries, map and video game reviews, and other columns for your entertainment.

SNews is looking for reporters.

Posted by the runner up overlord.

The URU community has long since had TCT and CCN, but now it’s time for something fresh! Something radical! Something that is informative while at the same time entertaining!

Our Overlord and I have been talking and we have decided to create SNews, a brand new gaming journalism panel!

If you wish to apply, simply make a post in this thread with the game you wish to report, the name of your column, and what type of content you wish to publish. If we gain enough interest, the Overlord may create a broadcast area for our efforts.

Yutram – Runner Up Overlord that is Lost in Space

It also helps if you like to film gaming or have an interest in writing reviews. For games, maps etc. Yutram shall have the blog up later by today.

Is this thing on? Hey, it’s 10PM in Hawaii and I’m hungry.

Back when I was previously guest blogger on the old Blogsite for my most generous host, the one and only Overlord Tomala, she asked me to post something clever, or even mildly interesting. Despite the fact that my posts lacked the heat (i.e. Habenero peppers) or steamy topics (saunas or hot tubs) I’ve apparently been invited to guest blog again. Now to think of something.

Oh, I think the reason I was asked back is that I actually met a friend from Uru in person. My friend from the Institution (yes, THAT Institution), Rik and his wife met me in Dallas for some most excellent Tex-Mex at one of my favorite restaurants, Mi Cocina. I think that means My Kitchen, which means that I should have washed the dishes afterwards, like I usually due in my kitchen.

Lately though, we’ve been eating in other places. We spent 8 days in Maui, having pizza at the Lahaina Pizza Company twice in that time. Most excellent choice (Cheese, tomato, onion and black olive, Chicago style deep dish). We’ve had fish, and chinese food at a place in Kahului named Da Kitchen. Was I supposed to wash dishes there too? Da?

Now that we’ve returned to Oahu, we’ve already had our usual favorite food at Kin Wah Chop Suey in Kaneohe. We still fix at least 2/3 of our meals in the vacation rentals that we rent.

More on Malasadas tomorrow. Bon appetite y’all. This is your world traveling din din reporter, reporting from The Gathering Place, Oahu, Hawaii. C58

The good news is I didn’t blow anything up.

So today was my first day working bakery. I actually wouldn’t mind staying over there, but it’s one of those jobs where you’re by yourself with too much to do and a limited amount of time. It’ll be hell once I’m off of training. I’m glad it’s not permanent.

Bought some margarita mix for tonight! Don’t have to be back tomorrow, so I think I’ll introduce myself to some drunken gaming tonight.

Sometimes I just have to ask why.

The other night I logged into MOUL for the first time since last year. It was pretty quiet, though I did meet some new faces (to my eye at least). As I was logging in I asked myself why I was doing this. I don’t fully know why I did, other than I love starting old games from time to time including DOS ones. Another reason I think was because I wanted to know if I was still interested in this game. Why do I still read forums dedicated to a game that’s long passed it’s prime? Why are we still having arguments and grudges that date back to 04? I think it’s great that Cyan finally open sourced Uru, but I think they were a little late to the party, by 4 years at best…

Uru was the first online game I ever played and was a great way to introduce myself to the online universe. It was quite the addicting game for me. I logged on every chance I could back when it was something new, including prologue. I became so addicted that many of the other games that I had (a big pile of FPS’s) stopped being used for a long time. Even during controversies and guilds/groups hating each other I still liked the game. But after 8 years we haven’t really moved very far with this game. Granted, people have made ages and I’ve been online with other people in a couple of them. But the support for them is lacking compared to many other companies out there.

These days I see quite a few old timers have moved on to other universes, and I’ve been in that group with the rest. While there are other games out there that have improved on their engines and stories, Uru continues to be nothing more than a museum, and though it is possible to make our own servers and clients now, the support doesn’t seem to be quite the same.

I look at it this way. I’ve had all incarnations of the game (secret and nonsecret) since 2004 up till now. 8 years of waiting for Cyan to move forward and what seems to be endless bickering in one form or another. Uru was fun while it lasted, it was great meeting friends, but now there are better things out there. Oh well, I’ll still keep this old relic on my hard drive, and someday I’ll get off my ass and play with the server and client stuff.

The World Has Not Ended Yet!

Look out World! We are still here!!! Yays!!!

Party On Everyones!!!  Wheeees!!!