Yay for my two A’s today!!! A’s for Everyone!!!!
I’m almost done with my 10-key class – Wheeees!! That will leave more time for food and wine, or just out-and-out drinking! Yays!!!!
Yays for Friday!!!!
Can you find the vaginas here? Oh mys!!!
Yay for my two A’s today!!! A’s for Everyone!!!!
I’m almost done with my 10-key class – Wheeees!! That will leave more time for food and wine, or just out-and-out drinking! Yays!!!!
Yays for Friday!!!!
Can you find the vaginas here? Oh mys!!!
Another cool sunny day has passed. I mostly kept to myself today after work, screwing around in Gmod and had to fix SourceSDK. I learned how to attach a physics prop to a live NPC, the results were interesting. I also learned something else really really cool. So cool in fact that I don’t want to share it just yet.
Well, time to rest for the salt mines. Not sure how though considering I’ll be pissing away 3 pots of chai. I don’t have a weak bladder, I just over use it…
Yays! I got this picture in the Pierce College Student Literary Magazine, SLAM! Mine is the first photograph in the magazine, so that was an honor too!
And most of the other students that had submissions were art students or English students. Didn’t see anyone from the accounting department there, imagine that lol! So it was an interdepartmental experience today lol!
We had an hour-long event with some authors reading their poetry. It was a fun time!
I also ran into a gal that I went to high school with, and she had two of her paintings in SLAM! I said hi to her and had a nice chat and such, so that was fun!
I can see from the entries that did make it into the magazine that the judges are looking less for nature photos and more for ‘artistic’ sort of photographs (or is that artsy-fartsy? Probably artsy-farty lol)
I might try submitting this photo of heather in the middle of the Puyallup Campus of Pierce College for next year’s SLAM:
Or perhaps not, we’ll see. I might try taking a few pictures with the idea of submitting them, too, since the next deadline is months away – Yay!!!!! Or maybe not since I’m slack!!!! Wheeees!!!
Have funz everyone!!!!
I turned the stove on to boil some water and all of a sudden a spider came dashing out of it!
At least it wasn’t a phone spider.
Well… I managed to fill the shelves with bread today which is good. That would be a good thing.
Now to relax, have a pot of chai and do something.
Today is the ceremony for the official release of my college’s literary magazine, where at least one of my nature photographs will appear. I’m so excited! Wheees! But first I’m hoping to complete a 10-key test tram! Yays!
Especially when they don’t listen to my correct answers and then continue to blabber on and on about more incorrect data!
This is why booze was created, one’s personal vacation from the headaches that await! Drink up meh hearties!!!
I don’t know if all of you heard about the latest Bahro incident.
But here’s a short version of what happened. Someone went around as a Bahro, got enough attention to get it posted on the forum and YouTube. Adam finds out who it is and explains how he knows including deleted data from their KI. PLUS finds all of his alternate aliases, INCLUDING RandMiller and Hitler. What a combo…
Then I clicked this and laughed:
My statement on this whole situation, is the following:
Yes i did run around as a Bahro in the city.
Yes i did it a few times.
But after i talked to certain persons for some time, i told them that i would stop it.
and i did.
dunno what else to say.
so..uuuh yeah..posting PERSONAL pictures from our KI is a no-no..
Yes, posting an asshat’s information documenting their own stupidity is just flat out wrong, but running around as a bahro, Rand and Hitler to be an attention whore of a sockpuppet is perfectly ok!
Had a cherry blossom bath and facial with some recreational zombie killing in L4D1. Time to call it a night.
One of the things I like to collect are other worldly things. Especially from places like China and Japan. I’ve actually been interested since I took Judo when I was younger. I remember the Sensei gave out free ramen to the students and taught us to respect one another even if we were opponents. I started looking into more of it as I grew into my teens. At that point chop sticks were second nature to me and I had already fallen in love with the architecture, the food and how they like to serve things, what they wore and how they behaved. Here are some findings and birthday presents that relate:
A nice ying yang notepad and a cup of green tea.
Japanese personal table. Great for eating anywhere.
Nice candle holder I found!
Latest teapot.
And finally a nice satin tote. SATIN!!!! NOT SATAN OR STAN!!!!!