The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Well, it’s been fun…

But now, it seems that my time as the Overlord’s co author is up. Thanks for putting up with me as long as you have. 😛

I suppose I owe you all one more image set before I go…

NOTE: The following images were so horrifying, that a mere link wasn’t enough to keep their contents from defiling the eyes of the casual blog reader. They have therefore been put into a safer format…




The 2012 theorists are having a ball right now!

We’ve been having some nice weather here recently. The coming of spring has brought some nice sun and clear skies these past few days. However, before that it was a nightmare!

Three times between February and April, we have had awful storms. First, there was the time in early February where we had a nasty snow storm. There were high winds, tons of snow falling everywhere, and lightning! Who has ever heard of lightning during a snow storm? Well, apparently it’s a rare occurence… but apparently not.

The second storm we had in late February involved rain, snow, and lightning! That’s twice that we’ve had a weather pattern involving both snow and lightning at the same time (not to mention, snow and rain at the same time)!

The third has to be the strangest, though. It was snowing and sleeting outside, and once again, there was lightning. The winds were extremely violent during this storm, and at that point I thought, “Holy crap! The world must be ending!”

It doesn’t help that recently there was that HUGE tornado outbreak in the Southern United States. Couple that with the recent 8.9 earthquake and gigantic tsunami in Japan, and you realize, “Well, I think we’ve got a problem, don’t we?”

Do I believe in 2012? Of course not! The idea that the world will end merely due to an interplanetary alignment is so unlikely that it doesn’t even deserve the thought! I do believe, however, that humans are responsible for what’s going on, and not some higher power or some unexplainable phenomenon. Only further proof that humanity needs to get it’s act together.

So now, a few safety tips for the next time you want to play Twister!

Don’t try this at home…

Or this…

Time to rename planet Earth!

I had a discussion with a friend today and we are both in agreement that Earth isn’t an appropriate name for the planet we inhabit. All the other planets in our solar system were named after the Roman gods. Mind, we could call it Terra, but I can’t seem to find a Terra anywhere in the Roman pantheon. All the other planets had some sort of awe in their names attributed to the gods they were associated with: Mercury – the messenger of the gods, Venus – the goddess of love, Mars – the god of war, etc.

I believe it would be appropriate to rename Earth to planet Bacchus, in honor to the god of wine and fornication, two things you’ll find plenty of on Earth.

While we’re on the subject:

Not suitable for children; may not be suitable for non-children.

It is not advisable to click this link before or after eating.

Open Thread

Had another short work day, managed to get everything done though. I was feeling pretty energetic until I made a sandwich, now my left eye burns. Instead of napping I think I’ll stay awake. Might sleep better tonight if I just go until pass out point.

Cold day today, so I’ve just been kicking back, doing some laundry. Took a nice lavender shower followed by some lavender white tea, seems almost theme related. it’s not.

Here comes the sun

With the sun out today I decided to detach myself a bit from the digital universe. I went for a walk and decided to take some pictures in the park.


When we were kids we used to call this the Mr Happy tree. Because if you look at it just right he looks real happy.



And when I came home I saw Bobbi enjoying the sun too.
