The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Ever the problem solver.

Lately I’ve been having crashing issues whenever I film. I tried updating FRAPS the other day but I still crashed. So I’ve made some tweaks to the system to see what happens.

The problem I’m having is that after awhile of filming the game window will lock up for a moment, followed by it maximizing to the point of the monitor going out of range which forces me to have to power it off or press the reset button. I’m thinking it may possibly related to the Logitech panel software. I did a reinstall of it plus I’ve done some tweaking to the video card. I’ve done a couple tests already (windowed still) and so far it seems to be holding up.

As an aside I may have to enable the FRAPS FPS overlay. My computer records video so seamlessly that I forget that I have it running.

The Portal 2 CoOp Survey

I got GLaDOS (big surprise).

Imperious, highly intelligent, impossibly cruel-you wield your intelligence and wit like a cudgel, bludgeoning those around you into passive submission. Keep an eye out for cooperative test partners with low self esteem and body image issues.

My ideal self...

Oddly enough my current co author also took the test and got this:

Funny, high-strung, a bit of a motor-mouth-these are the words people would use to describe you when they’re not telling you to shut up. Your ideal cooperative test partners include people who won’t mind you bumbling around breaking things while they do all the work.

Fitting in more ways than one.

Easter Open Thread

Happy Zombie Jesus Day!

Got off an hour early due to the store being extremely quiet and running out of things to do. just the usual cast of characters that either forgot something or think they live there. Plus I pointed out that I would be coming to work at 6am so they were nice about it.

So you won’t really be seeing me until tomorrow. I’ll have 2 days off so even if I don’t get proper rest I can just pass out after I get home.

Open Thread

So, I celebrated my birthday today by working on a friday around stupid people… One of these people was that bum I wrote about awhile back that practically lives around the store. He needed help at the bottle return machines and when I tried to figure out what was wrong all he yelled was “It’s not coming out” I tried asking him what wasn’t coming out, like his receipt? But to no avail. He kept yelling the same line over and over again. Eventually I had one of the guys take care of it.

On a brighter note I did get a few birthday cards, I won a couple of lotto games and I came home to a lobster dinner and red velvet cupcakes, plus a white chocolate cupcake that the next door neighbor gave to me. It was alright.

Good Friday… who am I kidding?

Alternate title: I thought “Game Fuzz” would be a more appropriate name.


So me and my friends decided to go shopping today at the Montreal Eaton’s Center. We figured we’d look around, given the surplus of movie and video game stores in the vicinity. We stopped by Game Buzz first, which has a variety of games and game memorabilia, such as t-shirts and plush toys. It also has a few assholes in it’s staff, which we regrettably encountered during our excursion today. Mind that because there were hundreds of games on the shelves, it’s impossible to keep track of them all at the same time. One of my friends sees a binder sitting on the glass counter-top, which he assumes to be a catalog for the store’s games and promptly grabs and begins to read; big mistake.

One of the employees from behind the counter struts over, rips the book from my friend’s hands and yells, “What the hell is the matter with you? Do you always go into people’s stores and read their stuff?”

My friend, slightly shocked by the sudden outburst replied, “Yes.” It was at that point that my friend was kicked out of the store. I obviously followed him out, because I wasn’t going to let my friend sit outside the store alone, and quite frankly that guy’s actions put me off of shopping at that outlet for the day. Upon retrospect, I find it quite amusing how that asshat made such a big deal about my friend reading the book, given that it was set there in the corner on the edge closest to (and practically facing) the customers. Meanwhile, said employee was standing around and being useless, hardly even paying attention to his apparently coveted book. Of course, we went to another Game Buzz and couldn’t see that white binder anywhere!

That guy touched a nerve today, but what can I say? If it’s not important and not in your control, forget about it. Of course, I’m not sure I plan on shopping at that particular outlet from now on, at least not until they get their dicks out of their asses. And speaking of…

A typical work day of the lowbrow Game Buzz employee…

A typical evening of the lowbrow Game Buzz employee…

On another note: I was forced to listen to Rebecca Black – Friday today. Whatisthisidon’teven…


It sounds like Grunty from Banjo-Kazooie if she was 15 years old…

Well, that concludes my Friday of failure. How was yours? Hope it was better than mine.

My apologies…

I was so caught up with watching my animes last night that I completely forgot about uploading your daily dosage of yaoi. 🙁

But don’t worry, I’m here to make it up to you, with what I like to call “The Super Special Awesome Yaoi Double-Double!”

Oh! And about time, too! Now we’re getting into the good stuff.


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Image One

Image Two

Image Three

Image Four