The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Illegitimi non carborundum… admodum…

NOTE: Long wall of text ahead! If you don’t like political ramblings or the like, it might be better to skip to the yaoi stuff here.

Slowly but surely, the separatist bastards are starting to grind me down. I mean honestly, the BLOC gets into office in Quebec, and suddenly people start acting as though it’s decided for sure that Quebec will become a country in itself. It doesn’t help my case, being an “esti anglais” living in Quebec, but then you’re force-fed crap by holier than thou extremists who probably never even heard of the term “xenophobia” before. It’s not a surprise, given that the English-speaking population isn’t the only target of their shitstorm of ineptitude, though definitely at it’s core. Yet they claim they need to preserve the French language and French culture. I’d like to know, what the hell is their culture anyways? They are so quick to criticize, yet I highly doubt even they know what French culture is!

There is only one reason the BLOC Quebecois exists, and that is to assure Conservative domination in office. The BLOC gets most of the seats in Quebec, while the Conservatives get most of the seats in Ontario, both provinces which hold for the majority of seats in parliament. The BLOC is in no way interested in separating from Canada, the reason being that doing so would plunge Quebec into a decade of economic recession, with most of it’s monetary, medical, and military resources reclaimed by the Canadian government. From there I imagine one of two things happening: either A) Quebec tries to rejoin Canada, or B) the United States winds up claiming Quebec anyways, and their “French culture” (whatever that is) which they toiled so hard to protect with an iron fist would be void. What amuses me is that Quebec thinks absolutely nothing will change upon separating from Canada. Really Quebec? You talk big, yet it seems to me like you’re not willing to face up to the consequences for your actions or take care of yourself. It sounds like a child who moves away from his parents and yet still expects them to cater to his every need.

But that’s not the best of it. The new slogan for the BLOC this year is “Parlons, Qc!” or “Speak, Qc!” Normally, when you code provinces like that, you put both letters in capitals… otherwise, it looks like you’re trying to re-write the periodic table of elements (and it doesn’t help that the phrase is in a square-shaped speech bubble with the “Qc” as the most prominent element). Perhaps “Quebecium” should be a new form of Actinide! Yeah, and it will be the most unstable element of all the periodic table of elements! It’s so unstable that contact to other elements, or simply a matter of time will cause it to snuff itself out. It could be a running gag in the scientific community.

So go ahead, have your free state! Keep your language and your culture! I’ll be sure to place myself far outside the fallout radius when that atom bomb finally goes off.

**Ah, that’s right. I should probably post some yaoi in here. After getting all that off of my chest, I feel it’s time to take yaoi to an entirely different level…

Ladies and mentlegen, TWINCEST!


Sweet, sweet twincest!!

So, what’s with all the yaoi images I’ve been posting?

I wonder about that…

*insert evil laugh here*

You mean I can’t drink all the wine?

Got another email from my health insurance. This time telling me that while red wine does have antioxidants in it, drinking too much is bad for you. No shit, really? I thought drinking a gallon a day would keep me young forever.

I’m going to drink a bottle of red tonight just to spite you fucks.

Drunken Gaming. Excellent…

Tonight I’ve been playing Portal 2 and drinking beer, excellent combo I must say…

But seriously, this game is awesome. So far the story and dialogue are fun to play through. I haven’t played Multiplayer yet. I figured I would save that for another time after I’ve gotten used to the game.

Also, for those who frequent the Slackers forum I have added a Portal 2 section. Whoopie…

A Cosmic Idea!

You know those “Eureka!” moments when everything fits together and suddenly makes sense? Well I have it!

Slacker’s could really use a subforum for yaoi and yaoi related material. I think I’ve narrowed the name down to “Slacker’s Hot League of Naked Guys (SHLONG).”

Still need to think of a working slogan. I’m considering, “Crack is whack, but whack’s the smack!” or “Where all the dicks go to play.”

And now for your DAILY DOUBLE!

A young brunette male stark naked and bound in golden chains by an effeminate blonde-haired man... kinky...

And thus concludes another- wait a minute… How did a chick sneak into that last one? 0.o

Bah, it doesn’t matter! I’ll be posting again soon…

Progress report

I managed to fix HL2 and film some scenes in it tonight. I also downloaded a few green screen maps for later filming in the project. Ran into another issue with a drumset model and any model I wanted to use with it (collision related). Even no colliding it doesn’t make it less of a pain in the ass. I’m calling it quits on filming for tonight before I get a headache…

I will share a dream I had though. For some reason a garden gnome was stalking me. Too… many… Valve games.

I have learned of a new roadblock.

For reasons unknown my Half Life 2 gcf file was corrupted. It would not let me play the .vcd scenes properly, only animations. It won’t even let me extract the fuckers… There is a specific scene that I need to film in HL2 because for some reason it’s broken in Gmod.

I may have to get tricky and grab a copy of the gcf file off of my laptop, I know for a fact that the .vcd files work properly because I played HL2 during lunch this afternoon.

Le sigh…

Omnomlicous thread

Dinner was up to me tonight. So I went the italian route and made a basil, tomato wine sauce with cheese to toss over some corkscrew pasta. Tomatoes and wine really are a match made in heaven. 8)

Some packages that I ordered arrived today one of them being from the world market. Bought some Carmel white cocoa and chai masala. The 2 other packages were peace sign earrings and a necklace from a couple of ebay auctions.

Damn I love paypal. 😛

Saturday Morning Open Thread

Drinking my morning cuppa chai. Have a full day of work today with a full hour for lunch… Bringing giant laptop distraction and mega lunch.

Inside mega lunch box:

Noodle salad with pepperoni, mozzarell  and veggies

Chips and salsa

Chocolate cake

Off to work now. I’ll be back in 9 hours to ruin peoples lives.