The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Not even the MOUL forum is this anal.

I’m glad I don’t buy from EA.

In what appears to be a tottaly unfair practice, it appears EA are banning people from accessing their legally purchased copies of Dragon Age 2 if they were vocal about their displeasure regarding the game over at the official Bioware forums.

Now that’s just great, don’t like what a person is saying about your company or product? Ban them… Excellent way to do business.

Electronic Arts to focus on PCs


Deep breath


Ahhhh this is hilarious. EA happened to be one of the companies that wanted to go strictly console, and now they want to go back to the PC. This is funny, very very funny.

A slight distraction.

To get our minds off of the tsunami a bit (plus I kinda sorta already planned this beforehand) I treated my father to a bit of TF2 tonight. He’s a n00b at it so I setup bots on our dedicated server. He’s still learning but he did alright, him and I even got some achievements!

I’ll be playing more TF2 over the next several days. I’d like to get more practice in myself.

The sirens have already gone off over here.

I’ve been following the tsunami in Japan (words can’t begin to describe the horror over there) and reading the NOAA to keep tabs on what’s going on. Sometime after 7am it should arrive here. Lucky for me I’m not right on the beach. I do worry about the people who have houses on beach property. It could get hellish.

What my tea tells me.

One of my favorite brands to drink is Yogi. I’m making up a pot of chai roobios right now and never noticed that the tag on the teabags have messages on them. Pretty cool because they remind me of fortune cookies. Here is the wisdom the teabags bestow unto me tonight.

“You must know that you can swim through every change of tide”
“You will feel fulfilled when you do the impossible for someone else”
“Whether you give or share, are kind or not, never let your grace fall.”

Open Thread with a spot of tea.

I really needed the last 2 days off. I woke up today and I feel absolutely great! I’m brewing some tea to take with me today. Decided to go with some afternoon tea from across the pond. Too bad there is no lemon juice or lemons in the house, that would go real good in this right about now.

Oh well, perhaps I’ll post more after ten.