The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Early Morning Open Thread

Didn’t really blog much yesterday. Was feeling a tad antisocial >_>

Went to the bank yesterday to make a deposit, weather was nice though a little windy. Bought a couple things on ebay and continued to wear red AND fight on the red team. Still racking up dem achievements.

And I’m still wearing red… That is all.

Day off Open thread

With the weather being cold I mostly did my laundry today. Decided to burn a different soy candle with the scent of mint. Smells real good and burns for a long time.

Still haven’t broken my red challenge yet! Wearing red flannels. Speaking of red I did a lot of red (and blu) team action today and tonight. Got quite a few achievements and a few items. Even got a couple playing poker night at the inventory. Yep… Tonight was very game oriented.

Still in the red.

Didn’t have much to post last night. Work was basically work. Shot some things in TF2 and played a bit of that nexus demo. I’m thinking of recording a hi res version of it since the one video I saw of it was very very small.

Didn’t break the red challenge yet, almost did though because it was sunny out but that didn’t mean it was warm… So I stuck with my red sweater followed by warm red PJ’s in the evening. Now I’ve gone with this for today.

Smexy aren't I...

Blue jean mini skirt, black skirt pants, white spaghetti strap tank top with built in fiberglass bra and a red long sleeved dress shirt to top it off. With of course red earrings and a beaded necklace. The necklace isn’t in the shot. I threw it on at the last minute.

This puts me on day 4 of the red challenge.

Saturday Night Open Thread

Today was absolutely stressful. No stupid people but very busy… Glad to be home with candles, tea and shit to shoot.

Day 2 of my red challenge. Got a red long sleeved shirt on and a red kimono to come later into the evening. Tomorrow I have some red earrings and a red sweater.

Tonight’s candles are cucumber melon, and a soy candle I wanted to try that smells like mandarin oranges and lavender. As for tea I have white tea with white peach. Dinner is pizza.

Now it’s time to read the stuff on my RSS (Really Stupid Shit) feed.

Better red than dead.

I’m gonna try and beat my record for how long I can go before wearing something that isn’t red. So far I’ve had 2 weeks on my last record, time to see if I can beat it!

Today’s red items were a pair of sterling silver earrings with red coral, and a red muscle shirt. Tonight is red flannel PJ’s.

Let teh gamez begin!

DIRT Nexus Demo

Chogon wrote:I found the Nexus demo and I talked to Brice (aka Nikto) and I put it on cho. And I found a Glide wrapper that works with it.

You can find it here:
And the nGlide wrapper I used here:
(You can also visit the nGlide home page at:

The demo is a little buggy in places (objects slipping thru the floor or cameras not always switching correctly). But you can hit the “r” key to reset the game and start over. There are a fair number of puzzles to solve. But there is no mouse support, so to “activate” things you hit the “a” key. And you can deal with the “inventory” with the “i” key. And the “l” key to “light” the flashlight. Spacebar to jump. There might be more commands but I can’t remember them at the moment.

Have fun!

Pretty interesting stuff. I’ll have to play with it a bit more when I get home from work.

Early Morning Open Thread

Took a little break from spring cleaning to check out a game. I decided to try out Counter Strike Condition Zero: The Deleted Scenes. Ran the training hall ok and played a bit of the first level, looks like a fun game. I also played a bit of regular condition zero, that I will need practice in. The graphics are pretty old, but look slightly better than HL1.

On another note, time to hit the hay. Got some inspirational incense to inhale and some calming tea to drink me into a coma.

Peace out bitches.