Miso soup
Tamago (Japanese omelet)
Sushi rice.
Saturday Night Open Thread
Just came back from a little get together at the wine pub. Enjoyed some pizza and raspberry beer with friends. It tasted more like a cider than anything.
Noodly appendagetram.
Felt like spending some time in the kitchen today, so I made me a noodly stirfry with red peppers, ginger, onion, garlic, cucumbers, spinach and soy sauce.
It’s almost gone now. XD
Oh, and I’m drinking Chai Masala. Really good tea.
Door to door internet salesman vs Tomala.
Today I got a knock at the door from charter communications (our ISP) wanting to know if we were with them or if we wanted an upgrade. After I told him we were and that our service was fine as is he wanted to know how old I was and what I was doing tonight. “Old enough to know better and getting over a cold”.
Desperate guy is desperate.
He was beaten… with a spoon.
11:15 PM – Tomala has the keys to the internet
11:15 PM – Emperor Jin Kazama takes the Keys
Left4Dead2nite®™ is now playing Left 4 Dead 2. Click here to join.
11:15 PM – Emperor Jin Kazama downloads Tekken Soldiers to every CHAT ROOM IN STEAM
11:15 PM – Tomala: You can’t. They’re attatched to my leather pants 😛
11:15 PM – Emperor Jin Kazama: I ripped it off
11:15 PM – Emperor Jin Kazama: now your pants fall down.
11:16 PM – Tomala: Not this leather…
11:16 PM – Tomala: It’s goooood leather
11:16 PM – Emperor Jin Kazama calls a helicopter to shoot Tomala
11:16 PM – Tomala beats Kazakun with a spooooon
11:16 PM – Emperor Jin Kazama: No no no
11:16 PM – Emperor Jin Kazama: its not Kazakun
11:16 PM – Tomala: again…and again… and again andagainandagainandagainandagain
11:16 PM – Emperor Jin Kazama: JUST CALL ME jin
11:17 PM – Emperor Jin Kazama FALCON PUNCHES TOMALA
11:17 PM – Tomala continues hitting kazakun with a spoooon
11:17 PM – Tomala: again… andagainandagainandagainandagain
11:17 PM – Emperor Jin Kazama cuts the spoon with an axe made of fire
11:17 PM – Tomala: The spoon thunders down with no mercy.
11:18 PM – Tomala pulls out another spoon
11:18 PM – Emperor Jin Kazama: Hey want a cookie?
11:18 PM – Emperor Jin Kazama: I’ll give it to you now 😛
11:18 PM – Emperor Jin Kazama: SHINIGAMI CHOP!!!!!!!!!!!!
11:18 PM – Tomala continues to beat you with a spoon
11:18 PM – Emperor Jin Kazama chops Tomala
11:18 PM – Tomala beats you with a spoon… again, and again, and again
11:19 PM – Emperor Jin Kazama takes out a SPORK
11:19 PM – Emperor Jin Kazama: Didn’t think of it did you?
MajorTomala has changed their name to The Ginosaji.
11:19 PM – Emperor Jin Kazama beats Tomala with the Spork
11:19 PM – Emperor Jin Kazama: What the heck??
Left4Dead2nite®™ is now playing Left 4 Dead 2. Click here to join.
11:19 PM – The Ginosaji beats you with a spoon even more
11:20 PM – Emperor Jin Kazama: alright you win
11:20 PM – The Ginosaji: again… and again… and again
11:20 PM – Emperor Jin Kazama: Alright you win
11:20 PM – The Ginosaji: andagainandagainandagainandagainandagain
11:20 PM – Emperor Jin Kazama gets mad
11:21 PM – Emperor Jin Kazama Continuously punches The Ginosaji
11:21 PM – The Ginosaji chases you with a spoon
Left4Dead2nite®™ left chat.
11:22 PM – The Ginosaji beats against you with a spoon againdandagainandagainandagainandagain
11:22 PM – Emperor Jin Kazama: alright
11:22 PM – Emperor Jin Kazama: everyones weakness is :
11:22 PM – Emperor Jin Kazama plays Justin Bieber music
11:22 PM – Emperor Jin Kazama gets earplugs
11:22 PM – Emperor Jin Kazama has an awesome smiley face
11:22 PM – Emperor Jin Kazama runs away
11:22 PM – The Ginosaji chases you with 2 spoons
11:23 PM – Emperor Jin Kazama gets the two spoons and slices Ginosaji’s two hands
11:23 PM – The Ginosaji ‘s hands grow back with 2 more spoons. Continues to beat you with them
11:23 PM – Evilhippie: :O
11:24 PM – Emperor Jin Kazama takes Ginosaji’s head off
11:24 PM – The Ginosaji picks up head and glues it back on
11:24 PM – Emperor Jin Kazama burns Ginosaji
11:24 PM – The Ginosaji continues to beat you… WITH A SPOOOON
11:24 PM – The Ginosaji walks out of fire with flame retardant spoon
11:24 PM – Emperor Jin Kazama: how about tsunami retardant spoon?
11:24 PM – Emperor Jin Kazama summons A TSUNAMI
11:25 PM – The Ginosaji beats you in the tsunami with a spooon
11:25 PM – Emperor Jin Kazama: LOOK OUT
11:25 PM – Emperor Jin Kazama: WAVE OF CARS
11:25 PM – Emperor Jin Kazama calls a helicopter
11:25 PM – Emperor Jin Kazama gets in the helicopter
11:25 PM – Emperor Jin Kazama waves at Ginosaji
11:26 PM – The Ginosaji waves back, sitting next to you on helicopter. beats you with a spoon
11:26 PM – Emperor Jin Kazama: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
11:26 PM – Emperor Jin Kazama kicks Ginosaji off the helicopter
11:27 PM – The Ginosaji climbs to the top of the helicopter
kitchp entered chat.
11:27 PM – The Ginosaji sticks spoon in the prop. It crashes down to earth
11:27 PM – kitchp: hi
Lucifire entered chat.
kitchp left chat.
11:28 PM – Emperor Jin Kazama calls 4000 models of Jack 4 to explode
11:28 PM – Emperor Jin Kazama: you’re stuck
11:28 PM – Emperor Jin Kazama: they have you
heather</3 entered chat.
11:28 PM – The Ginosaji: The jacks run away. For they all fear the ginosaji.
11:29 PM – Emperor Jin Kazama: Whats a bloody Ginosaji?!
heather</3 left chat.
11:29 PM – The Ginosaji: Google it 😛
11:30 PM – Emperor Jin Kazama: Oh.
11:30 PM – Emperor Jin Kazama: I get it
This movie makes porn dialogue sound like superior acting.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgAbVfh6WYg&w=640&h=390]
Made on a ten thousand dollar budget… with windows movie maker.
Green screening only sounds right as today is a day to go green.
Today I successfully learned chroma-keying in premiere and after effects. I can now let my brain rot for the rest of the day.
It’s been a long time since I’ve had a good eggs and bacon breakfast. So I made myself an omelet with sauteed bacon, onions, bell pepper and bleu cheese. Very flavorful.
The cremator
One of the NPC’s from HL2 beta actually working!
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDEU2lDAZHU&w=640&h=390]
Open Thread
Survived a long day at work with nothing real stupid to report. people were actually nice today. Then the sun came out.
4 days off in a row w00t!