The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Not a good way to end the night.

Last night I was in a middle of The Sacrifice in Left 4 Dead 2 when all of a sudden my game locks up, followed by a black screen. When I came back in I had to verify my RAID. It rebuilt itself without fail but I’ll have to keep an eye on it…

On the bright side I went downstairs and watched the rest of the game unfold via the server console. It seems an asshat took my place because everyone started shooting each other. So I issued a threat over console and suddenly there were crickets…

Open Thread

I worked during the entire superbowl. I’m not bummed though. I came home and had some good party food. I’m also recovering from some wine… I wasn’t feeling good when I came home to begin with so I shouldn’t have touched the stuff.


Work has rescheduled my work week so I’ll be having a day off tomorrow instead of Wednesday.

This week’s co author:

I would like to thank ette for a fun week of blogging with me and keeping the place going while being busy in RL. But her time has ended for now until the next time.

This week I present someone as evil as I am. He runs quite a few webforums, is known for being one of the best pains in the ass out there, fellow ruler of the world and Cyantologyst please welcome and tremble in fear for Tsar Hoikas as this weeks co author!


Also to anyone interested in the next turn after him, next weeks requirements are being a meter room member. have fun!

The hood of illusions.

RAWA wrote:


An explanation of what “The Hood of Illusions” is….

As you may have read from my IC counterpart, we are trying something new in the Cavern: two new neighborhoods where the hackers who have been playing by the rules are authorized to make changes on the live MOULa server. Creating these specific ‘hoods serves several purposes: 1) It provides an authorized location for those who want to see / experience the changes that can be made, while keeping the other instances of the Cavern unaltered for those who do not. 2) If any of those changes cause unintended, unforeseen problems, it’s more desirable to reset a private instance than to have to reset the main, public instances.

The first of these hoods will be called “The Hood of Illusions”. This hood is meant for the scheduled hacking demonstrations that were suggested recently. When the demonstration is over, the hood should be put back in its normal state.

The second hood will be called “The Fun House”, where these “illusions and special effects” can happen at any time.

A few notes of clarification:
– “Cracking” (making unauthorized changes on the live server to any hood other than those specifically authorized for this purpose, or making any changes that are malicious in nature) is still against MOULa policy. Just don’t do it.

– In the context of authorizing changes on the live server, approved hoods’ instances are also considered as part of those hoods, (e.g. demonstrations can happen in The Hood of Illusions’ instance of Kadish, or have skydiving in The Fun House’s instance of the City.)

– This is an experiment. If these new freedoms are abused, or if they end up making more work for us at Cyan, the experiment will very likely end. Play nice: respect all other explorers even if you do not agree with them, both here in the forums and in the Cavern. If things go well, and it can be shown that there is need for other hoods in the future to serve other specific purposes, we’ll “burn that bridge while we’re crossing it.” For now, though, we’re sticking with just these two.

Thanks for your continued cooperation and support.


“I don’t know the keys to success, but the key to failure is to try to please everyone.” – Bill Cosby
“We try anyway.” – RAWA
“That is why you fail.” – Yoda
This post was brought to you by the word “authorized” in return for its overuse for the sake of clarity.

RAWA has been caught talking about hacks! He must be punished!!!

Get your Winter Ales while they last!

Last night after class, I had some Descutes Jubelale Winter beer! It was so good that I had 6!!! Wheeees! Full-flavored yumminess!! Winter Beers for alls!

In other news, Egyptians Protest On! You Go, Egyptians!!!

And, as expected, my instructor hasn’t graded our tests yet! He did go over the answers, and it seemed as though I got most of the answers correct. There were a few transactions that I missed, but it looked good overall!

And I got a 92 on my Practical Accounting test on Thursday! Yays!  And I’m on track to finish the class two weeks early to earn a .3 addition to my overall grade.  Let’s say that I earned a 3.5 in the class, then with the bonus, my grade would be 3.8!  Whoo-hoo! 

I still haven’t heard if my nature pictures were selected for the school literary magazine – I hope I made the cut!

And who could forget about the Canthan New Year Weekend in Guild Wars!  Right now, my avvie is standing in the rings and accumulating Lucky and Unlucky points!  Yays!

Have a great weekend, everyones!