So today I had 2 annoying customers. One was a lady that not only blocked my pathway to putting eggs on the shelf, but had to ask me why I was just standing around. I’ll give you a hint, it had to do with her fat ass not moving anywhere.
Second customer was this guy who looks like he’s in my age group, him and a friend of his (who looked stoned out of his mind) couldn’t understand our egg price wall (it lists what eggs we sell and what price they are), it’ll say things like “18 count” “JUMBO” “5 dozen” etc. I had no idea what point he was trying to make. But after about 3 minutes wasted on this dumbass I finally understood. He thought 18 packs came in ANY kind of egg. So he said “well say for example I want an 18 pack of jumbos. How would the fuck would I know which ones those were?” So I pointed to the eggs we DID have on the shelf, one being a 12 pack of jumbos and the other being an 18 pack of LARGE eggs. You can tell by READING THE FUCKING PACKAGING!!! There goes 3 minutes of my life that I’ll never get back…