The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Haven’t heard this one on the news yet…


A magistrate clerk at the U.S. District Court in Spokane said that Kevin William Harpham is scheduled to make an initial appearance Wednesday afternoon in Spokane. Harpham was arrested Wednesday near Addy, Stevens County.

Harpham, 36, has been charged with one count of attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction and one count of knowingly possessing an improvised explosive device, according to a complaint that was unsealed Wednesday.

An FBI source in Washington, D.C., said one man was arrested Wednesday outside a home near Addy. Agents, including a bomb expert from Quantico, Va., were preparing to search a house where others associated with the suspect may be living, the source said.

The suspect is believed to be affiliated with white supremacists, the source said…

I’m sure the reason why I haven’t seen this information on the news yet is because his name sounds so Arabic that it frightens the reporters…

I read the news today…oh boy.

Cunningham wants to revoke the parts of current state labor law that say kids under age 14 can’t work and kids age 14 and 15 can’t work more than three hours a day on school days, more than eight hours on non-school days or before 7 a.m. or after 9 p.m. She thinks teens should be able to work late-night jobs at resorts, restaurants and motels. And she’s sponsored a bill, S.B. 222, referred to the state senate’s general laws committee on Feb. 10, that would enact the changes.

# children under the age of 14 no longer being limited in being able to work;

# children being able to work during the school term without a permit;

# 16-year-old children being able to work in hotels and motels without restriction on hours;

# the removal of restrictions on employing 16 year olds and requirements regarding obtaining certification and permits for children to work;

# the elimination of authority of the Director of the Division of Labor Standards to oversee employers of children;

# the removal of an evidentiary presumption that any child under the age of 16 present at a place where labor is employed is employed there.

Yes, we don’t have enough unemployed people over here. Lets not only add more, but pay them less than minimum wage!

God we are stupid…

The red shirts have invaded!

Woke up today and put my clothes on. Nothing special, blue jeans and a red and black sweater that used to be my grandmothers (ok ok… the sweater is special). Turns out everyone else in the house is wearing red shirts too! Hopefully no one will die. Still funny because this wasn’t even planned.

On the topic of clothes I’ve been mulling over something for awhile. Everyday when I’m working or even when I’m out and about doing my own thing I often see people wearing pajamas in public, or they are dressed but wearing slippers. Yes, I like my pajamas and soft footie things too, but not enough to go shopping or to the bank in. The annoying part is that quite a few people around here do it consistently. I know they have their own everyday clothes, I’ve seen them wear them before. Why is it so hard to throw on an everyday shirt and jeans with some regular sneakers? Or hell, even some sweatpants. You like wearing stars and moons on your ass? Great, Hello Kitty keeps you warm? Fine. Hello Kitty keeps me warm too, but the only time they see me wearing her in public is if I’m at a campout. Otherwise I see no need for a 24/7 pajama party.

I might as well put on some lingerie to buy groceries. I can’t promise to shave though…

Open Thread

Judging by the amount of rainstorm I’m hearing right now my activities will be indoor based. Just as well… I should probably focus on getting better the rest of the way, even though at this point I’m mostly coughing up foam.

I logged into my pootube for the first time in awhile and got a message from a steam friend. Apparently in my sick absence a rumor went around that someone pissed me off. That’s really funny… Me getting pissed out about people on the internet. Good game net trolls, good game. Clearly they don’t read my blog, probably a good thing.

Ah well… Guess I’ll take my pomberry tea to bed. It’s been a hard days night of killing shit in L4D2.