Well, that creepy homeless guy came around again doing the same routine. This time he randomly went up to one of the other customers using the machine and randomly pressed the receipt button. He was also babbling incoherently.
The unexpected happened.
I woke up hungry. O_o
Oh well… Guess I can rule the internet before going to work.
Open Thread
Throughout my entire shift today there was a old homeless man who kept coming back a few bags at a time to recycle cans and bottles at our bottle return machines. The machines make it more than clear that you insert cans or bottles into it. He mostly had milk jugs, mayonnaise jars, giant vodka and juice bottles though. He also wanted to know how to “start” the machine… Clearly you just insert the can or bottle to get it to work. When it didn’t take one of his cans I asked him what one it wouldn’t take (We don’t take iced tea cans for example) and he has no idea what it says… Turns out he doesn’t know how to read either.
That was enough to make me thankful to at least have a job right now.
I can’t wait until June so I can take a vacation…
Awoke today from another nightmare where I was extremely late for work. It was like no matter what I did things got later and later. Starting to feel like that rabbit from Alice in wonderland that shouted “I’m late I’m late!”. These dreams are getting annoying… Oh well, I’m awake now. Time to take some berry tea to work.
Early Morning Open Thread
Time for me to retire for the morning until later today. Probably won’t be heard from much either. Work called earlier in the day informing me of a schedule change. I get off at 7:00pm and have to be back at 8:00am. Still, better than getting off at 9:00pm to return at 6:00am.
Now to light up some incense, drink some chamomile honey tea and rest until I have to go to hell the shithole work.
Open Thread
Got quite a bit done tonight. Cleaned under the bed and doing the bedding. Got rid of a bunch of shit under the bed and moved some of the tea from under there into my tea cabinet since I have finally made a little room from drinking all that chai! Since it’s almost midnight I think I’ll stop for now and resume overlording.
I like this new theme.
Next I’ll be working on a new header. If you have any suggestions feel free to offer them.
Have the temp one there for now until I have time to make a good one.
Open Thread
The last few nights whenever I go to lay down I usually have a bad nightmare relating to something stupid at work or something insane in general. Finally I awoke today from something peaceful. All kinds of people getting together for a party dedicated to love and peace. It was a hippy trippy dream. Perhaps my chai binge has something to do with it! I’ve been drinking nothing but sweet chai 8 to 12 times a day over the last few days. In fact I’m making room in the tea cupboard to add even more tea I have lying around!
Time to rearrange my mp3 player for the next week or to, do a little laundry and maybe a little bit of tidying.
Freddy Cam
Freddy tries to get intimate with blanket.
Oh the drama…
Though it was a short workweek I’m glad that I have the next 2 days off after today. Most of the day went alright but near the final ten minutes I was getting horded with customers and requests that could not be done because I was already performing a task with someone else.
My boss told a co worker and I to clean out the bottle return area as much as we could before we leave for the night. I carried the phone that people use to call someone like me so that I can check prices for them or fetch something or whatever. Two times I was called to do a price check (I guess… i didn’t even hear the 2nd ring because the equipment was so noisy). Kinda hard since we were both out of the building and there was literally no one for me to hand off to, even my boss was too busy with a project. One of my former bosses (and one of the many reasons why I transferred out of my old dept) was livid because no one in the entire store could answer. I’m so sorry that I have to listen to my boss who is not you…
I mean seriously, it’s not like I go around with my thumb up my ass at work. If that were the case they would have gotten rid of me a long time ago. if I was able to I would have done something about it… I don’t like the idea of working my ass off just to be yelled at. Think I’ll start off my 2 days off with some drinking and shooting (the drinking will come later into the night).
On the bright side I had a nice lunch hour with my laptop. Played some more portal and got some stares because of the ridiculously huge brightly lit laptop.