Finally, after a bunch of transferring and programming my new computer is up and running top notch.
I can’t wait to rip into some 3D gaming later.
Finally, after a bunch of transferring and programming my new computer is up and running top notch.
I can’t wait to rip into some 3D gaming later.
RAWA wrote:
An explanation of what “The Hood of Illusions” is….
As you may have read from my IC counterpart, we are trying something new in the Cavern: two new neighborhoods where the hackers who have been playing by the rules are authorized to make changes on the live MOULa server. Creating these specific ‘hoods serves several purposes: 1) It provides an authorized location for those who want to see / experience the changes that can be made, while keeping the other instances of the Cavern unaltered for those who do not. 2) If any of those changes cause unintended, unforeseen problems, it’s more desirable to reset a private instance than to have to reset the main, public instances.
The first of these hoods will be called “The Hood of Illusions”. This hood is meant for the scheduled hacking demonstrations that were suggested recently. When the demonstration is over, the hood should be put back in its normal state.
The second hood will be called “The Fun House”, where these “illusions and special effects” can happen at any time.
A few notes of clarification:
– “Cracking” (making unauthorized changes on the live server to any hood other than those specifically authorized for this purpose, or making any changes that are malicious in nature) is still against MOULa policy. Just don’t do it.– In the context of authorizing changes on the live server, approved hoods’ instances are also considered as part of those hoods, (e.g. demonstrations can happen in The Hood of Illusions’ instance of Kadish, or have skydiving in The Fun House’s instance of the City.)
– This is an experiment. If these new freedoms are abused, or if they end up making more work for us at Cyan, the experiment will very likely end. Play nice: respect all other explorers even if you do not agree with them, both here in the forums and in the Cavern. If things go well, and it can be shown that there is need for other hoods in the future to serve other specific purposes, we’ll “burn that bridge while we’re crossing it.” For now, though, we’re sticking with just these two.
Thanks for your continued cooperation and support.
“I don’t know the keys to success, but the key to failure is to try to please everyone.” – Bill Cosby
“We try anyway.” – RAWA
“That is why you fail.” – Yoda
This post was brought to you by the word “authorized” in return for its overuse for the sake of clarity.
RAWA has been caught talking about hacks! He must be punished!!!
Last night after class, I had some Descutes Jubelale Winter beer! It was so good that I had 6!!! Wheeees! Full-flavored yumminess!! Winter Beers for alls!
In other news, Egyptians Protest On! You Go, Egyptians!!!
And, as expected, my instructor hasn’t graded our tests yet! He did go over the answers, and it seemed as though I got most of the answers correct. There were a few transactions that I missed, but it looked good overall!
And I got a 92 on my Practical Accounting test on Thursday! Yays! And I’m on track to finish the class two weeks early to earn a .3 addition to my overall grade. Let’s say that I earned a 3.5 in the class, then with the bonus, my grade would be 3.8! Whoo-hoo!
I still haven’t heard if my nature pictures were selected for the school literary magazine – I hope I made the cut!
And who could forget about the Canthan New Year Weekend in Guild Wars! Right now, my avvie is standing in the rings and accumulating Lucky and Unlucky points! Yays!
Have a great weekend, everyones!
Between partying, sleeping and working on my new computer… I finally got it up and running with no mushroom cloud whatsoever.
Another nice thing is that it matches my keyboard:
Spent a good portion of the day configuring the OS and installing things to it. Now I’m moving data back and forth. Soon I can pick up on it where I left off on the old one.
To the People of Egypt: Like Heart always said, “Kick it out!!!!” Your time is nao! Don’t take that crap anymore! Freedom for all!!!!
It monitors asshats trying to rcon hack the server. I just looked at my server logs and found a person from Russia with 2 steam accounts tried to rcon hack the TF2 and TF2 beta server (one account per server with the same IP address).
Copied both Steam ID’s to every ban_user.cfg for each server.
Yays! I made it through the test without my brain exploding!!! I think I did well but I won’t know my score until tomorrow or maybe next week!
Since we are having sunshine today, it seems a bit like spring here, like this:
Have fun everyone!
I got extended at work tonight till 10pm. Not only that, they want me to come in tomorrow at 10 am and I’ll be off no later than 7pm. So I’ll be bringing my gaming laptop methinks, nothing like pretending all the zombies in L4D are your daily customers…
So it’s eat, do a quick checkup on what’s going on in the world, shower, pack a lunch, pack laptop, lay out clothes, wash thermos, select teabag for it, then sleep. What a way to end Geriatric Tuesday
On another note, someone thought I was from another country tonight for whatever reason. Like Russia or Ukraine. The last time that happened someone thought I was British or Canadian. It’s pretty sad that people think you’re from another country because you’re not a lard ass like everyone else.
Not what I expected.
Did you know that the Xbox is more powerful than 85% of all the (billions) of computers out there? Or that Real-Time-Strategy games are actually “turn based” and popular on the PCs because they’re “Single player”. These are just a few gems amidst the treasure of knowledge about computer gaming that you’ll discover at the brilliantly reliable
Leave it to a bunch of XBoxtards with a popular site who don’t know a damn thing about PC gaming to whisper sweet nothings into the people who choose to let themselves become ass slaves to Bill Gates (Minus the million dollars per ass slave).
It’s a shame that my Core 2 Duo laptop with 4 gigs of RAM and 3 GPU’s is inferior to the awesomeness that is the XBox.