>How I spent my Sunday.

Toga Toga TOGA!

Everyone dressed in togas, drank red beer or sangria, had cake, ice cream, and kick ass music. Obviously I must have put a bunch of stuff away because it was real hard for me to get out of bed for work this morning. In fact I was almost late.

I’ll mostly be enjoying the sun today. I have to go out for a hair appointment anyway.

>Product Review: Notebook x-fi

The other day a creative x-fi notebook smartcard arrived in the mail, which I purchased so I could have Creative features on my laptop since my Audigy2ZS PCMCIA slot doesn’t fit in the smartcard slot. The adapters were going for pretty close to the same price that I nabbed the x-fi, so I figured it would only make sense to upgrade.

My onboard sound can only switch between microphone or no mic and all other sounds when recording. And since I like to do machinima projects every now and again I figured this new card would do the job… However I was wrong. What u hear and the microphone only work separately. Which pisses me off because I’ve seen the x-fi in action and figured it wouldn’t be much different. I would have been better off getting the PCMCIA card adapter as my Audigy2ZS could kick it’s ass without question. Although I did find a solution. A USB headset… A fucking cheap USB headset. Why the hell is THAT able to do the job for me but a god damn x-fi can’t?

I’m just glad I didn’t pay top dollar for it. Even on ebay right now if you buy one brand new it’s $99. I got mine over half of that as a refurbished model. I’d really be kicking myself if I got one brand new.

It’s still a nice card so don’t get me wrong since it does have 3D positional audio built in. But the stripped down features? Piss poor.

>Sunday Open Thread

My wisdom tooth has decided to torture me again… I woke up today with a throbbing jaw. Lucky I still have plenty of oragel from the last pain attack.

It turns out I don’t have one more week of this bread job. It got extend for god only knows how long. I’m hoping I don’t screw up. I don’t function well in the morning. My mental awareness is alive during the evening. For gods sake they want me to do percentages in the morning!!!!! And by the end of the shift I feel zombified…

>Open Thread

It’s been almost a month since I’ve posted a blog entry. Mostly due to apathy and work. I’m doing a temp job ordering bread for a couple weeks until we find a new person. Then I can get back to my regular schedule.

I installed Adobe Audition 3.0.1 the other day. Very neat little program. I also downloaded a couple plugins to run with it. Can’t wait to edit audio for future videos. I think it has everything from echo to robotics.

I visited Myst Online Uru Deathmatch the other day and met a couple people. I was amazed to see people using voice chat. I was among some new comers. and I had a good time. I went in again today but it wasn’t as fun.

>How I spent my day

Wake up in the afternoon

Put clothes on

Make bed

Wash wok

Go out and chat with neighbors

Make fun of the dumb children stealing from another neighbors apple tree

Make a stir fry

Go back and have a few wines

Kill zombies

Test new model (previous post)

Go back and drink more wine after we all had dinner

Come back up and do straight shots of B52’s.

End of day.

>Open Thread

The first 2 hours of my shift today were pretty nice. Then after that it went to total hell because of the sale. It’s annoying having a bunch of people who all want to be helped at the exact same time… On the bright side I did get a couple extra hours on my paycheck.

It got into the 80’s today, about damn time summer arrived. I was tired of freezing. I went out and about for awhile, did a little shopping. And this evening I decided to play a little bit of GW with Hoikas and Yutram.

That’s my character right there. I’m almost as smexy as Yutram. XD