The Mind Of OverlordTomala

May as well be sasquatch porn… or Gabe Newell…

Posted by Yutram/Aihara-Chan at my fanclub:

On behalf of the Overlord, I announce that I have become her designated speaker until the dicks at qwest can pull their heads out of their asses and repair the internet so that she can reach steam again.

Providing you your daily dosage of snark and asshat slaying from out of body: that’s true fan-service!

The above is true. If you would like a faster response from me you can also join my webforum or post to my blog.

Old news is good news?

Cyan has released there games on steam. You can buy the complete pack this includes realMYST, Riven: The Sequel to MYST, Cosmic Osmo and the Worlds Beyond the Mackerel, Manhole Masterpiece, Spelunx and the Caves of Mr. Seudo, URU: Complete Chronicles all for only $19.99 as of today date. These might have been on Steam for awhile but I just today decided to check.

It’s nice to know they read outside the GOG once every several months. Oh well, better late than never I guess.

Sunday Night Open Thread

I was in the middle of a nice dream full of sunlight and peaceful music. I woke up to a nice sunny day. Got my work clothes on and went into the bathroom to do my daily grooming routine, only to find a certain someone in the bathtub…


Sammy has a thing for bathtubs. I got my things together for the work day. Went down hill after that… It was one of those days where you couldn’t wait to get home away from a bunch of zombified asshats.

Think I’ll have a couple drinks tonight. I need some therapy.

Public Service Announcement: The Future is Nao!

Because meh Blog-o-Sphere friends are soooo marvelous and all, I have some very important information that I would like to take the time to share with you all!

First of all, The Future is Nao! You can see Rand at his very own church next door the Cyan Headquarters! This a real boon for all of yous who are head-over-heels for Rand and are in the Spokane area! Yays! Hear him preach the gospel of spiritual, computering, and fiscal mythology like never before, Live and In Person!

For the rest of us, we will have to continue to not hold our collective breath for Open Source to be released. At this rate, we will reach the end of the Mayan Great Calendar before Open Source is released! Therefore, we will all be forced to make some key decisions before ‘lil ole Earth aligns with the rest of the universe in 2012:

1) To Gmod or not to Gmod? Prudent Explorers are getting their dose of Rand however they can by inserting him into the game! This move is reserved for the more advanced Gmodders, but if you are nice they might be willing to share with you. Or not! LOL!

2) After 2012, because of dramatic climate change and vast pollution, Lima Beans are predicted be the only food that will be able to grow and prosper on this planet. Therefore, it’s time to whip out your Lima Bean recipes for classic yummers like Lima Bean Dip and Lima Bean Casserole!

3) Spam is the perfect companion to Lima Beans! Be sure to stockpile tons of all flavors for the best odds of surviving 2012 to see Open Source eventually released!

4) Keep plenty of pasta on hand in case someone grows tired of Lima Beans and eats the Flying Spaghetti Monster instead!!!!

5) In case of power failure, make sure you have a stationary bicycle on hand that can generate power for yer computer for a few moments while getting yer dose of Uru and Rand in the End Times!

As you can see, with a bit of forethought, we can get through this just fine!!!!

Best Luck to all of you out there and may you all Live Long and Prosper even in the (Back) End Times!!!!

“I will survive! As long as I know how to love Uru I know how to stay alive! I’ve got all meh life to live and I’ve got all meh love to give! I will survive – Hey Hey!!”

Someone give me a trout. I need to slap our ISP with it.

The internet has been an absolute dicknose lately. We had an outage a bit ago but that’s not the worst of it. For the last couple of weeks I’ve been having connection issues with steam. Every time I view their forum or the rest of the community it will either timeout, partly load with broken html and very rarely load correctly. I’ve done a tracert and it consistently dies at the 13th hop out, qwest.

I know that it’s not just me either, others in places like Grants Pass and even parts of California have issues routing through that one point (the rest of the net works fine). Of course despite all of the complaints over here, our corporate internet overlords claim that we’re all imagining it… I’m sick and tired of having to load something again, and again, and again or to be in a game like L4D or L4D2 and suddenly have the connection randomly timeout. It’s bullshit.

Great to be here!!!

Thank you for the warm introduction, Overlord TomalaTram! It’s a real honor and privilege to be blogging here!

As our Overlord mentioned, I am the founder of the Guild of Loud Farters! I am still hoping that we will be able to host our Enchirito, Prune Juice, and Margarita Social, but Open Source doesn’t appear to be opening anytime soon! There is some missing code or summin – Oh noes!!!

I am really excited to be a Guest Blogger! I can blog about some of meh favorite topics, such as Bordeaux and Fromage! Sparkling Wine and Microwave Popcorn! Beaujolais Nouveau and Peanut Butter Sandwiches!!! These are a few of meh Favorite Things!

I also enjoy being a Ranger in Guild Wars! I am working on meh Incorrigible Alehound Title. I’m about halfway there with 5000 Drunken Minutes!!! Wheees!!! I will work on meh Party Animal Titles next for fun! Guild Wars II should be funz toos!!!

Congratulations, Prchrtram, for finishing Prophecies in Guild Wars!!! Amazing!!! You are wayyy ahead of meh!!!

My hobbies including listening to Metallica, Pachelbel, skinny dipping in glacial runoff, yoga, and Deep Woods Photography!

Thank you very much for reading meh blog, and have a great Saturday Night!! Drink Up Meh Hearties and haz lots of funz! Wheees!!!

Short night tonight.

Probably won’t be spotted much tonight. I have an early Sunday. Would have posted something last night but was too tired.

On another topic I see valve has broken my L4D2 server (yet again). Once again I am no longer able to make a lobby with it. The first time this happened was because we added our IP address to the run line, then it was because we weren’t using 27015, now I have no idea what the fuck it is. Looks like tomorrow night I’ll have my work cut out for me.