I would say overall it has been a good year for me. My tax return got me a nice laptop at the beginning of the year, I got promoted to a better position during the summer, found purpose for our dedicated server in the garage, and of course being with those we love or love to torment.
Happy New Years!
>Open Nerd Thread
Today I had a day off. Good thing too because I stayed up till dawn trying to figure out why port 80 was blocked on my main computer. Turns out my mac address changed. I haven’t downloaded any executables or anything out of the ordinary. The only thing I can think of was that something got passed something I unblocked with NoScript in my browser. So far the problem hasn’t returned since I entered the new mac address back into the hardware firewall.
Today I tested my new Intel Extreme processor. I got some real nice results with it! I’m still thinking of moving onto a newer system with core 2 duo processors and crossfire capability in the new year though after tax time. I need serious power for filming in game videos. Fraps does a great job dragging down the framerate and unfortunately while Source Recorder does a wondrous job keeping all the frames it doesn’t seem to want to record my voice along with everyone else.
On another note, time to get some shut eye for the zombie apocalypse in my area…
>Late Night Open Thread
Went back to work after a 3 day weekend and it went quite well. Although I guess since yesterday the guy I dated has been going up to employees asking for me, which is weird since he shops in there every single day… He seems nice, in fact him and I did have a lot to talk about when we went bowling last week. But coming in and asking for me everyday seems rather awkward. To top that off he told me he got off of some domestic dispute with his ex wife with probation. This doesn’t sit right with me.
>Slackers Greifing Stories Chapter 2
Last night I had a hell of a time with a greifer that visited my server. The guy was in my friends list too and he saw me in a game with Ivan_Fookinov. He wanted to join in and I had no problem. It was supposed to be a easy match so that we could practice a serious match after so many goof off matches. He decided to be an ass and run off ahead to the safe room and steam all the health kits. He even tried to tell us that there were never any! Soooo I opened up the admin list and incapped him instantly, then I helped him up, dropped him etc etc etc. Then I set the safe room on fire, sent an airstrike in there to his coordinates, killed him and revived him so that I could kill him again. Eventually I had to permaban him for being a total fuckwit and I removed him from my friends list.
I wish I was filming it… It was fucking hilarious.
>Date Analysis.
So tonight I went on a bowling date. Turned out to be real fun and I got to know him a little better. Turns out he’s 28, used to be a DJ, has a 6 year old kid and he’s actually pretty smart. Tonight was an average bowling night but the owners were nice enough to crank up some music and the disco lights. It became Rock N Bowl!
I guess some things are possible…
>Things to ponder.
Tomorrow I have the day off. I plan on getting my hair done and going bowling with a guy I met a month ago. This will help either prove me wrong about how dorky he is, or confirm it. I already have some mixed signals about him. Yesterday he told me some strange things involving an ex wife…
Details tomorrow night.
>Cheating death
Tonight I was reviewing some stuff on a workdesk when I suddenly heard a creaking noise. We had 3 palates of frozen turkey stacked up and they were starting to give in. I got out of the way about 20 seconds before they all hit the floor. Where I was originally standing was covered in boxes and boxes of frozen turkey.
Sorry guys… I still exist to piss you off.
>Present Problem Gmod Machinima
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUssvfh1Lok&fs=1&hl=en_US&hd=1]
>Server news
Tonight/Today I fixed metamod on my TF2 and HL2MP servers. Plus I also added extra maps. Will test those further when I have the time. I got distracted by the Ravenholm campaign for L4D1. Really fun set of maps despite it being slightly buggy. I may do a video review of it in the future. I suggest 4 people play it as the bots tend to be complete fucktards.
Oh well… Time to sleep.