The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Ruining It For Everyone Else Since 2004
The Mind Of OverlordTomala

>Open Thread

Today was yet another stormy day. I made a Japanese Omelet and had a low cal Thai soup on the side. Decided to try some Green tea with pomegranate. Good stuff.

Got a gold on one of the L4D survival maps 😀 That made me happy. I think I’ve been playing it a tad much lately because I’m having dreams about it too. I’d rather not go into detail about the latest one though.

>You know people are bored when…

People revive dead threads.

In case it gets deleted here are some fun comments.


I would not respond to an attitude such as that inthe first post either

Any rational and good intentioned person would understand that Cyan is doing all that they can and always has.

I am glad i have not wasted any time reading most of this thread, from what I see, it is a continuation of the sort of posts that have saddened many of us, and make me glad we dont have to pay any attention to this negative and angry attitude.


That dead horse tender enough yet?


A good pezzetti di cavallois and a fine Chianti is quite succulent.


Wow, CrisGer, what exactly was the point of bringing this topic back from the dead? it was last posted in just under a month ago… Oh, that’s right, I forgot, you wanted to troll. Call it what you want, but, where I come from, that’s blatent trolling.

 You’d think as often as CrisGer dry humps the MOUL forum that he wouldn’t have waited a month to post in that thread.


Looks like that thread finally got edited.

>Open Thread

Well, my hair is once again Super Special Awesome. During my walk there and back I saw the damage the storm did. The bowling alley sign collapsed and fell on the sidewalk, and some fences have been ruined. I’m surprised that our street managed to stay in tact.

So then I did a little cooking today, some egg flower soup, some stir fry and noodles and a healthy salad. All packed with the best flavors I could find. And beverage of choice had to be that green tea jasmine flowering tea. Man that stuff is good (though it can be described as a perfume like tea). Got 2 good brews out of it.

I played some L$D2 tonight, got Gold on the mall survival map. We used the grenade launcher to propel 3 people up to the 4th floor and hid where the tanks couldn’t get us. It was fun.

Ahh, back to stuff.

>Storm Watch and other stuff.

Looks like our home on the coast is in for a bad week. For the last few days we’ve had endless stormy weather. And it’ll continue till the end of the week. We’ve already had a power outage from Port Orford to the Californian border yesterday. We managed to be the brightest house in the neighborhood with our gas powered generators, candles, propane and crankable lamps and APC’s.

I have the next 3 days off so at least I’ll be staying out of the cold. Unless you count my walk to the hair dresser tomorrow morning, but that’s not too far of a walk at least.

I tried another tea yesterday after the power came back on. White Chocolate tea. It sounded scary at first but turned out to be real good. Now I’m having some good ol nutcracker sweet.

>Open Thread

It was dark and gray today. I didn’t even feel like going for a walk even though I was dressed to. I mostly relaxed today. Looked at a real cool map for gmod, it’s a real nice mountain village. I’m thinking that’s where my next movie will take place. Something about 4 people vacationing there and stumbling upon something mysterious. At this point it’s just an idea . I still need to work on the plot. When it comes to the equipment though I have that all set.

I tried the lavender tea today. It was good. Had a very interesting flavor. The taste of lavender, white tea and hibiscus brewing into one flavor was good to the palate. So far though I have to say my favorite is the green tea jasmine combo.

>Been lazy on my blogging >_>

Well my lavender flowering tea arrived today. 😀 I’m gonna save it for when the time is right. Today is a green tea day. I started off with a regular pot of green tea, now I’m having some flowering green tea. Went for a walk this evening, nothing exciting. Came back here and got invited to test a gamemode for gmod. Fun stuff.

And I teturn to work tomorrow, then I’ll have the next day off. Funs.