Tonight’s bath product is a heart shaped soap. Followed by a few pots of flowering tea.
But for now I have a nice glass of wine. And many more coredumps to send to valve…
>The Dinner Menu
Split pea soup and a turkey sandwich.
Sounds boring, but it was pretty good. 🙂
Currently drinking magnolia pureh.
>Let us all gather around the holy basin.
Hoikas shared this with me a bit ago.
I knew that this was an act of Cyantology all along.
>Summary for today.
Lets see… Work was busy today, I had a pizza sandwich for dinner, my new Sony digital camera came in the mail. It’s very nice. I got it for $37. 7.2 megapixel camera with many beautiful features. Now I just need to wait for my 4 new hard drives for the HP downstairs.
>Check mah statz
I was bored enough to actually look at my blog stats. To be honest I didn’t know blogger recorded traffic. Obviously been awhile since I looked at what blogger changed.
52% of you disappoint me.
Pageviews by Operating Systems
And then countries:
I’m sure a few on the list are bots.
How you find me on google:
Wow, an entire 9 clicks came from GOG??? That’s amazing!
>Open Thread
It was a busy day today. Between noon and five I was pretty much on my own. Between the bottle machine constantly breaking down and the needy customers demanding 2 lb cheese on sale among other things it was pretty hectic. By the time lunch rolled around I was pretty hungry. It was busy today because of the founders day sale. And when sales break out I usually see more assholes than friendlies.
Looks like I get to make myself some dinner tonight. Then maybe I’ll blow something up. Unless I blow something up in the kitchen…
>Today’s Lunch Menu
Snack: 3 Kosher pickle spears
Lunch: Onion bagel with roast beef, pastrami, cream cheese Gouda and habanero mustard.PS: This is an automated post. I have been at work fighting zombies since noon.
>Another lotion bottle finished
As the queen of bath products. I declare that the tiny vanilla scented bottle that has been around the house for years has finally been finished. This week I shall tackle flower scented soaps, lotions and sprays.
I think one of the many reasons why I love playing Left 4 Dead is because of my local work place. The customers and even some of the employees could easily be related to zombies. I was stocking cereal today minding my own business when all of a sudden the cart of cereal I had behind me hits my ass. Turns out it was a fatass customer who was too fucking lazy to say pardon me, excuse me, or you’re in the way (probably because she was saving her energy for chewing)… She just stared at me with a bitchy expression on her face. waiting for me to move the cart aside because her ass wasn’t narrow enough to go down THE ENTIRE dairy section. For fucks sake is it too hard to say excuse me?