So, in less than a weeks time I have 5 guys who are either from out of town, new to town, or spend most of their day shopping where I work (daily) who have asked to hang out sometime. I haven’t made any actual plans at this time (mostly because I’m trying to get more hours still) but I figure maybe I’ll give this a shot. It’s not like they’re 60 years old with oxygen tanks…
I guess they find corporate uniforms sexy…
>Open Thread
I was too slack to write yesterday. Mostly because I was tired. I’m tired right now too. I’ll come back when I can sit down and write something up.
>Open Thread
The good news is I got called in early today. The bad news was that I only got 5 hours of sleep.
Lets see how I handle tonight.
>TF2 Beta server is up!
The server is currently running in default configuration and will be properly tweaked tomorrow night.
Feel free to give it a try in the meantime.
>Wait… Fans CAN run beta servers?
This could be fun. I might have to make a Slackers TF2Beta server.
ok, i know its not for moula, but can i use it in CC? and if yes, can i have a link to it?
I’m surprised this thread is still standing.
>Project status
11/30/10 Built audio source.
11/30/10 Parsed audio.
11/30/10 Built .vcd files.
11/30/10 2 .dem files recorded and compiled as .avi
Next scene: Create walking to door vcd
11/30/10 Built walking scene using AI instead
11/30/10 Added new .avi of walking scene from 1 .dem file
11/30/10 Built new audio sequence
11/30/10 Built 2 new .vcd sequences
11/30/10 Edited 1 .vcd file (Altered .wav file)
11/30/10 Created 2 direct FRAPS recordings
11/30/10 Created 2 new .vcd sequences
11/30/10 Record 1 new .dem file
11/30/10 Edit 1 .vcd file (Altered look data)
Next task: Combine footage
12/1/10 Combined everything up to running from door laughing.
>Sure enough.
Got a call today to come in and work tomorrow. Actually looking forward to it, even though I have to be there at 11am. Oh well at least I didn’t have to be there on old people tueday.
Today FedEx brought my L4D 1 and 2 shirts! Now I can style myself like a leet pro while working on my next video. I’m currently taking a break from it. I’ll try to post a log of what I’ve accomplished on it tonight before going to bed. Hopefully the zombies won’t distract me. I should get quite a bit accomplished though considering the weather sucks ass outside.
>Early Morning Open Thread
Ok ok so tonight I finally was in the mood for some turkey. But there was a catch… I had it with rice noodles, peanut sauce and spicy peppers. Even my noodly appendage has to have rice!!!
Work was busy, but not busy enough for me to get extra hours. Maybe if I’m lucky I’ll get a phone call on one of my days off.
Tonight I decided to start working on my next short machinima. I won’t give details as to what it’s going to be. But so far I have the lip sync down, map location and 2 recordings so far. It’s not going to be anything spectacular, I just wanted to do something short and funny. You have to work on these things while you have the creative juices flowing through you.