The Mind Of OverlordTomala

>Fun with strangers.

The following is a chatlog from a steam chatroom. I get this question all the time. This is how I deal with it.

6:20 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: whatver hey i got a question you are a guy right or girl
6:20 PM – [Șlȁȼĸəʀ]«тмя»Tomala: Yes
6:20 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: yes what
6:21 PM – [Șlȁȼĸəʀ]«тмя»Tomala: Yes. I am
6:21 PM – [Șlȁȼĸəʀ]«тмя»Tomala: 😛
6:21 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: you are what
6:21 PM – [Șlȁȼĸəʀ]«тмя»Tomala: I’m a Tomala
6:21 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: tomala wtf
6:21 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: i asked if you are a girl or guy
6:21 PM – [Șlȁȼĸəʀ]«тмя»Tomala: And I am
6:21 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: you are a girl
6:21 PM – [Șlȁȼĸəʀ]«тмя»Tomala: Or am I…
6:22 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: omfg
6:22 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: its a simpls question
6:22 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: just say guy or girl
6:22 PM – [Șlȁȼĸəʀ]«тмя»Tomala: Ye, yes it is
6:22 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: THEN you are a guy
6:23 PM – [Șlȁȼĸəʀ]«тмя»Tomala: Dude, this is the internet 😛 If I told you I was a girl you’d think I was a guy
6:23 PM – [Șlȁȼĸəʀ]«тмя»Tomala: And if I told you I was a guy, you’d think I was a guy
6:23 PM – [Șlȁȼĸəʀ]«тмя»Tomala: Because girls don’t play PC game. It’s the rules of the internet
6:24 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: ericroft is a girl you idoit and she plays  L4D2
6:24 PM – M_I_N_D_F_R_E_A_K I AM OUT: …
6:25 PM – [Șlȁȼĸəʀ]«тмя»Tomala: Suuuuure
6:25 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: everybody can play what they wish they want to play idoit
6:25 PM – [Șlȁȼĸəʀ]«тмя»Tomala: And I suppose this group I’m in is a bunch of “girls”
6:26 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: if they say there girls they are or there just gay people
6:27 PM – [Șlȁȼĸəʀ]«тмя»Tomala: Peronally I don’t care what they are. I just like playing for fun
6:28 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: kk whatever
6:29 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: but really are you a girl or guy cuase of the profile pic you have
6:29 PM – [Șlȁȼĸəʀ]«тмя»Tomala: I like men… There I said it.
6:31 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: O_o hmm
6:31 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: i still dont get you
6:31 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: just say girl or guy god dammit
6:31 PM – [Șlȁȼĸəʀ]«тмя»Tomala: But that’s not nearly as fun 🙁
6:33 PM – [Șlȁȼĸəʀ]«тмя»Tomala: ok, I’ll gie you a hint. I’m dressing up as Nick for halloween.
6:33 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: guy???
6:34 PM – [Șlȁȼĸəʀ]«тмя»Tomala: Either that or a girl who likes to yell asshat at any given chance…
6:34 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: omg gimma me a better hint
6:34 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: do you like shevas ass or like chrises abs
6:35 PM – [Șlȁȼĸəʀ]«тмя»Tomala: Ok… I know how to create animations in 3DStudioMax, AND use SourceSDK for machinima purposes
6:35 PM – [Șlȁȼĸəʀ]«тмя»Tomala: I also know how to run a linux dedicated server
6:35 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: fuck i said do you like shevas ass or chrises abs
6:35 PM – [Șlȁȼĸəʀ]«тмя»Tomala: I’d answer if I knew who those people were
6:38 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: do you like ellis abs or zoeys ass
6:38 PM – [Șlȁȼĸəʀ]«тмя»Tomala: Zoey doesn’t have an ass. Ellis doesn’t really have any abs showing…
6:40 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: omfg
6:40 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: just answer the question
6:42 PM – [Șlȁȼĸəʀ]«тмя»Tomala: I did 😀
6:43 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: ohh you re a girl then okay
6:43 PM – [Șlȁȼĸəʀ]«тмя»Tomala: Sure, if that makes you happy. Go ahead
6:44 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: omg
6:44 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: just answer it
6:44 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: oky here an easy one
6:44 PM – [Șlȁȼĸəʀ]«тмя»Tomala: 50/50 chance
6:44 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: do you like john cenas abs o
6:45 PM – [Șlȁȼĸəʀ]«тмя»Tomala: Ok, another clue. My friends call me Tom.
«тмя» BAD entered chat.
6:46 PM – [Șlȁȼĸəʀ]«тмя»Tomala: Hey BAD
6:47 PM – «тмя» BAD: Hey Tom!
6:47 PM – [Șlȁȼĸəʀ]«тмя»Tomala: hey Lemon, BAD knows what I am
6:51 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: SHUT UP AND ANSWER ME
6:51 PM – [Șlȁȼĸəʀ]«тмя»Tomala: I would if it wasn’t already that easy to find out…
6:51 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: okay you are a guy damn
6:51 PM – [Șlȁȼĸəʀ]«тмя»Tomala: If you say so.
6:51 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: but why do you have a girls anime pic in you’re profile
6:51 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: FUCK
6:52 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: i am going to stlk you and find out okay
6:52 PM – [Șlȁȼĸəʀ]«тмя»Tomala: I know guys that do that because they happen to think the chick is awesome, hot or awesomely hot
6:52 PM – [Șlȁȼĸəʀ]«тмя»Tomala: I use guys on occasion too. You could say I go both ways…
6:53 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: -.- you are a guy or girl just answer i am to curios please tell me
6:54 PM – [Șlȁȼĸəʀ]«тмя»Tomala: I don’t exactly hide who I am. Maybe if you looked around a little.
6:58 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: thamn tell me pwease
7:02 PM – [Șlȁȼĸəʀ]«тмя»Tomala: Teh intertubz
7:03 PM – «тмя» BAD: And back!
7:03 PM – [Șlȁȼĸəʀ]«тмя»Tomala: welcome back bod
7:03 PM – «тмя» BAD: Lost my internets for a bit. :
7:03 PM – [Șlȁȼĸəʀ]«тмя»Tomala: bod and I like to go on drunken L4D games
7:04 PM – «тмя» BAD: Indeed.  Tonight will be great!
7:04 PM – [Șlȁȼĸəʀ]«тмя»Tomala: I have supplies for rum n coke, and screwdrivers
7:04 PM – «тмя» BAD: Excellent!
★Sephiros★ entered chat.
7:04 PM – «тмя» BAD: I’m on my third glass of wine and I havebeer for later.
7:04 PM – [Șlȁȼĸəʀ]«тмя»Tomala: And dinner is almost ready. So soon we
7:04 PM – «тмя» BAD: Yes!
7:04 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: lolz tell me
7:04 PM – [Șlȁȼĸəʀ]«тмя»Tomala: And Lemon still has no idea.
7:05 PM – «тмя» BAD: Tell you waht Lamon?
7:06 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: no i am telling to tell me to slacker
^Sykes^[Fr-49] entered chat.
7:07 PM – [Șlȁȼĸəʀ]«тмя»Tomala: C’mon… It ain’t that hard lemon XD
7:07 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: guy?
7:07 PM – «тмя» BAD: Tell you what tho?
7:07 PM – «тмя» BAD: Oh that still?
7:07 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: guy?
7:07 PM – «тмя» BAD: Is she a guy?
7:08 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: idk
7:08 PM – «тмя» BAD: Or is he a girl?
7:08 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: idk
7:08 PM – «тмя» BAD: I know.
7:08 PM – [Șlȁȼĸəʀ]«тмя»Tomala: BAD still couldn’t figure it out when we met in person
7:08 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: we did?
7:08 PM – «тмя» BAD: Yeah Tom had to tell me.
7:08 PM – [Șlȁȼĸəʀ]«тмя»Tomala: Here, I’ll post a picture of myself
7:08 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: kk
7:08 PM – «тмя» BAD: XD
7:09 PM – [Șlȁȼĸəʀ]«тмя»Tomala:
7:09 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: you got to be shittng me
7:10 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: how the fuck can we know that
7:10 PM – [Șlȁȼĸəʀ]«тмя»Tomala: That is deffo my nose
7:11 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: i think its a guy what do you
7:12 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: fuck just tell me
7:12 PM – «тмя» BAD: OK she’s a guy.
7:12 PM – «тмя» BAD: There I said it!
7:13 PM – [Șlȁȼĸəʀ]«тмя»Tomala: Do you have some kind of bet going? Because if you’re on the winning side I want in on it
7:13 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: kk
7:14 PM – xXLemon_TartXx: guy you are gay for having a girls pic in you’re profile
7:14 PM – [Șlȁȼĸəʀ]«тмя»Tomala: Which is why I told you I have a thing for dudes.
7:15 PM – «тмя» BAD: Yeah she is totally gay.  I mean he….um….wait…..

Some people like to shout their gender out for everyone to know, others try to make people think they’re something they’re not. Me? I won’t hide, but I’ll have fun in the meantime. This guy could have easily gone to my steam profile and found my YouTube and blog. That info alone could have told him.

>Open Thread

I’ve been hacking up a storm the last few days (relax it isn’t Uru hax). I can’t tell if it’s a cold or allergies. On the bright side I’m starting to feel better, though the weather hasn’t been much of a help as it’s gotten back to beng cold after 2 days of sunshine. At least I’m keeping warmer now since I’ve been holding down my indoor jobs.

I was going to work on narration for my next video. But my allergies pissed on the chance to do that…

>Eat, sleep, and breathing 3D animation.

You know you’re addicted to 3D animating when you dream about animating in your sleep. Yesterday I made another animation and combined it with an env_shake command in Source using Gmod. It produced a successful result. I’m amazed that I finally figured it out. Now I don’t have to just use Valve default animations. Which can get old after awhile.

>You have said the forbidden word, and in your foolishness you have unleased the kraken.

There was an old thread revival today by Ken Telinome, who said the evil forbidden cancerous words that are “AdminKI” and “UU”.


Player events are all we have now. Back in UU, with the Admins having AdminKIs, “immersion” was being broken all the time, because UU had to be interesting for all of us. We did all sorts of fun, amazing things by ourselves without any help from Cyan. Believe it or not, yes, MO:UL can survive without the guiding hand of Cyan. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed things much more when there was an active Cyan presence. But to say that there is nothing to enjoy in MO:UL unless it comes directly from Cyan is folly, and you will be disappointed at every step of the way if you cannot make the game your own.

 How DARE you bring up the AdminKI. It made everyone miserable and lead to lots of fighting. It was an evil horrid tool that in the right hands would make you appear to be a showoff to various morans.

We’re fine if we keep MOULa as is without bots or fan content

>Open Thread

Today was yet another beautiful day. So this afternoon after I got off work I went for a walk around town. Picked up yet another Oriental teacup for my collection, some Egyptian tea and some key lime soda.

I’ve been futzing around in gmod and other places, just goofing off and thinking of ideas for my next video.I have some ideas, I might even do a L4D campaign review and see how that goes.

>How I spent my Sunday.

Toga Toga TOGA!

Everyone dressed in togas, drank red beer or sangria, had cake, ice cream, and kick ass music. Obviously I must have put a bunch of stuff away because it was real hard for me to get out of bed for work this morning. In fact I was almost late.

I’ll mostly be enjoying the sun today. I have to go out for a hair appointment anyway.